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Burnz3r0 last won the day on July 13 2019

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About Burnz3r0

  • User Group: Administrators

  • Member ID: 35

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  • Joined: 11/08/09

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  1. Please reapply if you are still interested, @KingMaynard! You hadn’t put your age, and the agreement to our policies wasn’t ticked. We have to reject the application based on those grounds. It doesn’t matter how old you are, as long as you are old enough to volunteer without parental approval.
  2. I’m really enjoying the supportive atmosphere shown here by the community. It’s quite special to see members showing their support, and I’d like to wish you all the best as well. Concentrate on yourself until you’re ready, but know that there’s a place for you here when you’re feeling better.
  3. To prevent the posting of duplicate content, similar content will now appear within the post screen. As you type your title, this will bring up existing discussions, allowing you to see if the topic already exists. There’s the chance that two quick members might bypass this, however, that shouldn’t happen often. Items will only be found from the past year, to avoid discouraging the reuse of old ideas under appropriate circumstances.
  4. Current Members set to away: Chris Fan of Big Tone Updated: 08/03.2024 Note: Team members please help assist me to keep this log as up-to-date as possible. Absent members may not post within this discussion, but this has been started so that the community are aware of anyone who may be set to being away.
  5. @Chris is having a break from posting, but he’s still carrying out many of his responsibilities. He’s utilising a new feature that indicates when members are away. You can find this in your account settings. Please do leave a bit of a reason, you don’t have to share too much but it’s nice to know that members will be coming back, especially in such a close-knit group. If active members suddenly stop showing up or visiting, it can lead to worries about their health and so on. We advise members to use this feature so that others will have an idea of when to expect you back. Remember, you’ll be missed.
  6. Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham, a dedicated forum for all Notts County fans! We're thrilled to have you join our community. Whether you're a lifelong supporter or new to the world of football, there's a place for you here. We encourage you to visit regularly and become an active part of our discussions. If you're new, don't hesitate to introduce yourself in our 'New Members' section. We'd love to get to know you and your connection to Notts County. This forum thrives on the participation of its members. Feel free to create new topics for discussion or join in on existing conversations. Whether it's match predictions, player performances, or sharing your favourite memories, your contributions are what make this community special. Remember, there's no such thing as a silly question here. If you need help navigating the forum or have any queries, don't hesitate to ask. Our friendly community members and moderators are always ready to assist. Once again, welcome to the Pride of Nottingham. We look forward to sharing in the highs and lows of supporting Notts County with you. COYP!
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  7. Australian Open 2024: Emma Raducanu, Katie Boulter, Jack Draper & Cameron Norrie play https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/68002778 It’s great to see Emma Raducanu back in action at the Australian Open. After her surgeries, it’s encouraging to hear that she feels comfortable and trusts her body.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-67950749 This discovery by scientists at the University of Central Lancashire is truly mind-boggling. The Big Ring, a gigantic structure in space, is challenging our understanding of the universe. It’s fascinating that such a large structure, made up of galaxies and galaxy clusters, exists, contradicting the cosmological principle that all matter is spread evenly across the Universe.
  9. We are pleased you have joined us @Harry Buckley, welcome to the Pride of Nottingham.
  10. I'm just curious, not trying to boast. What phone do you have? Is it an Android, an iPhone, or something else? How long have you had it? Which network do you use? How often do you get a new one?
  11. Cash Cab and Beat Shazam are two of my favourites. I haven't been in the UK for some time, but I remember Mastermind.
  12. Yes, I'm quite good at Photoshop, but I don't use it often. There must be several other people out there who are good at it. Are you trying to accomplish something?
  13. Welcome to PON, @True Magpie. You will make a great addition to the site and team.
  14. The old games, when pitches didn't look fancy and resembled more of a farmer's field, are something today's players don't realise how fortunate they are to have avoided. Fortunately, these risky situations are now a thing of the past, with less chance of serious injuries caused by the conditions.
  15. Please remember never to provide sensitive information to any cold callers! This will eliminate 99% of scams, as without obtaining your details they cannot do anything. It's very easy to be fooled! Don't feel bad about this; it can happen to anyone when their guard is down. The rule of thumb is to avoid handing over passwords, bank details, or gift card codes. Scammers are able to replicate official-looking texts, emails, etc., but be doubtful. If you're unsure, ask to call back later and say you'll phone thep company directly. If they start getting jittery or make excuses, put the phone down. In the US, offers must be extended to allow you to think about them. I am not so sure about the UK, but I would assume it would be similar and therefore not allowed to pressure you into a sale.

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Pride of Nottingham

Pride of Nottingham is an independent fansite devoted to Notts County, the world’s oldest professional football club. Created in 2013, it has served as a source of Magpie news, features, match previews, reports, analysis and interviews for more than three years.

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