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Mapperley Pie

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  1. Think it's time to eat humble pie and ask for my old job back if I was him. Unless of course that was his first job at Swansea? No, surely not . On a more serious note, do feel some sympathy for LW even though he did leave us at a bad time.
  2. Oooohh! Another year. Doyle, then Ardley running Notts' 3rd team . Could work? Sadly Morrias is the one that proves the rule that not every signing has been perfect. Good news is most have ! Enjoy the ride The Brothers are giving us.
  3. Notts keep recruiting better players . Witness today's signing. So, sadly others have to drop down the order. The budget is not there to keep everyone on board, it would only lead to discontent anyway. You can only applaud the recruitment team, they have obviously learnt from keeping faith with the defence that won promotion from the national league. Dead wood has to be pruned , even though you hope it will flourish in the future, it rarely happens. Ask Alan Titchmarsh
  4. Like it! Hard for their centre backs to mark against @menzinho
  5. Or Michael Reindorf?
  6. No Langstaff at Luton today .
  7. Don't worry Tony Hateley man. He's been well briefed by the press office to give nothing away
  8. Good knowledge @menzinho! Must say it was unlike Paul to spread wild rumours on his podcast. Maybe just having a little fun with 'his flock'?
  9. Langstaff started for Millwall last night. Not sure it would be a good move anyway . Old adage of never returning once you left. You left for a reason so what's changed?
  10. Michael Doyle looking for a job and JO'B would be an interesting duo
  11. This is clear evidence that the recruitment team have learnt from their mistakes after promotion. Sadly there is no room for sentiment. Ask our promotion winning captain. This statement says 7 out of 10 is not good enough to earn a contract. You need to be able produce 8 out of 10 performances. 7 is a given. Maybe harsh, but they have clearly said that each addition needs to improve the quality, not just make up the numbers. Martin must have been close, but they obviously feel they have better options available. Good fortune to them both.
  12. Very good interview on the NCFC website. Confident, assured young man. Still can't understand the 6 month contract though. Any ideas?
  13. He said to the local MK rag 'he loves Notts but needs to look after his kids' futures'. Thought he would have been a bit more loyal. Sadly money talks it appears but as someone said, why not wait until the end of the season when he would.have a lot more clubs interested in him?
  14. Sadly another agent looking for a last pay day.

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