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Member Of The Month (September 2013)

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It's that time of the month again - Myself and Cheeky have been discussing, on a month which has seen quite a few people away (ourselves included) it's been a little slow but those who have posted have helped immensely.

Again I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions!

September Member of the Month - @Dripsey3

Since day one of his arrival back in August, Dripsey's been actively encouraging posts and helping out. His posts with the International forums have been quite popular and much appreciated - He's joined in and has really helped us. Not only on on the site but he's been very kind with commenting on a regular basis to PoN's Facebook wall - Someone who I look forward to reading his responses, as I do with many others now.

I'd like to thank Dripsey - Our Irish Magpie friend! Well Done!!

You Pies


Well done! This month has been a little harder to choose as we've been away from the site alot, along with others. Most members holidays will not be till next year now.

For the short time you've been here you've contributed alot and it all helps. I hope your enjoying your time here as it looks like you do in your posts.



Thank you to everyone else who has contributed too...


Congratulations @Dripsey3


Congratulation @Dripsey3.A valuable addition to our site with your great posts.


Wow. Thanks. PON is essential to those of us who don't live in Nottingham. Plus it's civilised. By that I mean everyone's opinion is respected, even if you don't agree with them.


Well done @Dripsey3,well deserved.always interesting.


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