I know, the gaffer [@Chris] has spoken to the team about making videos of two features I am going to follow up with in this guide. However, I believe they are valuable for making the Pride of Nottingham your go-to site to discuss Notts County.
Some might think there are too many forums, but we prefer things to be organised. Allowing members to post content in the right place creates a better user experience. You can participate in any forum this way and avoid the topics you don't want to see. Let me show you a feature that seems to be overlooked.
If you visit the community forums page, a short scroll down will allow you to choose how you want the index page to look.
Members who want all the topics in one easy-to-view layout can simply toggle the default view.
Here's a quick demonstration on how to do it. This opens a forums option in the sidebar, where you can toggle off forums if you wish to remove those topics from showing. This is just outside of view to the right [It is there though].
Go check it out!
Additionally, Chris has created a hub for visitors called the 'Dashboard'. This gives a quick overview of all the content, from articles, forum topics, blogs, statuses, moods, etc.
Scroll down, and you will see a widget titled "Latest Discussions".
To the right, you will see a cog where you can further customise this block by limiting which forums you wish to see posts from.
Here's how to do it.
Now you will see two easy-to-use ways that can personalise your browsing experience on the Pride of Nottingham. As a devoted fan site for Notts County, we value your involvement and encourage all fans to get on board. As you will see, a lot of effort goes into the site from the admin team, moderators, writers, and members.
In the next post, I will guide members through their settings and profile setup to ensure the best possible experience.