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After several Attempts to get in Touch with the PON Team only to be Told that they weren't able to  My Receive My Message, I've decided to ask my Question in Granny Pies General Discussion  Section here on the PON Website. My Question is,

Why isn't there a Down Vote of Dislike Button on the PON Website? After All We're All Grown Ups and I'm sure a Down Vote or Dislike against on Your Comment on a Certain Debate, isn't the End Of The World. I'm sure Fans on here a Big Enough To Accept the Fact, that Other Members Don't Agree with them on All Subjects, the Nearest thing to a Down Vote is a Sad Emoji which Doesn't Really Cover Everything. There Must be a way a Member can Down Vote Something, But Not have their Name Attached, in case there's a Worry it make start an Argument between Members. Personally If I Don't Agree with What's Been Said by a Certain Member at the Moment I Simply Ignore that Comment and Don't Engage With Them. But I would like the Opportunity To Register My Disagreement. It certainly Wouldn't Bother Me, If Another Member Disagreed with Me, As I Feel It Would Make The Debate More Open.

Or is this Considered to Controversial ? Or Is it Simply Not The Done Thing? Or It's Been Tried Before and Stirred Up To Much Hassle Between Certain Members? I Would Genuinely Like  To Know. And Are There Any Other Members Who Would Like A Down Vote Button? Thanks.

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I’m not sure whether a down vote is a good idea it may cause a bit of unrest but I’m sure @Chris will consider it and if he thinks it’s a good idea will make the necessary adjustments,

@Wheelbarrow repair man if you disagree with someone’s post surely you can politely say so and tell them why you disagree? That’s what debate is all about, if you put forward your counter argument in a polite way I think everyone here would respect your opinion.

Incidentally I’m not sure why you can’t message people there shouldn’t be a problem.

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@Fan of Big Tone

I was just Interested in Why there was No Down Vote Button. The Reason Why I don't write Down My Disagreement with PON Members I Don't Agree With Is even if I put forward my Disagreement with them, in a Calm and Respectful Manner, it Strikes Me there are Certain Members on this Platform that Just Disagree with Me and Other Members Just for the Hell of It. They Come across across as they'll Agree With You Providing You Agree  with their Agender But should you show any Slight difference of Opinion, they Come Back with Further Disagreement, Even If You Provide Facts. Unfortunately that is the Way of The World Nowadays. And I just thought a Down Vote Button that can be hit Anonymously could be A Way of Displaying your Disagreement without getting into an Online Argument, which wouldn't be beneficial to Either of the Two Members Arguing Nor the PON Site As A Whole. Even @Chris or any PON team Member comes back to me and Says We Don't think a Down Vote Button is a Good Idea, Then Fair Enough it's just  the Opinion is available in Other Places, I just wondered Why Not PON?

Regarding Not Being able to send Messages to the PON Team that might be a Left over thing from My Laptop Playing Up On Another Occasion. Originally I was going to ask a Team Member the Reason Why there wasn't a Down Vote Privately, because I thought it maybe a Controversial Question, then after I couldn't get any answer, I decided to Ask the Question Anyway. 


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Well as I say it’ll be @Chris’s decision so we’ll have to see what others say and what Chris thinks, personally I don’t think an anonymous thumbs down or whatever would do anything to promote harmony, I’d rather put my point across and if people disagree then we agree to disagree amicably, we can’t all agree all the time.

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I personally don't think it is necessary to have a down button. If you don't agree with someone's post then you simply don't have to like it. The post will go unliked.

Of course no one is going to agree on everything in this World or even in relation to Notts sometimes. 

But I think that having a down emoji would be a negative move. I think that a down button would just reduce debate, which we need to encourage, not discourage.

What I would like to see is more engagement & debate on PON. We hardly ever see any debate on the Articles posted by PON news for instance 

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You could post some comments/replies, log out for the day and then the next day log in to be greeted with a list of notifications all with “your comment has been down voted”. It probably would put you off posting.

I know most wouldn’t take it to heart, but some would and it would be sad to think they are either upsetting people or not posting good points.

I think the way we can quote certain parts of a post is good enough if you want to disagree and reply to a comment.

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By the way I think it is good to have this debate too. Kudos to @Wheelbarrow repair manfor starting the topic.

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Cheers @Robbie It's Kind Of You To Say.

It would seem that Most Fans in these Comments are Not In Favour of a Down Vote Button, which is Fair Enough. However Personally I Think there are Reasons for One. But I Guess I'm in the Minority. One of the Main Reasons I'd like to see a Down Vote Button is the Fact that Certain PON Members Show A Total Lack of Respect for Others on this Platform. No Matter what's said There are Members who will disagree has they seem to Get Some Kind of Kick to Winding Up Their Fellow Members, and a Down Vote Button would certainly Show which Members are trying to Destroy the Harmony within the Site.

Even if One was Introduced I Don't think it would be used a Lot, but it would Certainly be better than Somebody Losing Their Cool and Send Insulting Messages to a Fellow Member and Receiving an Insulting Message back. Then the Battle Lines would be Drawn with one set of Members siding with one Member, while others will Side with the Other Member. And that Could Happen Because People Will only Be Pushed So Far, Then BOOM All Hell Breaks Loose.  I Have My Own Method of Dealing My Anger and That Is I Step Away from the Site for a Couple of Days or I Simply Don't Engage With That Member, Ignoring What they Say When I See Their Name In My Reaction Box.

But Thanks To All Members Who Have Expressed Their Opinion. Even If You're All Wrong and I'm The Only One Who Is Right.😂

PS What About Having The Ability To Block A Member From Reading Your Topics? To Much? Maybe.

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@Wheelbarrow repair man I certainly believe that there should be certain words that bring up an alert such as ludicrous, (Seriously in a condescending context)

Any sort of comment that is posted to belittle, wind up or upset.

Did you know you can hide topics that you don't want to see such as politics. You can also hide members you don't want to converse with 

Personally, I wouldn't hide anyone because you don't see any threads they've started on your Dashboard.

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1 hour ago, Wheelbarrow repair man said:

Certain PON Members Show A Total Lack of Respect for Others on this Platform

I haven’t seen anything like what you describe @Wheelbarrow repair man I don’t think anyone on here behaves like that at least I hope not.

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@Wheelbarrow repair man I have to admit I don’t read every post on here and I’m sure the other mods don’t either but if you seriously think that someone is being insulting or abusing you in personal messages then you should report it to @Chris or the mods.

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@Fan of Big Tone

I have Never Had any Personal Messages of Abuse Aimed at Me. No My Gripe is with People Who Continue to Show Disrespect to Members who offer their Opinions and who seem  (to me at Least) to go out of their way to Disagree with the Members Comments on Purpose. That of Course is all  down to the way people see things what seems to be Disrespect to Me, May Not Appear to be Disrespect to you, and even the Poster of the Comment may Not Consider It Disrespectful ,just another Members Opinion, but with the Placing of a Down Vote Button and it's use May give that Person Pause For Thought Before Continuing Their Negative Repeated Comments.

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Down vote's very much a Reddit thing, I believe it's counterproductive. The general purpose is intended to make relevant content show at the very top, but over the years sites like Reddit keep just having it as a means to disagree. I am a member of Reddit, and often get downvoted by trolls. Many of my responses often reflect themes of despair and hopelessness. and related areas, and I always post useful advice which is different to every response, so I really don't like the idea of it.

I have always seen the Pride of Nottingham as a place to promote togetherness, and constructive discussions. I wouldn't want negative reactions to diminish someone's effort. Whilst the majority of members are mature enough to handle it, I don't see it as productive.

We also do have some under the age of 18, to which I wouldn't want the feature to be misused or see them discouraged just because people don't agree with comments.

Haha, Surprised, Confused and Sad can all be taken in different ways. Disagreeing with a post can be done in a reply, where you can give a proper reply as to why you disagree, therefore you can generate a discussion respectfully that points out differences. When you rely on a reaction, without addressing it - it can see a bit personal and very counterproductive.

I firmly believe if you encourage positive behaviour, positivity will shine. If you allow room for anything, that can be taken negatively it can lead to bigger issues. It's not about keeping the community in cotton wool; it's about framing the site in the right way.

1 hour ago, Wheelbarrow repair man said:

@Fan of Big Tone

Oh There is Believe Me. 

I'll PM you. I would be interested to see these comments.

I'm not suggesting that they don't exist, but I am curious to see them and I would make sure that the behaviour doesn't continue if it does come across as disrespectful.

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I agree with @Wheelbarrow repair man on some of his points but as I said previously, I think a down button would just open a can of worms.

If a post hasn't been liked in a conversation or a debate I think that is enough to send a message.

Let's be honest, the report function  is used very sparingly on this board because 99.9% of the time there is no issue.

I've only seen the vast majority of issues with the political threads that bring out lots of emotions, but political threads are now tucked away in its own sub forum.

Again. If we can agree on words that should be avoided that could cause offence, I think that would solve any issues that any members may have.

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9 hours ago, Robbie said:

If a post hasn't been liked in a conversation or a debate I think that is enough to send a message.

I only use the reactions “like” etc. sparingly if I really like something or the laughing reaction if I find it funny, I don’t necessarily like everything I agree with and I would hate to think that anyone thought I disliked or disagreed with something because I haven’t liked it.

If I strongly disagree I would quote the section I disagreed with and say why I disagree.

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If Somebody doesn't Agree or Like What I Say, Well That's Fare Enough. It certainly doesn't bother me whether they answer my Comment with a Like, a Heart, or any of the other Emoji's which are available, or don't pass Comment at All.

It would also seem that we may have drifted Slightly Off Topic Regarding a Down Vote Button, which is the Question I originally asked and Why there isn't one on PON? My Argument for one seems to have  moved the Debate in a Different Direction and by all sense and purpose PON Members Don't think there is a need for One. Which is Fair Enough and I accept the Majority Decision with Good Grace.

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I agree with @Robbie and @Chris here, a downvote button would be negative to the climate and vibe of the forum. I've seen it in Reddit too, it makes it much too easy to just downvote something you disagree with and move on. The way things are now, you can only show that you disagree with something by making a post and stating your view, and isn't that what a discussion forum is all about? :)

I want to hear different views (as long as they are stated respectfully of course). Unless they're disagreeing with me of course. In that case it's off to the dungeon!

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I understand this is just an idea, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's good to share thoughts on topics that could help the site. I believe we should encourage healthy discussions, so I wouldn't support downvoting or disagree reactions. I would prefer to explain my reasons instead and not focus on reactions. I wouldn't want to discourage anyone or make them feel that their posts aren't valid.

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