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  1. Lifetime contract. * Clause: Once he is physically no longer able to stand on at least one leg and/or requires assistance of Zimmer frame - enters coaching contract.
  2. Bass - 6 - Don't think he was at fault for either. Macari - Not sure Platt - 5.5 - Was alright for the most part. Bedau - 6 - Decent. Gordon - 3 - Don't think he's ever beaten a man in his life. Predictable. Jarvis - 2 - Not a wing back. Palmer - 6 - Seemed alright. Abbott - 6 - OK Whitaker - 2 - Out-muscled, outfought. Jatta - 4 - Another sitter missed. Traore - 5 - barely touched the ball. Maynard - 2 - Got it all wrong. Grant - 6.5 - Only player that seemed to figure out Barrow were shite. Tsaroulla - 6
  3. Bass - 9 - Kept us in it, some very decent saves. Berated our lacklustre play. Johnson - 6 - Decent today. Platt - 7 - Wins a lot Bedau - 7.5 - He's a defensive monster. Gordon - 5 - Incapable of beating a man, but puts some quality balls in - only Jatta to aim for normally. Jarvis - 3 - He's not a wing back as he can't defend. Takes stupid risks at the back and didn't seem up for a fight. Palmer - 3.5 - Completely lost the midfield battle. Abbott - 3.5 - As above Grant - 3.5 - Still no idea what he does. Whittaker - 6 - He was one of the few to at least try in an attacking sense. For the most part, nothing came off, until it did. Jatta - 6 - Starved. Tsaroulla - 6 - Improved us. Traore - 6 - Looks exciting in the small flashes we've seen him. Edwards - 3 - That fall to the floor when the pass to Jatta was so obviously on - is unforgivable.
  4. Bass - 7 - Kept us in it at times - mostly saves you'd expect him to make, but make them he did. Some dodgy kicking that didn't even get close to the halfway line. McDonald - 5.5 - Poor defending, slow distribution. Platt - 5 - Strange, strange decision making. Without steady defenders alongside him, made repeated errors. It wasn't technical ability - it was decision making. Johnson - 4.5 - Poor. Loses his man regularly, their winger tormented him. Colchester had a game plan to target him and press him when on the ball - it worked. Wasn't helped by his fellow defenders. Gordon - 7 - Blows hot and cold, but was more hot tonight. Some really good crosses that if the attackers were on the front foot - could have been converted more often. Tsaroulla - 5 - Largely anonymous. When he did beat a man, ran into blind alleys and lost the ball. Palmer - 5.5 - Was OK. Some sloppy passes, corners were abysmal. Abbott - 8 - Total different level to anybody else on the park. Stuck out like a sore thumb against League 2 thumpers (both us and them). Grant - 6 - He got the goal. He was OK. Not sure exactly what he does. Edwards - 4.5 - Too safe. Picks the backwards pass as default and never positive. Lack of athleticism and slow reactions often undermine him. Jatta - 5.5 - Wasn't involved a lot. Often on the back foot and reactionary. Subs all too late to really affect the game.
  5. Abbott by a country mile. Different class.
  6. Paul Mace dismissed it tonight on Magpie Circle. Said it was rumours created by 'social media numpties' and had zero credibility.
  7. I'm not sure you'd want to join them would you? Appear like a basket case club. Clueless American owner Incompetent staff Unpopular outspoken manager who criticises staff Fan disillusionment and alienation Squad flirting with relegation Doesn't scream 'exciting project to get on board with'.
  8. Ryan Schofield - that lad has not improved since we had him. As much as a liability then as he is now.
  9. Good performance from Notts. Won despite a thuggish opposition and the ref. Whittaker, Bedau, Bass and Jatta the ones to stick out. The ref is also the one who sent off a NL player after he (the ref) hit the player. Total clown.
  10. Giving a manager the whole January window and then sacking him anyway is tragic. It's hardy-esque.
  11. Jones not back to his best - but certainly a step in the right direction compared to previous outings. Can't wait to have him firing on all cylinders again. Whitaker on his first start was decent. Previously he looked a fair bit of the pace, but in this game he looked more like he belongs. To be expected when going from u21 football to league 2 mid season. Didzy at times is just on another level. To quote their commentary team, 'it seems like David McGoldrick is playing a different game from anybody else on the field'.
  12. It was very predictable what happened to Macca at Millwall. Jumped at the first offer, despite the club not being a good fit. Has his agent to thank for that one.
  13. £1 million, if it gets to that, is a lot of money. Like with Langstaff, pick your club. Plymouth are rooted to the bottom of the championship and look destined for the drop. If we are to win promotion, all likelihood is that we'll be playing in the same league as them next season
  14. Good professional performance. Everybody was at least a 7/10 against a poor Accrington side.
  15. All of them played well today. Any of the back 3 could have got it, went for McDonald who was a squad player at best until recently, now looks like he's been there all along. Solid.

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