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Daily thread -Wednesday 5th August

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A lovely bright sunny morning for camping. The kids slept exceptionally well, we are off fishing soon, we went yesterday but no luck.

@PTID1862 It's great down south.


My work computer is being upgraded. Nothing to do until 2pm. I've cleaned my desk and got rid of 10 years of clutter. Productive....


My internet connection is awful today, it's going off every other minuted and then remaining down for 30 minutes or longer at a time. It's really starting to annoy me, as this effects what I can do and my work.

Moaning a-side, I have decided to go collect my season ticket card and order my Stevenage tickets etc.

Hopefully when I return things will have improved. :(


Looking after grandson Harry while his parents sort out old clothes and baby toys etc.


So many people have a total disregard for others and their belongings... grrr


Been helping me Paulus to paper the living room ceiling. He'll be glad when its finished. So will i, come to that.Β  :rolleyes:


I'm looking after @GrannyPie looking after Harry.


Back from camping trip, the boys were very good and we caught a nice size carp.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


fish n chips for supper then ;)Β 


fish n chips for supper then ;)

No I fish for sport so it gets thrown back @magpiejue I get my fish from Asda, couldn't bring myself to kill it.


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