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Where's liampie ?

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I know it's Easter and folks are busy with family but I've noticed @liampie has gone AWOL.I hope you are OK @liampie,both myself and @GrannyPie are missing you.


Good question...


He's probably either working or gone to see family, I can't say I've noticed his absence because I've been ill again. :(

He'll be fine, I am sure.


i was offered more hours at work, which i have taken. it means i dont have a lot of free time but i have also started to learn to drive. i will try to get on a bit more as i do miss this place. :)

im well and everything. @notts-joe get well soon.


It's good to see you back here again @liampie. Good luck with the driving.


Glad to know you've been missing for a good reason @liampie.As I i said above, both @GrannyPie and myself  have missed your posting.Make the most of your work opportunities but don't overdo it and good luck with the driving lessons.


Good luck with the driving lessons @liampie. Hope you're not going with "Bloody Stupid Money" (BSM) Lol. 


I'll be looking out for you @liampie and taking cover :joker:

Good luck with the lessons.


only a few more weeks and then my hours go back to normal, the lessons are going well. thanks everyone :)


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