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NiftyNick last won the day on July 7 2024

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  • Joined: 28/07/18

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  1. That grill made him more money than boxing ever did! Amazing how he reinvented himself after the ring. Rest in Peace...
  2. Happy Birthday @super_ram.
  3. Absolutely love how Platt has settled in. The defence looks miles better, and his leadership is clear to see. Great signing!
  4. Morecambe win was comfortable, but we need to be sharper in front of goal. We won’t get as many chances at Vale Park.
  5. Yeovil? That could be a good chance for him to establish himself as a number one and move on. I wish Aiden Stone the best with the move.
  6. It doesn't look like a football stand. It doesn't even look appealing, and I don't think it's the right design for a club, even if they are Welsh.
  7. I wish him well. It doesn't sound good.
  8. Mike Williamson shot himself in the foot, not once but twice. His managerial career, at least in the EFL, will be on hold now. If he gets hired by anyone in the league, it will be a major shock.
  9. Nick Tsaroulla’s first goal and what a time to get it! He’s been brilliant all season, well deserved!
  10. Really like the balance in the squad now. Traoré looks like he’ll add something different up top!
  11. If you were to select five players before naming the full Notts XI, which players (including those injured) would make your first five names? Mine would be: Matt Palmer Jodi Jones Alex Bass Matty Platt Jacob Bedeau Yours?
  12. Right now, David McGoldrick is the right fit for the vice-captain role. He's a leader even without the armband, and his performance can be inspiring to see. I hope, with time, that Jodi Jones might become the leader, as he shares a similar drive and always wants to win, even if we are behind.
  13. Nobody here will bite your head off for sharing what you know or have heard. I find rumours to be interesting, and if the person is credible, it just adds to the excitement.
  14. It's great to have you with us here on the Pride of Nottingham, welcome to the community! Hope you continue to join in @TFP.
  15. Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham, @John Wardle. Great to have you with us.

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