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Good morning, another lovely start to the day.

Yesterday I said I’d get out in the garden and tidy it up a bit, we’ll that was a BIG mistake, I’ve strained my back bending and it’s really quite painful so I’ll have to rest up and put deep heat on it until it eases. Sigh. This is why I don’t do gardening.

In other news I’ve got to sort out the home insurance, I’ve had a quote from my present insurers but I always shop around and usually manage to get a cheaper quote by using the comparison sites, so that’s todays job.

Have a great day everyone.

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routine day at work so far, everything is very straight forward and i should be on time for leaving to go home. i dont have any other plans, not at the moment but i have been enjoying the lighter weather.

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Well we have lost the Sunny weather today although it is mild. Hopefully it will be back tomorrow.

Been catching up on all the current affairs which have been going on at a brisk pace these last several days.

It looks like 2025 is going to be a very important year at home and abroad.

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It's a lovely bright blue sky morning with very faint high cloud.I met my new neighbours on Saturday and first impression is very positive.It's very nice to not have any unnecessary noise.Long may it continue.

While typing this I received a call from the daughter of  one of my old Rams school mates informing me that  her dad had passed away after a long struggle with dementia.My mate,who I sat next to for several years, ended up in a care home but we regularly exchanged phone calls until the dementia made this impossible.Very sad news.

I hope your  back pain has improved, @Fan of Big Tone and you can do a celebratory dance when Notts win tonight.LoL

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@super_ram I’m sorry to hear your pal has passed away, dementia is a cruel disease.

My back is no better unfortunately so no celebratory dance tonight, I might allow myself a gentle jig in my chair IF we win. :biggrin:

I’m taking pain killers and rubbing gel on my back but it doesn’t seem to be helping at the moment. Oh hum could be worse, I guess your mate would swap with me.

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Morning all, happy Wednesday, it’s looking like another fine day, we just need the temperatures to rise a bit more but I guess it is only early March. I noticed on the news that the Canary Islands have had flash floods and even some reported snow! That doesn’t sound good for our holiday in two weeks time.

I watched the Notts match on the telly last night, we need to find form and quickly if we are going to get automatic promotion.

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Another lovely mild day here. Almost wall to wall sunshine once again.

Had a food delivery this morning. Prices keep going up & the food order seems to get smaller and smaller for the same price.

I can remember feeding a family of five for £9 a week in the middle seventies. Those were the days. 

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Overcast this morning here. Hopefully, we'll get some Sun later on.

Looks like the grass in our garden will have to have it's first cut very soon.

Also, thinking about the people of Ukraine at this time.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

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Lovely sunshine here @Robbie we are going to have a walk in the woods to maintain our late sons geocaches, before he died he set quite a lot up around the surrounding area and people still get a lot of pleasure finding them but they do occasionally need replacing or the log book gets full or wet so we like to keep them going in his memory as long as we can. It’s quite a long walk to reach them all so we’ll be ready for a rest when we get back.

Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing.

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Yesterday, we went to Wilford Cemetery to see Chloe (my and Cheeky's stillborn daughter), who would have turned 20. Kate baked some cupcakes, and we took some candles up. One of the cakes we left for Granny Pie.

I had to meet up with Jake in the city centre, and that meant catching a bus by myself. My anxiety went through the roof, and, as typical as you can expect, the bus was filled with annoying people. I mean, it could have been worse, but certainly I don't like hearing people being rude or obnoxious. Once my stop came, I leapt to get off the bus. Has anyone else noticed the increase of idiots who try to walk on as people are getting off? People need more patience.

The number 10 bus, which was pretty crammed, was a lot more pleasant.

It was much nicer the rest of the day; we stayed up long enough to watch the sun go down and for certain lights on the graves to come on. We talked, laughed, and sang happy birthday to Chloe. We went to call on Granny, my grandparents and my aunt. Then we went back to Chloe before we walked to the outside car park and ordered an Uber home.

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I'm so glad that I have a car. I just couldn't travel on public transport nowadays. When my car is serviced, I either walk into town, get a taxi or friends & family help out.

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29 minutes ago, Robbie said:


I'm so glad that I have a car. I just couldn't travel on public transport nowadays. When my car is serviced, I either walk into town, get a taxi or friends & family help out.

It's awful, Robbie. I don't wish to sound like someone just complaining.

But, people shouting due to being on their phones or even broadcasting the whole two-way conversation. Just stop it! There's no need for loud music, people using social media where the audio is loud. Put a pair of headphones on, and it becomes a lot more manageable. The worst thing is how much bad smell there is; if I smell weed, for example, it makes me annoyed. If I owned a bus company, I think it wouldn't last long, but those who did use it would love how much better their journeys were.

Issue would be, many wanting to use the service would be refused. :rollonfloorlaughing:

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@Chris It sounds like a nice thing to do with the family for Chloe’s birthday, we generally go away when it’s Steve’s birthday because it falls the day before our anniversary, this year we’ll be at sea on our cruise on the way to the Canaries on the day but we will certainly raise a glass to Steve, he’d appreciate that.

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@Fan of Big Tone That's a nice way to remember, Steve.

Everyone has their own ways, which is nice to see. Jake, Ellie, and Ava, from babies, were encouraged to embrace Chloe as a sister. We carefully explained this to them, which I think has helped them connect and keep a similar mindset to Cheeky and me. I think the worst thing anyone can do is avoid explaining or allowing young minds to understand or experience death. It gives a sense of peace, something I wished I had experienced as a child. I was aware of my aunt, who died as a baby; my mum and grandparents did speak about her. I actually felt closer to her, due to this, and I feel very protective of the grave (even before my grandparents joined her).

I used to go on Sundays and help maintain the grave, and personally I find it difficult if I do go frequently.

Even if I must tolerate the level of ignorance on public transport. 😛 

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@Chris I think you’ve done exactly the right thing talking to your children about Chloe, it’s better than shutting it away. We have tried to do the same with our grandchildren Steve’s kids, we always talk about him with them to keep his memory alive and I hope they remember him for the fun loving happy dad he was rather than for how he died.

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The afternoon weather wise was much better. The cloud cover disappeared and the sun came out & in the sun it was very pleasant.

This afternoon I was busy in the kitchen giving the kitchen window & surrounds a good clean for the wife.

Wife wants me to apply some new sealant around the window frame, so I was preparing the window frame to do that.

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Morning all we had a lovely long walk yesterday sorting out geocaches we started in the woods which were a bit muddy then came out into some lovely open countryside, we sat on a bench and had our sandwiches in the sunshine and thought how lucky we were to have beautiful countryside within walking distance of home.

Today we are going clothes shopping for a few bits and bobs ready for our cruise. Curry night tonight, I’ll have a small portion as I want to carry on the weight loss I’m now lighter than I’ve been since August 2023.

Have a great day everyone.

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It's a little bit dull here but the trying to brighten up.The sun is fighting a losing battle with the clouds at the moment but hasn't given up yet.I'm enjoing the peace and quiet so far since the drilling and banging  ceased and the new tenants moved in next door.

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It's very nice here with plenty of sunshine but a little breezy. It's been very nice to see a prolonged period of decent Weather.

The soil in our garden has actually been drying up, which it hasn't done for months.

The daffodils, crocuses, & Tulips are coming out & everything looks fine.

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The sun has finally broken through the thin high cloud cover.Very pleasant now.

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Good morning it’s another lovely start to the day. I’m up early and getting ready to do the Park Run, it’ll be busy today with the fair weather.

Later I’ll be watching Notts take on the Wombles of Wimbledon on the telly and hoping for a win. COME ON YOU PIES!

Have a great day everyone.


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Another beautiful morning here. Looks like it's going to be wall to wall sunshine with temperatures up to maybe 17deg c. 

Make the most of the good weather this weekend as things are set to change Tuesday or Wednesday with cold air coming from the arctic.

Looking forward to the Wimbledon v Notts match at lunchtime. Praying for a good performance and a positive result. 

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The park run didn’t go well I was disappointed my time was just over 40 mins that’s the slowest I’ve been for ages but then I realised I’m lucky I’m able to do it at all at my age so my mood lifted until after I’d watched the Notts match, what a disaster, least said soonest mended.

This afternoon our son came round with a rose plant which apparently has golden flowers an early wedding anniversary for us, how thoughtful, so this afternoon I’ve been planting it in a sunny spot in the garden, I’m not very green fingered so I hope it flourishes, I’ve put some well rotted compost in the hole and sprinkled with fertiliser. Fingers crossed.

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