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The budget

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I'm just keeping my powder dry before pouncing ;)


Not to put too fine a point on it, it's part of conservative ideology that the rich are rich because they work hard, and the poor are poor because they are lazy or unmotivated. Therefore it makes sense to reward the better off, as this will be an incentive to the poor to pull their socks up and better themselves. Viewed from this angle, it makes sense. Unfortunately for them and us, it's complete rubbish. My sister is a working single mum and she's going to be over 100 pounds worse off thanks to this budget, while those with mansions to inherit and large corporations are handed tax cuts.


Jeremy Corbyn proposes some very sensible (and popular) policies, there is nothing extreme about them at all, regardless of how his opponents try to portray him. You're right @hissingdwarf, many young people have no idea what a genuine workers' party looks like and would be pleasantly surprised by a party that actively campaigns and sets the political agenda rather than just saying what the think tanks think will be popular. If people feel the Labour Party will actually live up to its promises and stand up for them, and if they see it standing up for them before the next general election, they will respond. The SNP portrayed themselves as the only serious alternative to the establishment parties and they swept the board. However, whoever thinks that Corbyn as leader would work is deluding themselves. If he won, he has so little support in the parliamentary party that he would struggle to even put together a shadow cabinet. The knives would be out for him from the very start. Labour has long since sold its soul; it's time for something new to take its place.


@DangerousSausage There is a case for what you've said true. I spoke to JC a few weeks ago and he admitted himself that he started off the campaign as a 'nice idea' to some people and the other 3 saw him as the funny uncle type, but as the campaign has gone on they've come to dislike the fact that he is able to share a platform with them.

The difference now is the ground swell has taken the other three and the Parliamentary Labour Party by surprise. This morning he sits only 2 constituency nominations behind Andy Burnham. After this evening with more CLP meetings scheduled, including my own, I expect him to over take AB.

Do I want JC to win the leadership election? Yes

Will he still be leader by 2020 to take on the election? No

He has already suggested that if he wins he will submit his leadership to a yearly vote, giving him the chance to steer the party away from the right, implement some of his policy suggestions (which you rightly said in the cold light of day are sensible and achievable) and create a front bench team of younger, left members who will eventually replace him.

This contest isn't about being PM for JC, its about realising where the Labour Party is - no where to be seen - and creating a movement which people who are disenfranchised can buy into. 

In other words an alternative to the tories.


The PLP is a hindrance for C, but he'll have enough support if he does get through to change the party for a very long time to come.


The other view is JC is far left to make Andy Burnham (the probable winner if the votes for JC don't materialise) look less left!


Your video doesn't work @hissingdwarf

It brings up a common Facebook error, not sure why.


FIXED. It shows Cameron clearly stating he'd nevr cut tax credits in the new (before the election) government and hey presto 2 months later he takes a bloody big axe to them. And people wonder why they dont trust politicians. 

-Not just tory mps btw. That is why Jermey Corbyn would work for Labour because he is honest!


The only honest politician is one that says nowt!


@hissingdwarf it is precisely for those reasons I want him to win


I have been lucky to have taken over a family business which I operate, under Labour Party I had started to feel the pinch of being a relativity small business but under the Tory Party I have made progress which is only down to some of the improvements they have delivered.

By no means does this mean I agree with a lot of their polices but I do feel if Great Briton is to move forward, we need jobs being created and this is something they have focused on. Labour are fine with how they spread out their budgets, yet for business they never really made much sense with how they approached taxes or employment.


I don't personally think politics has a lot to do with creating jobs, after the recession it's only natural in my opinion that people start to look to taking on addition work staff. I find some of the problems to be with companies who like to focus solely on making more and more money, so they cut the staff they employ down and look at increasing costs to higher their profit margins.

I know under the Tories, many people I know have lost their jobs due to government cut backs - Why? Because the local councils have a lower budget and the main government want more of a return.

Pretty much the same type of situation happening within business in my opinion. 


@upthepies tradional labour is about the worker and naturally not the business nor the owner...there are mind you legitimate reasons for the formation of the labour movement... it is more a case that most bosses now have evolved and become much fairer.

Not all Conservative policies work... not all are right... but on the whole... I believe they are better for this country... especially in this age...

And that on balance Labour is a step backwards


This topic highlights all the reasons why I moved to America in the first place, its much easier as a brit to get work here and its also easier to keep your job.


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