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At the moment in the Premier League 

A Premier League squad can have up to 25 players, but at least eight of them must be "homegrown" players.

That means 17 out of the total of 25 can be foreign players. This can mean that home grown players may never get in the starting eleven..

Having such a low number of home grown players can have a knock on effect for the four home Nations squads regarding ability & availability.

I think that home grown players should be at least a minimum of 13 out of the 25.

What do my fellow PON members think the right number of home grown players should be in a squad of 25?

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An Interesting Question @Robbie. Strange as it may seem I came across a Comment in a Similar Vein. The Commentator stated that the EFL ( English Football League) Should be Rebranded as the FFL (Foreign Football League) because they believe there are to Many Foreign Players and Coaches within the English Game, which is True. Yes I am In Total Agreement with you @Robbie there should be a Minimum of English Players at every Club in the Premier League, you suggest 13, I'd say at Least 15 and there should in my Opinion a certain number of English Players in each Teams Starting XI. 

The Influx of Foreign Players and Coaches hasn't enhanced the English Game, it's only Served To Strangle Up Coming English Talent. Something we've discussed in other Topics. Clubs seem to be more than Happy to Pay anywhere from £10 million upwards for a Mediocre Foreign Player, rather than bring on English Talent at a Fraction of the cost. Another reason for this is also a Vast Majority of PL Clubs are also owned by Foreign Business Men, who Prefer to buy their Players from abroad rather than give an English Kid a Run in their First Team. The F.A must also take Their Fair Share Of The Blame, for allowing this to Even Happen In The First Place, But as No One at the FA has the Backbone to Say Enough Is Enough, and Adopt such Ideas that We and other Fans have suggested, then English Talent (Both Player And Coaching Wise) is Bound To Suffer.

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Can't disagree with what you've said @Wheelbarrow repair man

A minimum of eight home players in a squad of 25 doesn't mean they'll be any home players in a PL eleven.

It would be better to have a minimum home player number on the field at any one time.

If it were me making the rules that number would be at least six, to ensure home players have the majority at all times.

I would also ensure that there is at least one home grown coach on any first team coaching staff in the PL. It may be an assistant first team coach or Head Coach so long as there is at least one.

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I’d up it a bit, maybe to 10, I don’t think the English national team is in a bad place at the moment and our recent good showings in international tournaments show this.

It could potentially have a negative impact, if the number is too high you risk players just being named for the sake of filling the squad. Lots of very good young players get a season out on loan in the Championship and play proper competitive matches every week at a good standard. Surely this is better for their development then just sitting on the bench each week for Premier League teams. And, it also benefits the teams further down the football pyramid too. Like George Abbott, right now it’s a win-win for scenario everyone for Spurs, Notts and George.

I don’t think England will ever have a shortage of good players, it’s almost too popular in this country, so many kids play for their local grass-roots team and progress into academies and professional football. Personally, I think the good-home grown players will eventually get to where they should be, even if players don’t get the chance early on in their careers and have to take a slightly different route their talent will always shine through at the end of the day.

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is it the italian leagues where they have stricter rules about overseas players? i think the number should be a bit higher, maybe 10 like @menzinho mentioned. but i would like to see it broken down into age groups, so x players 16-20, then more 18-24.

there is no concern about the quality of players coming through, but some youngsters are discarded after reaching a certain age and this is more common if their form is inconsistent. you can have the same happening to a big name, but the reputation tends to save them. i think having a focus on retaining players that are in age groups would give better young professionals a chance to establish themselves.

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