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How Grateful Us Lads Are’: Sam Austin’s Heartfelt Thanks to Notts County Fans


Sam Austin, the midfield stalwart for Notts County, shared his thoughts on the recent disappointment of the late postponement against Bradford, expressing empathy for both players and fans affected by the cancellation. He remarked, "It was a disappointment...we was raring to go...I just want to sort of say how grateful us lads are for the fans to make that journey."

Austin's versatility has been crucial this season, with him adapting to various positions on the field. Reflecting on this, he acknowledged, "I've been playing in probably more positions than I'm used to...I think my best interest is the team at the end of the day." Despite the challenges posed by playing different roles, Austin remains committed to contributing wherever needed.

On the topic of limited starting opportunities despite consistent readiness, Austin admitted, "Every player...would say they wanna play every single minute of every game...if that's the role that I've had to play this season for the team then I'm happy to do that." His unwavering dedication to the team's cause shines through despite occasional frustrations.

Playing alongside formidable attackers like Jodi Jones and Macauley Langstaff has been a source of inspiration for Austin. He enthused, "It's brilliant...the quality of the boys...it's down to you to get in the position and you know the ball's coming." Austin relishes the chance to thrive alongside such talented teammates.

Comparing the managerial approaches of Luke Williams and Stuart Maynard, Austin found similarities in their playing philosophies. He commented, "Ideas from both managers have been really good...the way that we want to play is sort of similar." Adapting to new ideas and implementing them effectively is crucial for the team's success.

Discussing defensive responsibilities as an attacking player, Austin stressed, "It starts from us...we have to make sure that our intensity is right as well." He emphasised the importance of maintaining defensive focus throughout the team to prevent opposition attacks effectively.

Looking ahead to upcoming fixtures, Austin highlighted the significance of each game in the playoff chase. He affirmed, "These last 12 games are sort of a mini-season...it's really important now to focus on results because that's what's gonna get us up the table." Every match is crucial in their quest for promotion.

In preparation for the Wimbledon clash, Austin acknowledged the importance of securing a victory, especially at home. He noted, "We're at the stage now of the season where results are massive...we're going to be doing everything we can to get three points." The team is determined to capitalise on their home advantage.

Reflecting on his role as a substitute, Austin stressed the importance of maintaining high standards in training to seize opportunities during matches. He emphasised, "It's important to train to a high standard because...if you're not getting the minutes on the pitch...you need to be ready to come on."

Austin reiterated the team's focus on securing positive results in every game, treating each match as a final in their quest for promotion. With determination, versatility, and unwavering support from fans, Notts County aims to overcome challenges and achieve success in the remainder of the season.

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Read PON member: The Skippers latest blog where he highlights the disappointment in booing the players whilst expressing an understanding but strikes a fair summary of what's happening to Notts.

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There were moments when we longed to see more of Sam Austin. He’s a skilled player and his occasional dips in form were understandable, given he was often plugging gaps in our team. Despite this, it’s tough not to think about starting him. He’s not afraid to take on opponents, he always pushes forward, and his main aim is to create opportunities. Since returning to the squad, he’s been truly impressive.

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I've always admired Sam Austin's determination on the field, but his sincere thanks to the fans show the character of the man off the pitch. The acknowledgement of the fans' efforts to support the team, especially after the disappointment of a postponement, demonstrates a mutual respect that is too rare in modern football.

In an era where players can seem distant from their supporters, Austin's words remind us of the deep connection that can exist between those who play the game and those who watch. It’s this bond that makes football more than just a game. Sam’s attitude and versatility are testament to his commitment not only to success on the field but also to the Notts County community. I’m looking forward to supporting him and the team in the crucial fixtures ahead.

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The strengths Sam Austin brings to Notts cannot be overstated, from his versatility on the pitch to his vocal appreciation for fan support. In times when both players and fans feel the strain of expectations and results, his words are a powerful reminder of the mutual support and resilience within our community. Let’s mirror Sam’s gratitude and push the team forward with positivity!

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The ability to excel in multiple roles is a testament to the skills and mindset of a player like Sam Austin. His grasp of the game and readiness to adjust for the good of the team are precisely what’s needed in this vital playoff chase. His professional attitude, coupled with his appreciation for the fans, truly sets him apart. In a sport where personal achievements often eclipse team efforts, Austin’s team-centric approach is a breath of fresh air.

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well done to sam austin for acknowledging the fans and trying to put across that the players are trying and appreciate the support, its a step back to the unity we had at the start of the season. just like his words though, tomorrow is all about getting the result we need and most fans will appreciate his comments but others will want it to be expressed on the field. austin is a very good player, he deserves my support.

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I listened to the interview and all the players including Sam still believe that they have an opportunity to reach the playoffs this season.

They all want to do their best for the Club and the supporters during the last 12 games of the season.

I for one, am going to give  Stuart and the players my upmost support to try to get them over that line, & I hope all Notts supporters will get behind them too.

And even if we don't get to the playoffs this season, it will still have been a success, solidifying our place in League 2 for a fresh challenge next season.

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There’s a noticeable difference when Sam Austin is part of the team. Ideally, we need to find a way to include him where he can be most effective. His urgency off the bench is commendable, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t start games. Stuart Maynard should consider this, as Austin’s energy is often unparalleled.

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Sam Austin stepping up to acknowledge the fans in such a heartfelt manner is precisely why this club feels like family. It isn't just about the 90 minutes on the pitch; it's about the ongoing support, the shared highs and lows, and the collective drive towards success. His adaptability across positions showcases his commitment to the team's cause, something that we, as fans, replicate in our support from the stands. Let's rally behind Austin and the squad for the challenges ahead!

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His adaptability on the pitch is second to none. Whether it's midfield or elsewhere, Austin gives his all. A true Notts County gem!

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Sam Austin had his ups and downs early in the season, and it seemed Luke Williams had trouble fitting him into the team. Even in his preferred position, he seemed a bit out of place and needed time to get used to League Two. I’m really glad to hear he’s constantly improving his game and prioritises the team. That’s a great trait because when he’s comfortable and playing well, Austin can really make a difference.

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Sam Austin embodies what it means to be a team player. Shifting positions for the greater good without complaints is commendable. Every team needs a player with such dedication!

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Feeling proud to be a Notts fan today. Sam’s words hit right at home. It’s not just about the game; it’s about community.

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Reading Austin’s thanks makes me even prouder to support Notts. It's a tough season, and knowing players like Sam not only recognize but appreciate our efforts, fuels my support even further. His pivotal role, adapting seamlessly across the field, provides a blueprint for the versatility and resilience we need in the run-in. It's players like him, acknowledging the fans' role, that enhance the bond between club and community. Here’s to closing the season strong, together.

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It’s genuinely good to hear a player speak so fondly of the fan base. Sam Austin's message to the supporters is a beautiful reflection of the symbiotic relationship between the team and its loyal followers. His adaptability and willingness to put the team's needs first are qualities that make him a key player. Here's hoping Austin and the boys can harness this unity and translate it into success on the pitch!

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