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  1. I have no idea as to how to answer the question. However, I'm loving their current situation - long may it continue!
  2. I think it's obvious how terrible of a policy that is, hence not mentioning it. The fact it comes from a Labour government, is just depressing. Labour are marching into the abyss and will get pummelled in the next election should they continue their current trend. If there is a particularly cold winter, I wouldn't be surprised if Starmer was gone by Summer.
  3. Agreed. The Tories are almost entirely at fault for the mess in which our energy industry is currently in. If you think Ed Milliband is the answer though, I'd ponder the question. Disagree about the farmers. They aren't targeting the mega rich - they've clearly made an insane miscalculation over who this actually affects. Sure, it will cost the 'very rich' a few shillings when they hand it over to their kids - but these type of people have a way to get around such things with loopholes and the like - so the government will receive diddly squat - and not Clarkson's. The people is does impact, however, will be your 'everyday' farmer, those not earning millions or anywhere close, but are seen as 'asset rich' because of the land. The net result is disastrous for British farming, if this policy persists - and I sincerely hope it doesn't - farming land will be sold left right and centre. Clearly, if you have an ideological persuasion to believe that is a good thing, this policy would make sense. I believe that Starmer does, and that's why he's implemented it. I don't. Agree that the Tories have spent 14 years and left us in a mess. I strongly believe this will be seen in a decade or two as a complete stain on that party, not that I care much for it anyway. However, let us not harbour any hope that this current Labour mob will do anything but continue the decline or hasten it. Strong kick up the backside / major re-direction required in British politics.
  4. Really depressing. We lost because they wanted it more and we didn't.
  5. Didn't go today nor did I listen. However when I saw the subs being made, specifically Martin and Brown, I thought to myself 'why's he bringing them on?'. What followed didn't surprise. I think Josh Martin is going to be released. I recall (hopefully correctly) he had a 6 month contract. I wouldn't be against terminating Brown's loan either. He's not terrible like Martin, but I think you can get better from the loan market.
  6. No clipboard man - no party.
  7. The UK main stream media are fascinating in a way. Even before the internet existed, they've conducted click bait nonsense of dire warnings in winter that it might get cold and in the summer catastrophic predictions that it might be warmer than winter. Nostradamus with a 0% hit record.
  8. None. Burn them all in the depths of hell.
  9. Difficult to pick. Nobody was terribly but most average. Tsaroulla too for me.
  10. Great move for him and so pleased he played well on his debut. Keep it up Ryley
  11. I think you missed the sarcasm bit but ok. You can boil this down to a very basic argument. If the renewable energy sources were as cost effective and reliable as the more traditional sources, every country in the world would be clambering over eachother to implement it. This includes left and right, it's basic economics at the core. Why aren't they? Why do they have to be convinced and persuaded to even pay lip service to it? It's either because they're deluded morons that want to destroy the Earth - OR - it's because the renewable sources aren't as economically viable as you're conveying. I'm willing to bet it's the latter. I don't care if you believe in climate change or not - or more importantly as to what extent you believe humans are responsible for it, to be honest this isn't my area of interest nor something I've studied at length - but you do not destroy your economy to virtue signal when the rest of the world isn't doing the same. It's madness. You invest in the people and fund research, scientific advancement, engineering... To get you technologically to the point where net zero is not only economically prudent, it's financially profitable. That is capitalism.
  12. All you need to know
  13. ANDREW NEIL: Starmer wants to tell us what to eat, what to drive and how to heat our homes. His climate change obsession will be his downfall | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK The Prime Minister went in person and mob-handed to impress on everybody how Britain 'leads the world on climate...
  14. I think it says more about fairgameuk than it does Notts. I'll be taking a mental note to disregard anything they say in the future, for or against Notts or otherwise.

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