News Update:
Dive into the Pride of Nottingham discussions and content. Let's keep our community thriving together!⚫
Check out our popular dashboard page for an insight into the community's activity, read blogs, forum posts, and articles. You can start your own topics! Just think of a subject and dive in! We would love to hear your thoughts.
Pride of Nottingham member, Menzinho, has started a discussion about Notts vs. League Two's top teams. Come join in with the discussion, leave your thoughts, and see what other Notts fans think.
💪🏻 Take a moment to cast your vote on Pride of Nottingham's Man of the Match from yesterday's 3-0 away win against Accrington Stanley.
By PON_News
The Pride of Nottingham is delighted to invite new researchers to join our team. This role is vital in providing our fan community with in-depth, accurate, and insightful information about Notts County. The ideal candidate will have a talent for conducting thorough research, a comprehensive understanding of football, and a deep-rooted passion for Notts County.
As a Researcher, you will have the flexibility to conduct and present research on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This research could span a wide range of topics, including but not limited to match statistics, player performance, historical data, and tactical analyses. Your work will play an instrumental role in creating a knowledgeable and informed fan community.
If you're ready to take on this challenge and contribute to the Pride of Nottingham, we'd love to hear from you.
The responsibilities of this role are detailed below. To read about the position, key duties, and expected behaviour, please click on the spoiler box. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role.
Position: Researcher
Number of places: 3
Applicants: 0
Social Media Curator
By PON_News
The Pride of Nottingham is thrilled to welcome new Social Media Curators to our team. This role is crucial in maintaining our online presence and engaging with our fan community through timely, relevant, and engaging content about Notts County. The ideal candidate will have a knack for creating compelling social media posts, a comprehensive understanding of football, and a genuine passion for Notts County.
As a Social Media Curator, you will have the flexibility to curate and post content on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This content could cover a broad range of topics, including but not limited to match updates, player highlights, historical flashbacks, and opinion polls. Your work will play a key role in building a dynamic and interactive fan community.
If you're ready to take on this challenge and contribute to the Pride of Nottingham, we'd love to hear from you.
The responsibilities of this role are detailed below. To read about the position, key duties, and expected behaviour, please click on the spoiler box. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role.
Position: Social Media Curator
Number of places: Unlimited
Applicants: 0
Graphic Designer
By PON_News
The Pride of Nottingham is eager to invite new Graphic Designers to join our team. This role is essential in providing our fan community with visually appealing and engaging content about Notts County. The ideal candidate will have a flair for creating captivating designs, a comprehensive understanding of football, and a heartfelt passion for Notts County.
As a Graphic Designer, you will have the flexibility to create and share designs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These designs could encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to match posters, player illustrations, historical infographics, and opinion pieces. Your work will play a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and visually stimulating fan community.
If you're ready to take on this challenge and contribute to the Pride of Nottingham, we'd love to hear from you.
The responsibilities of this role are detailed below. To read about the position, key duties, and expected behaviour, please click on the spoiler box. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role.
Position: Graphic Designer
Number of places: 2
Applicants: 1
By PON_News
The Pride of Nottingham is excited to invite new writers to join our team. This role is essential in providing our fan community with fresh, engaging, and insightful content about Notts County. The ideal candidate will have a flair for crafting captivating stories, a comprehensive understanding of football, and a heartfelt passion for Notts County.
As a writer, you will have the flexibility to contribute features on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. These features could encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to match analyses, player profiles, historical retrospectives, and opinion pieces. Your work will play a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and informed fan community.
If you're ready to take on this challenge and contribute to the Pride of Nottingham, we'd love to hear from you.
The responsibilities of this role are detailed below. To read about the position, key duties, and expected behaviour, please click on the spoiler box. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role.
Position: Writer
Number of places: Unlimited
Applicants: 0
Global Moderator
By PON_News
The Pride of Nottingham is seeking to expand its moderation team with the addition of a Global Moderator. This role is pivotal in maintaining the integrity of our fan community by ensuring discussions remain respectful and aligned with our site's values. The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detail, a fair and impartial approach to community management, and a genuine passion for Notts County. As a Global Moderator, you will be entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing multiple sections of the site, mediating disputes, and upholding the standards that make our community great.
We are looking for someone with a willingness to engage actively with our members and become a key member of the Pride of Nottingham community. Please note that this is a voluntary role, offering no financial compensation but providing an opportunity to be at the heart of Notts County's online fanbase.
If you're ready to take on this challenge and contribute to the Pride of Nottingham, we'd love to hear from you.
The responsibilities of this role are detailed below. To read about the position, key duties, and expected behaviour, please click on the spoiler box. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role.
Position: Moderator
Number of places: 2
Applicants: 0
Meet the Team
Global Moderators
Global Moderators
Global Moderators