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Good morning, another week dawns, we have a sunny cold day in store so we are going to have a drive down the coast to have a look at some of the other resorts in the area, we’ll grab a bit of lunch while out and then some food shopping before heading back to hunker down. Rain is forecast this evening so we won’t be going far unless it’s to the pub round the corner.

Whats everyone else up to?

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Working all week, really need to retire!

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Shopping delivery due in next half hour. Later today I need to disconnect my old cooker ready for new one being delivered tomorrow.

In the mean time demolition work seems to be ongoing next door. I do enjoy listening to continuous banging and drilling. Not.

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We've had an inch of snow here this evening and it seems to be coming down quite fast.

See what it's like in the morning. We're expecting a food delivery..

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Mcorning all, it’s raining here in Norfolk I hope the snow isn’t too bad back home and @Robbie got his food delivery.

We had a nice afternoon out yesterday, we drove to Hunstanton and had a browse around the shops, I bought a jigsaw mat/carrier in a charity shop for a bargain £5, I’ll be able to do my jigsaws on it and then pack it away, at the moment I do them on the table then put the table cloth over it when we have a meal. Hunstanton is a lovely small seaside town which is largely unspoilt and uncommercialised, as different again to Skeggy just across the Wash.

Later Mrs. T cooked a lovely Kedgeree which is a dish which consists of rice, smoked haddock and hard boiled eggs flavoured with mild curry, it was delicious.


Today it’s forecast to rain most of the day so we’ll have a drive to the Norfolk lavender farm and have a browse round for Christmas gifts.

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Good Morning all.

The snow has now stopped and the snow is falling off the trees outside a little.

Our beautiful Hydrangea looked a tad sorry weighted down by the snow. I cleaned the snow off gently, but a few branches had broken unfortunately.

Checking the depth it appears we had about four to five inches here. Most we've had here for a few years 

To get on the main road we have to drive up a fairly steep hill about 150 metres long. Always awkward for cars in the snow. We've asked the council for a sand box, but without success.

I wonder if Notts will connect the under soil heating?

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Good Afternoon. It is cold outside, but it appears there is a slow thaw in the sun going on in our back garden.

Pleased to say that our large hydrangea looks a lot more healthier & happier now the snow has melted off it.

Our American lilac bush had lots of snow on it but has taken the extra weight in its stride with no ill effects.

We got our electric convector heater out of storage & thought we would have it as a back up.

But having checked how much the lowest setting, = to 1.5kw was using cost wise, it was 37p per hour, it will be used just as a back up of last resort if necessary.

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I have been mostly writing about sports at work today. Not a great deal assigned to me from the football front, but I am enjoying the switch from covering celebrities. I am hoping that one of my workplace's main magazines will give me the chance to interview some of the top players in the EFL and Premier League. That's one wish, but I am happy to take it as it comes. The bad thing about being a journalist or writer is that you don't get snow days, as you can write from home. What if the internet goes down? Staff like me need it to prove we aren't gaming and are instead writing non-stop.

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routine day at work, unloading and packing things, storing some and sending others out. i finished on time today, currently deciding if i should have a walk to the nearby chippy or if i should cook something.

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@liampie we had a chip pie tea tonight we considered dining in the restaurant but decided to have a takeaway instead, the portions are enormous we could and should have probably had one between us and be well fed but we struggled though and managed to eat most of it bar a few chips.


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Good morning, it’s a dry crisp sunny morning here in Norfolk. Today is a special day Mrs. T is 21 again! So it’s a day of celebration, actually it’s been a week of celebration. ????

I’ve booked a table at the local restaurant so we’ll have a nice meal tonight, we’ve been married 49 years now and I can’t imagine life without her we are true soul mates, it was the best day of my life when I met her.

Whoops, I got a bit mushy there, apologies. On with the day, what’s everyone else doing?

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Just back from dentist.. Conversation went like this... you know I keep a watch on that tooth that has been filled many times... Me "yes"..well it looks like it will break soon...Me "So what are the options" 

Well, we take it out, insert tungsten screw, crown on top, that will be £3,000 ???? May just have to live with a hole in the back molars then!

No wonder people take Ryanair to Eastern Europe to get dental treatment done more cheaply

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It's a lovely morning here with unbroken sunshine, but it is very cold out. It feels that it has been the coldest night of late Autumn so far.

The snow in the ground looks like it is not thawing at the moment. The ground is going to get hard with this persistent cold weather.

I do hope that the Notts pitch will be playable on Saturday. Not sure weather the club has connected the undersoil heating or not for this cold weather.

Stuart might get a question on it if he holds a pre Newport presser later today.

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41 minutes ago, Robbie said:

I do hope that the Notts pitch will be playable on Saturday. Not sure weather the club has connected the undersoil heating or not for this cold weather.

The under soil heating only has pipes but no boiler at present so it won’t be turned on but I believe they have an inflatable hot air cover on the pitch so it should be ok.

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@Fan of Big Tone said.

"The under soil heating only has pipes but no boiler at present so it won’t be turned on but I believe they have an inflatable hot air cover on the pitch so it should be ok".

That's good news then. Using an inflatable hot air cover is a good option.

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i am currently on my dinner break, i thought i would check in and see what is happening on pon.

there is not much i can really add, it really is like a repeat of yesterday. its pretty cold out, but thankfully i dont have to leave my nice warm workplace. i will be making sure i wrap up come saturday. :)

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Morning all, we had a lovely meal last night for Mrs. T’s birthday, we went to the pub round the corner from our cottage, they brew their own beer on the premises and very nice it is too. Mrs. T had a steak and ale pie and I had pheasant casserole which the waiter informed me may have small bones and gunshot in it so I ate it carefully as I didn’t fancy losing any more of my remaining teeth.  :biggrin:

Well it’s the last full day of our holiday here in Norfolk, we’ll be heading home tomorrow, we’ve had a lovely time, the weather has been cold but thankfully no snow (so far). Today we are heading inland to hopefully do some Christmas shopping in Dersingham.

Have a great day everyone.

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Another sunny morning here. It's been another cold night & the ground is fairly hard. There are still large patches of snow on the ground.

Had some bulbs delivered for next spring. We were planning to plant them for next spring and early summer but that will have to be shelved for a while.

Snow is forecast for Saturday but they are saying it will turn to rain as the temperature rises, so hopefully a fast thaw will take hold & the ground will become softer for planting.

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We are just setting off home back home from our cottage in Norfolk the rain has arrived but no snow, heavy rain forecast for Nottinghamshire so hopefully no snow there either.

We won’t be home in time for the match but I might catch the second half on telly.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Good afternoon.

It's been raining all morning here. All the lying snow in the back garden has gone. 

The wind is getting up somewhat. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Doesn't look like we are going to get any snow as forecast yesterday, here.

Will be tuning into the Radio for the match today. CMON U PIES


Morning all, it’s a wild, wet, windy morning here, I don’t think we’ll be doing much today, although we have been invited to our sons for tea, he’s cooking one of my favourites garlic chicken so I won’t be troubled by vampires tonight. :joker:

Stay warm and dry if you can and take care if travelling.


Back to a drab rainy day this morning . A little windy but looks like we've missed the worse of Storm Bert.

Pleased that Notts got a clean sheet even though they couldn't score even though they had plenty of opportunity.

If Notts keep a clean sheet they are not going to lose in a league match. Then it only needs one goal to win.

A good defence is a prerequisite to have a successful promotion push.

If the defence remains strong, there is every chance of having a successful season.

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