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About Chris

  • Birthday 18/05/1987

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    In addition to supporting Notts County, I have many other hobbies and interests. I find immense pleasure in expressing myself through writing articles, poetry, and song lyrics. My creativity also extends to drawing and digital art, and I have a knack for graphic design and video editing. Additionally, I have a passion for coding and technology. In my free time, I love spending quality time with my children, and last but not least, catching up on some much-needed sleep.

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  1. @Fan of Big Tone That's a nice way to remember, Steve. Everyone has their own ways, which is nice to see. Jake, Ellie, and Ava, from babies, were encouraged to embrace Chloe as a sister. We carefully explained this to them, which I think has helped them connect and keep a similar mindset to Cheeky and me. I think the worst thing anyone can do is avoid explaining or allowing young minds to understand or experience death. It gives a sense of peace, something I wished I had experienced as a child. I was aware of my aunt, who died as a baby; my mum and grandparents did speak about her. I actually felt closer to her, due to this, and I feel very protective of the grave (even before my grandparents joined her). I used to go on Sundays and help maintain the grave, and personally I find it difficult if I do go frequently. Even if I must tolerate the level of ignorance on public transport.
  2. Tough question, but I think he might just still have the mindset that his move was the best decision for his family.
  3. It's awful, Robbie. I don't wish to sound like someone just complaining. But, people shouting due to being on their phones or even broadcasting the whole two-way conversation. Just stop it! There's no need for loud music, people using social media where the audio is loud. Put a pair of headphones on, and it becomes a lot more manageable. The worst thing is how much bad smell there is; if I smell weed, for example, it makes me annoyed. If I owned a bus company, I think it wouldn't last long, but those who did use it would love how much better their journeys were. Issue would be, many wanting to use the service would be refused.
  4. The FA, under its membership, should formulate this rule and then seek legal governance of it. This would be a huge step forward, but currently fans protesting or wanting an owner out usually fall on deaf ears. Some local councils do try to get involved; this happened with Derby and I think it helped in their case. They almost lost access to Pride Park without a similar issue to what is happening with Bradford City leasing their own ground for an exorbitant amount per season. I am all for it; I think football would be better off if independent football regulators were introduced. In addition, owners who purchase assets for the club should be required to put 51% of the ownership into something outright owned by the club or its fans. Ideally, not a trust or supporters group. These are areas where problems could easily form, and we only have to look at when Munto purchased the club. I think it should be separate, independent, and formed from all groups involved in supporting the team.
  5. Clem Morfuni is one of the worst owners in football; he has zero clue about how to run a club and has just used the club as a vanity project. He talked of building them, using links to other clubs and bringing in better players, but it has left Swindon Town soulless. I wished, @medievalmickey could comment on this. He wouldn't allow the club to sign players for longer than a single season at one point, and the players under contract quickly hated the environment around the club. There was a video on YouTube where a channel interviewed the Swindon Town Trust and managed to get players to do interviews. One of whom didn't play at all, despite having half a season left on his deal, just because he called out Morfuni. It might seem that they are managing their debts better, but I think it is more due to the neglect and cutbacks that Morfuni had previously put in place. The total amount, I think, is increasing. Swindon fans still want him out, but for them to find someone willing to take on over £8 million of historical debts seems a challenge. I also can't see an owner like Morfuni walking away without wanting some form of profit. He doesn't care what personal thoughts are towards him; he's just hell-bent on owning a football club and only cares about himself. Swindon Town Supporters Trust reiterates call for new owners WWW.BBC.CO.UK Swindon Town Supporters Trust reiterates its call for owner Clem Morfuni to sell the struggling League Two club.
  6. Nice lad, but I don't think he pushes himself enough and I think he's content to be just a professional. I think we have had far better players, and we seem to favour his height over his actual defensive abilities. The only game I think he stood out as having potential was against Colchester in our home game, but I do wonder now if it was because he knew the club were planning to loan him out? I wish him well; personally I think Notts can do better, but I would always hope that a player under contract could prove themselves. After all, he's not Richard Duffy.
  7. This is an example where football rivalry doesn't matter, and life becomes the important thing. It's such sad news, as he has done a lot of good for the club and will have only just started to see his efforts pay off within the EFL. I still feel they outplayed us at Wembley, and that our promotion based on penalties was cruel, but at the same time, so would have been us missing out based on the points difference. That said, there's nothing crueller than cancer, and I wish Phil Kirk all the best in seeing out the quality of life that he can. I really hope he manages to avoid pain, and declines to the point where he just suffers more.
  8. Chris

    Zac Johnson

    Zak Johnson still needs time, and although he's had some minutes, we haven't quite seen him settle into his position. I thought he looked decent once he got up to speed in the recent home game against Colchester. He did struggle at times, mind, but with his age and the fact that we have centre-backs in demand, to play will be difficult. Johnson does look promising though, as he improved largely in the second half (same game where he struggled and started slowly against Colchester). Unfortunately, I haven't seen him play for Notts away from home, and I think this is where he's seen more time. Hopefully, someone like @ARLukomski can shed some insight into Johnson as he goes to all home and away games.
  9. It's amazing how popular the background image became years after this; it was actually JJ who first used it. He asked me to add our logo, some text, and that became something we often shared and tried to encourage people to further widen it. Also, a glimpse into the past when our logo included the Notts badge.
  10. Yesterday, we went to Wilford Cemetery to see Chloe (my and Cheeky's stillborn daughter), who would have turned 20. Kate baked some cupcakes, and we took some candles up. One of the cakes we left for Granny Pie. I had to meet up with Jake in the city centre, and that meant catching a bus by myself. My anxiety went through the roof, and, as typical as you can expect, the bus was filled with annoying people. I mean, it could have been worse, but certainly I don't like hearing people being rude or obnoxious. Once my stop came, I leapt to get off the bus. Has anyone else noticed the increase of idiots who try to walk on as people are getting off? People need more patience. The number 10 bus, which was pretty crammed, was a lot more pleasant. It was much nicer the rest of the day; we stayed up long enough to watch the sun go down and for certain lights on the graves to come on. We talked, laughed, and sang happy birthday to Chloe. We went to call on Granny, my grandparents and my aunt. Then we went back to Chloe before we walked to the outside car park and ordered an Uber home.
  11. I have read a fair bit of criticism from Tuesday night's game, with regards to Kellan Gordon. All I can say is that he does become inconsistent, but he has waited a while to start regularly, and the last time he was in good form, Stuart Maynard dropped him, and then he fell back onto the bench. We need to be making sure that whoever plays, the wing-backs have support and understand 100% how they can do their job. We do need to be mindful of fatigue, but at the same time players need to step up and show more determination towards getting the results we need to maintain our battle for promotion. At one point it was ours to give away, as we put pressure on Walsall and whilst it seemed unlikely we would gain the six points required to be on a level with them. We have gone in the opposite direction. Maynard seems to struggle with periods like this, so it's vital he gets to grips with them. People have already returned to wanting him out; that is their right, but we do need to make sure that the calls don't further our growing poor form. Losing to Barrow feels like a bit of a step back, which is disappointing despite how good a league team they have become. I am aware of the stats from the game, as we need to make sure we kill off games with such a high possession percentage. There are a lot of minutes to be played in March. Maynard needs to manage them, and we have to make sure our chances count for something. In terms of officials, if we play at our best and take those chances which present themselves. Then, their decisions shouldn't affect us as much. The players need to cut out some of the frustration which builds during games, and just get on with it. I might have missed two recent games, but I am seeing a growing amount of it amongst players like Kellan Gordon and George Abbott. If we don't finish in the playoffs, it won't be the end of the world, but Notts would have given it a go. It's natural to miss out on automatics when other teams are starting to find good form, but Notts can't let the start of the season, or the Christmas/New Year form, count for nothing.
  12. I didn't get to go to the game, and I haven't yet watched the full game or highlights. Yet I am sure the right player has been voted for, and it is good to see Jacob Bedeau continuing his form. Thanks for voting, everyone.
  13. MK Managerless is a laughingstock of a team. Why does their owner believe throwing money at managers and players is the way to build a team? They should have stuck with Scott Lindsey a bit longer, but I did say appointing him based on the success of Crawley Town seemed weird. I wonder if they plan to make an approach to Carlisle United and hire Mark Hughes? Whoever comes in must be given the full season. All this axing managers and signing players is causing them deep-rooted problems.
  14. I have met the chair of the Trust. I think he mentioned there were a few on it in one past meeting, but nobody ever took his second seat. This is true, I was asked to do the interview, and my sister-in-law and brother took me down to Meadow Lane. Only to be told by Iris that the Trust wanted to conduct the interview, and that it was considered more important. Perhaps, if the Trust was actually known to fans, it might be right. Unfortunately, I don't remember his name, but I have seen him in Nottingham and a few times at home games. The interview was in relation to the news of Alan Hardy suddenly putting the club up for sale, and the concerns about the debt that was being reported at the time.
  15. Isn't there already a 10-second rule? The newer dark arts, such as keepers going to ground without reason and physios masking their hands when talking to the player, are something that needs to be addressed. For the safety of goalkeepers, I believe that if they go down more than once and hold up play multiple times, then they should be forced to be substituted. If we are taking player safety seriously, and want to cut out time-wasting, then this is an area that must be sorted. It would virtually prevent it, along with masking your comments should they be deemed unsportsmanlike. "Stay down, lad, we can keep the momentum off if you just take your time." What's the purpose of the action, otherwise, if it wasn't to give this sort of nonsense across?

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