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A Complete Waste Of My Time

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I woke up one morning,round about the beginning of the year,with an irritation in my right eye.It felt to me like there was some grit there but no-one could see anything.The funny thing was that the irritation kept disappearing only to return.I had a routine eye test due at my optician and told him about it when I went there a few days later.After close scrutiny of my eyes he told me I had Trichiasis-a posh name for ingrowing eyelashes.He went on to say that he would inform my GP who would refer me to hospital.So on Monday,this week,with Will for support,I reported to the Q.M,C.Eye Outpatient department.

We arrived early and because of this I was expecting a long wait,although it wasn't really busy.After about about 10 minutes or so my name was called out.Will came with me as we followed a nurse,me thinking-'great ,it'll soon be all over.'I was ushered to a seat ,asked a few health questions and then given an eye test.I thought this a bit unnecessary as I'd had this done when I visited the optician a few weeks earlier and anyway it's not my eyes that are the real problem.After this I was shown to another waiting area.Again,after a short wait, I was called in to see the Doctor.He was pleasant enough but very quiet and being Asian,a little hard to understand.He asked me the same questions that I had already been asked, eventually asking me what my problem was.After close examination of both eyes involving a very bright light, he made a few notes then turned to me and told me I had ingrowing eyelashes.WOW WHAT A SURPRISE.He then made more notes before catching me by surprise and suddenly putting eyedrops in my eyes,making me jump and my eyes water.At this point I thought I was in for a long wait as you usually have to wait a while for the drops to take effect.No,straightaway he had a quick look again,then told me I needed surgery to correct the lineup of my eyelashes.He went on to add that he only dealt with back of the eye problems and I would have to see a front of the eye specialist adding further that I could use tape on my eye but failing to explain further.So with that it was bye bye ,we'll be in touch and I'm no nearer to a solution-A COMPLETE WASTE OF MY TIME.


Totally a waste of your time dad, I think it's silly.

It's like when I went for my check-up after doing my knee, I had to go into reception. They have a ticket system in place, the type you see in supermarkets when you want to purchase a piece of meat. We didn't know this and Kate tried talking to the receptionist who pointed to the ticket machine, I got very vocal about this and I had a few people laughing their heads off at my jokes (whilst Kate asked if I had to moan). The answer of course!

A reasonable wait, called through to an another waiting area. Which a nurse was complaining about me standing, I politely told her if the seats were higher I could sit down but I wouldn't force myself to sit down or increase the pain I were in.

Well that wait over, I then seen a doctor who spent most of his time talking into his voice recorder. He barely looked at my knee, spent two seconds showing me the x-rays and then went away. A few moments later the rude nurse came back telling me I was finished, she said to go down to physio and told me where to go. Man that was a long wait! Again I could sit down and I got cranky, mainly due to being in pain. I had to wait for the doctor to return from a meeting because he took my notes with him, I found the physios very arrogant. Nothing really happened even when I were seen, total waste of my time and none of them saw me as a person but a number. Very annoying!


Your experience was similar to when I broke my Ribs,collar and cheek bones.The doctor(Indian0 kept telling me that my head and shoulder would be hurting.I kept repeatedly telling him that it was just my ribs not so much anywhere else.Just breathing was absolute agony but the doctor just dismissed me and I recall getting very angry at his offhand attitude and me telling him that I should know where the pain was.I may as well have talked to the proverbial brick wall!


Your experience was similar to when I broke my Ribs,collar and cheek bones.The doctor(Indian0 kept telling me that my head and shoulder would be hurting.I kept repeatedly telling him that it was just my ribs not so much anywhere else.Just breathing was absolute agony but the doctor just dismissed me and I recall getting very angry at his offhand attitude and me telling him that I should know where the pain was.I may as well have talked to the proverbial brick wall!

I still recall it, you were in the corridor area, just in-front of where the row of phones are and near the x-ray area. He was clueless, though very funny! even back then I wondered why nobody did a sitcom as a useless doctor like the above.

It's weird City isn't an hospital I like to go, yet I prefer it for certain things and QMC for others.


On the frequent occasions I take my wife to various medical establishments ,for checks etc, I have always been impressed by the service she receives.The receptionists, nurses and doctors are thoughtful, thorough and genuinely caring.There haven't been many times that we have been kept waiting too long.There have been a couple of times when Dracula(any nurse who takes a blood sample) has been a bit curt and it feels like we're meat on a conveyor belt but that is the exception rather than the rule.


thats hospitals for you, i dont like the places. get well soon super!


What a nuisance, I hope you receive the correct treatment soon and your eyes get better.


Meanwhile you could always become a referee. joker.gif


Sorry I shouldn't be flippant, my mother had glaucoma and they didn't find out until it was too late and eventually she went blind, I remember after that she always told me to look after my eyes no matter what, they are very precious and indeed they are.


What a nuisance, I hope you receive the correct treatment soon and your eyes get better.


Meanwhile you could always become a referee. joker.gif


Sorry I shouldn't be flippant, my mother had glaucoma and they didn't find out until it was too late and eventually she went blind, I remember after that she always told me to look after my eyes no matter what, they are very precious and indeed they are.

They sure are Tony, during my time working in a care home I had made friends with all the residents, one who stood out were a very kind lady who has a brain tumor. It had caused her to go blind, she spent most of the time saying how she wanted to be dead. I managed to change her view on this, although she hates being blind still, she did eventually realize people such as myself cared for her and started seeing something as positives.

I see your making use of your own similes, I will add some soon. :)


They sure are Tony, during my time working in a care home I had made friends with all the residents, one who stood out were a very kind lady who has a brain tumor. It had caused her to go blind, she spent most of the time saying how she wanted to be dead. I managed to change her view on this, although she hates being blind still, she did eventually realize people such as myself cared for her and started seeing something as positives.


I wish you had been at the care home my mum was at, not only was she blind and deaf she had dementia before she died, I wish I could have cared for her at home but it was impossible, she had a miserable last few years of her life.


I see your making use of your own similes, I will add some soon. :)



magnificent.gifI like my smilies. happy%20banana.gif


I wish you had been at the care home my mum was at, not only was she blind and deaf she had dementia before she died, I wish I could have cared for her at home but it was impossible, she had a miserable last few years of her life.

I'm sorry to read this Tony, every home would have at least one like myself. I hope she had some nice carers who made a different, along side yourself. I'll be reluctant myself to allow super ram or my mother into a care home, I'm thankful for the above experience because I learned a lot. I wasn't even employed as a carer, I was a kitchen assistant/cook but it's very hard not to want to be more.



I woke up one morning,round about the beginning of the year,with an irritation in my right eye.It felt to me like there was some grit there but no-one could see anything.The funny thing was that the irritation kept disappearing only to return.I had a routine eye test due at my optician and told him about it when I went there a few days later.After close scrutiny of my eyes he told me I had Trichiasis-a posh name for ingrowing eyelashes.He went on to say that he would inform my GP who would refer me to hospital.So on Monday,this week,with Will for support,I reported to the Q.M,C.Eye Outpatient department.

We arrived early and because of this I was expecting a long wait,although it wasn't really busy.After about about 10 minutes or so my name was called out.Will came with me as we followed a nurse,me thinking-'great ,it'll soon be all over.'I was ushered to a seat ,asked a few health questions and then given an eye test.I thought this a bit unnecessary as I'd had this done when I visited the optician a few weeks earlier and anyway it's not my eyes that are the real problem.After this I was shown to another waiting area.Again,after a short wait, I was called in to see the Doctor.He was pleasant enough but very quiet and being Asian,a little hard to understand.He asked me the same questions that I had already been asked, eventually asking me what my problem was.After close examination of both eyes involving a very bright light, he made a few notes then turned to me and told me I had ingrowing eyelashes.WOW WHAT A SURPRISE.He then made more notes before catching me by surprise and suddenly putting eyedrops in my eyes,making me jump and my eyes water.At this point I thought I was in for a long wait as you usually have to wait a while for the drops to take effect.No,straightaway he had a quick look again,then told me I needed surgery to correct the lineup of my eyelashes.He went on to add that he only dealt with back of the eye problems and I would have to see a front of the eye specialist adding further that I could use tape on my eye but failing to explain further.So with that it was bye bye ,we'll be in touch and I'm no nearer to a solution-A COMPLETE WASTE OF MY TIME.

 Did you voice your concern? It's unbelievable how much actual time places like hospitals waste like this. Hope you feel better soon and manage to get your eye sorted. Wouldn't be the niceiest of things to experience, Take care!


Thanks to everyone for the concern and good wishes,it is really appreciated.I feel a bit of a fraud as I'm not actually ill.It's just annoying and irritating and often not too bad.At times it's frustrating to be typing and all of a sudden my eye gets a sort of film over it and no amount of wiping seems to clear it,then as suddenly it's ok.

Tony-Having been in a similar situation regarding care I know how you feel.I'm sure you did all that you could for your mum but it never seems enough does it

As for becoming a referee-perhaps in another 10 years when I've slowed down even more,lost more faculties and am probably past caring anyway.Then I'll be better qualified!

upthepies-No I didn't say anything.To tell the truth I was too shell-shocked and bemused,though Will found it a bit amusing as he hadn't even heard anything the doctor said and he was only sat a few yards behind me.

Ah well,that's life.


Hope your eye feels better soon, Super Ram!


Thanks Steve.Kind thought.


I heard about all this from You and my mother in law. It sounded like a waste of time as you stated... I hope it gets sorted out soon and you get the appointment your waiting for.

I know theres always alot of waiting around at hospitals but it would be nice if they actually did resolve problems quicker then there wouldn't be as much waiting around and shorter waiting lists.

I know when Ava was in hospital for prolonged fits she had loads of tests and they still never really found what was wrong with her, just advised me to bring her straight to hospital if it happened again. I know she had the tests for good reasons but why bring us back in for a follow up appointment if there was nothing to say. We finally got an outcome via letter 2 months later(he can't possibly be that busy) It was an 8 month old baby it was about at the time.


Yes Cheeky,we remember the scare Ava gave us very well.Just to keep readers informed I'll elaborate.-

On Fridays I go to Joe and Kate's to pick up Ava then collect Ellie from Nursery and in the afternoon collect Jake from school as well.On this particular Friday Cheeky told me that Ava wasn't her usual self and thought she may have a cold coming on.Ava was still 'smiley' but a bit sniffly and seemed tired.Anyway I said that Grandma and myself would keep an eye on her.Throughout the afternoon Ava slept a lot and was more 'clingy' than usual but when awake was very happy to play 'pat-a-cake.'Then about 5.30 I noticed that she was getting hot and she seemed disinterested and distant, which made us all concerned,so I said I would take her quickly to the Doctors. My wife, who had rang the doctors to tell them to be ready for me,then informed me, as I was leaving,that the doctors were closed.So my wife rang for an ambulance as Ava was by now obviously getting worse.The deterioration was very sudden and from being a precaution was now a matter of urgency.I took over the phone, as Grandma was getting frustrated with the person on the other end .As far as I was concerned our address for the ambulance driver was the only information needed at this point but the operator just kept asking for Ava's details.Surely despatching an ambulance to the correct address is the main priority ,then take other details.

Ava was in hospital for about a week.I think the hospital said she had a build up of sodium and gave us a medical term for it but never a full explanation.I know one thing,it was very frightening.Ava seems no worse for her experience and is fully recovered,ready no doubt to give us all the runaround this Friday.


That sounds a frightening experience, so glad everything turned out ok in the end.

I love having our grandchildren around its great fun they treat me as a playmate I'm just a big kid at heart.


Yes Cheeky,we remember the scare Ava gave us very well.Just to keep readers informed I'll elaborate.-

On Fridays I go to Joe and Kate's to pick up Ava then collect Ellie from Nursery and in the afternoon collect Jake from school as well.On this particular Friday Cheeky told me that Ava wasn't her usual self and thought she may have a cold coming on.Ava was still 'smiley' but a bit sniffly and seemed tired.Anyway I said that Grandma and myself would keep an eye on her.Throughout the afternoon Ava slept a lot and was more 'clingy' than usual but when awake was very happy to play 'pat-a-cake.'Then about 5.30 I noticed that she was getting hot and she seemed disinterested and distant, which made us all concerned,so I said I would take her quickly to the Doctors. My wife, who had rang the doctors to tell them to be ready for me,then informed me, as I was leaving,that the doctors were closed.So my wife rang for an ambulance as Ava was by now obviously getting worse.The deterioration was very sudden and from being a precaution was now a matter of urgency.I took over the phone, as Grandma was getting frustrated with the person on the other end .As far as I was concerned our address for the ambulance driver was the only information needed at this point but the operator just kept asking for Ava's details.Surely despatching an ambulance to the correct address is the main priority ,then take other details.

Ava was in hospital for about a week.I think the hospital said she had a build up of sodium and gave us a medical term for it but never a full explanation.I know one thing,it was very frightening.Ava seems no worse for her experience and is fully recovered,ready no doubt to give us all the runaround this Friday.


It was fits due to high temperature and low sodium levels, but that is the only explanation we got. We still keep an extra close eye on her temperature.


Tony -yes it was very frightening and sudden.Grandma was really upset as we were the ones looking after the kids.She gets upset even if they only have a bit of a cold but then none of us like to see kids suffering.What upset us the most though was the idiot on the phone.As I said before surely the important thing is the correct address for the ambulance to go to.She wanted to go know Ava's age ,GP and his address and Ava's address and other things and didn't seem to understand the urgency.She was going to send the ambulance to my son's house.

The grandkids keep me young,well feeling young.Even when they're naughty I have to hide my face,they're so comical.It reminds me of my own grandparents and the time I had with them.I hope my grandkids look back on me with the same fondness.

May you remain a big kid for along time,Tony -Cheers

  • 1 month later...

Update:-Yesterday I went again to the Q.M.C for the follow up about my eye problem.The appointment was for 8.35 am at the same place as before.I arrived with 3 minutes to spare  thanks to the traffic on Western Boulevard and found the area much busier than last time.

   I was given the usual eye test within a matter of minutes and shown to another waiting area by a very pleasant and caring nurse.After a very short wait my name was called out and I was seen by another foreign, but this time female,doctor. I then underwent the same tests as last time and again was told what I already knew.However after going to consult another doctor,  this time I was given more information and a date for an operation-4th of July .I was much more impressed this time round though one of the receptionists looked just as miserable as last time.Also I wasn't impressed when I was told that I would have to report in at 7.30 am.In fact when I commented on the time the doctor replied,  rather smugly,  that she always started at that time.I told her that I used to start work at 6am which nicely put her in her place.


So far so good,much better than last time until-on the way out I thought I had better find a toilet.The 1st cubicle I found had a broken lock on the door which didn't close properly anyway.I found another toilet but it was in the process of being cleaned as was the next toilet I found.I'm glad I wasn't too desparate!


Keep at it, I'm also glad to read you stuck up for yourself!

Do you have to go back?


Yes 4/7/13 at 7 30am for 'Entropion repair'-re-alignment of eyelashes.I was told I will probably have a black eye for a couple weeks,there is a risk of infection and a bit of pain but this is better than eventually going blind.


Glad you've finally got a proper appointment for the operation.

Its very silly how they tell you if its left you would eventually go blind but by the time you have the operation its about 7 months since they knew about it.

As i've spoke to the reception staff myself in there i know what you mean about some staff being nice and others being grumpy.

Hopefully its not too bad after its done, i'm sure you'd rather have it done than have the problems you've been having with your eye for months.


On the joking side; You can always dress up as a pirate with an eye patch to Ava's 2nd birthday party ;)


Eye patch!That made me laugh. I will be glad when it's all over..I do try not to let it bother me but it is hard at times.The kids help a lot by making me forget for a while :pirate:


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