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About Callumpie

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  • Member ID: 6623

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  • Joined: 06/11/23

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  1. I've been watching the Newcastle document recently and one episode included the fan group WAR flags. Essentially a fan funded group dedicated to improving the atmosphere in the ground with things like flags, banners and big displays. Its a massive thing across mainland Europe especially Italy and Spain and we are now seeing it creep into English football. Although painful to admit, our red neighbours do a fantastic job with the Forza Garibaldi group. Newcastle have WAR flags, Aberdeen the union bears, Juventus have Bianconeri and our neighbours Forza Garibaldi. With the drive to create a better atmosphere at Meadow Lane do you think something like this would appeal to our supporters? Is it something the OSA should do or a stand alone group maybe affiliated with the OSA £1.25 a month over say 2000 members, you can get a hell of a lot of flags and banners with £30,000 (Yes I've had a look)
  2. As I understand it, the council own the land and Haydn Green Trust have a 150 year lease who then sublet to the club. the club owning the infrastructure (stands etc) It was set up this way to ensure the club has a home "forever". The rent is like £20k a year (depending on which league we are in) so nothing that will significantly improve the clubs revenue if they did own it. Personally I would prefer it to stay this way, we have fantastic owners now but removing the land as an asset deters greedy/selfish owners selling the land to make a £. Securing a permanent training ground is far more important.
  3. I wouldn’t worry about Luke going tbh. he’s obviously building something here that he knows will, in the long term be if it his career. You only have to look at how it went for Ian Burchnal to look how it can back fire. plus he’s on a long contract so any compensation will be SIGNIFICANT and possibly price him out of many jobs. anybody going into the Oxford job needs to get automatic promotion given where they currently sit. Big risks involved.
  4. Personally didn’t attend as it was the 5th home game that month. A lot of money spent and nice to have an evening in with the wife (so she said)

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