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Favourite Horror Comedy?

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Mine has to be Shaun of the Dead.



Dead Alive had me in stitches when I first watched it, I love that film.

Zombie Land is an absolute blast, the one liners of Woody really make this what it is.

The Scary Movie series is also enjoyable.

I also watched one that was filmed in the 80's which featured slugs (if I recall correctly), I am not sure the aim was to be funny but it's massively enjoyable because of several laugh out moments. It's not your typical bad movie either!


Some really funny ones from the 50's and 60's though not all were intentionally funny.


The Tingler.

It is a serious film (?) but you cannot help but smile.

You should all watch it to see Vincent Price at his best.


..... and how about The Creature With The Atom Brain, made memorable by Roky Erickson and the Aliens eponymous recording?


i always laugh at the scary movies but as they reach higher numbers i sort of find them less funnier.


Beetlejuice very funny and creepy!


All good posts, but a few of my faves are;

Big t!t zombies, a Japanese film where the plot was thin, and the acting skills was even thinner. But as the title suggests, acting is not the main attraction of this film.

MONSTURD, laughable plot but quite disturbing in places.

Poultrygeist, night of the chicken dead. Blood,blood and more blood, guts and chicken.


Shaun of the Dead is an obvious candidate.  I also quite liked "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil" which is a funny Evil Dead type parody.


I always found the Final Destination films funny, but I'm sure that weren't supposed to be (other than a little bit tongue in cheek)


Evil Dead 2. The first one was actually a good old fashioned zombie flick but the second was almost like a micktake. Well funny though. Apart from that I'd throw in the usual suspects of Dead Alive (Braindead), Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland and of course the SyFy fodder of Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus.


No names to throw into the mix here but I will say I do like the majority already mentioned.


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