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Surely the goalkeeper will just drop the ball and then pick it up multiple times before clearing the ball. 

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Isn't there already a 10-second rule?

The newer dark arts, such as keepers going to ground without reason and physios masking their hands when talking to the player, are something that needs to be addressed. For the safety of goalkeepers, I believe that if they go down more than once and hold up play multiple times, then they should be forced to be substituted.

If we are taking player safety seriously, and want to cut out time-wasting, then this is an area that must be sorted.

It would virtually prevent it, along with masking your comments should they be deemed unsportsmanlike. "Stay down, lad, we can keep the momentum off if you just take your time." What's the purpose of the action, otherwise, if it wasn't to give this sort of nonsense across?

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yes, these changes are more practical suggestions instead of what usually get put into place. how long did kicking the ball away last before refs stopped issuing yellow cards? i think refs made that more frustrating than it needed to be but in principle players should be carded if they use it to time waste. i am not sure how 8 seconds is all that better to prevent keepers, i mean officials are meant to add time on.

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I think that making cosmetic changes like this aren't going to make much of a difference.

In a few years time the authorities will possibly make more changes because these changes didn't go far enough.

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I think if a keeper drops the ball and picks it back up it’s an indirect free-kick isn’t it? They can bounce it but I think that’s it. Could be wrong though.

I quite like the idea and let’s be honest it probably benefits us, it’s one way of combating all the teams who do just constantly time waste and try to play as little football as possible. I’d go one step further though, if they do it twice in a match the punishment should be a penalty, three times and a goal is awarded! Maybe I’m getting a bit carried away here... 🤪

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@menzinho You're almost spot on! If a goalkeeper drops the ball and picks it back up, it was indeed previously an indirect free-kick. However, the new rules starting from the 2025-26 season state that goalkeepers must release the ball within eight seconds of first holding it. If they fail to do so, the opposing team will be awarded a corner kick instead. 

They can still bounce it without issue, though. Your idea about stricter penalties for repeated offences does sound a bit intense but might indeed discourage time-wasting even more effectively.

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I think one thing the authorities could  do to keep the game flowing could  be to stop goalkeepers catching & holding the ball altogether. 

A goalkeeper could punch crosses away or deflect shots with their hands.

If the goalkeeper has to hold the ball from a shot or from the air, a throw in could be awarded to the attacking side 18 yards from the defensive goal line.

I'm sure penalising the goalkeeper like that from catching & holding the ball would reduce it to a minimum & keep the game flowing.

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