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So Russell Brand then...

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Thought about setting this up as a poll, but really has too many probable 100% answers in it.

Do you like him...very unlikely for the yes vote to win !

Is he funny...again probably easy to predict!

Really though the question should be, is it all worth it?

I gave up reading tabloids a long while back and the recent spats have passed me by until now.

I think the sun doesn't have a leg to stand on personally. Not sure how he could be hypocrite because he pays his rent on time. Not really his issue if the landlord is avoiding the full tax due by employing accountants to keep to a brief of avoid tax.

Don't get me wrong. I can't stand the bloke. Never been funny and never will be imo. Should have been sent to live in the isle of Wight or somewhere quiet after the Andrew Sachs issue a few years ago.

But society has always needed people to stand up and make a fuss be it right or wrong. Look at Geldof. Really nasty piece of work but has over the years made a difference due to his persistence and his kicking up a storm so attitude.

Murdoch seems to have misjudged this one imo...

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he should be publicly shot, then paraded through the streets while left for good citizens to bring there cattle to defecate on him and then his head to be impaled on the palace gates...




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I do agree with him on some points, but not a lot. I do have a laugh when he rips into the right wing American press (Fox News), but it doesn't take much intelligence to be able to do that. 

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he should be publicly shot, then paraded through the streets while left for good citizens to bring there cattle to defecate on him and then his head to be impaled on the palace gates...




Does that mean you wont be sending him a Christmas card then?

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Can't stand the horrible man.

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Unfunny,obnoxious,self -centred wassock.

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Unfunny,obnoxious,self -centred wassock.

Wassock. Now there's a word for you! The spell checker struggled with that one!

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Wassock. Now there's a word for you! The spell checker struggled with that one!

Would you prefer pillock,@hissingdwarf.I can think of loads of words to describe him but this is a family forum.Like @GrannyPie I can't stand him.Complete waste of space.

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Would you prefer pillock,@hissingdwarf.I can think of loads of words to describe him but this is a family forum.Like @GrannyPie I can't stand him.Complete waste of space.

Wassock is just fine with me. It fits him to the tee.

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I don't discuss Russell, he should have remained in America and therefore I wouldn't have to read or see anything about him. He's someone I strongly dislike, especially within his earlier career. I'd be shell-shocked if I ever agreed with a single word he said!

Can you tell I really hate him? #annoyingsod

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he should be publicly shot, then paraded through the streets while left for good citizens to bring there cattle to defecate on him and then his head to be impaled on the palace gates...





Come off the fence and tell us if you like him.

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No I don't like him, but I do agree with some of the things he says.


Too much of a self-publicist for me.

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i am still convinced hes hiding a big secret, i think i would have more respect for him if he did.

instead of dressing like a peacock whos just been shot @PTID1862??? morphed with the lead singer from the darkness and someone out of the ymca. he could just admit it, rather than being ott around females.

does anyone actually like him? hes made a career from off those who dont.

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I can't say I see much of him, I don't read papers and don't see him on telly, the few times I have seen him I decided his style wasn't to my taste so have avoided anything with him in since.

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I can't say I see much of him, I don't read papers and don't see him on telly, the few times I have seen him I decided his style wasn't to my taste so have avoided anything with him in since.

He's like a lot of today's so called comedians - not funny.He;s not the only one Super and me avoid.

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I never had time for Russell Brand. I always felt he was attention-seeking, vacuous and about as funny as a dose of the mumps. To an extent he has only himself to blame for the negative press coverage he gets, but he has recently also stoked the fires by using his celebrity to communite views that are, let us say, hostile to the status quo. He's trodden on a lot of powerful toes.


IMO you've got to give credit where it's due. I've read a number of his articles on politics, and they're highly intelligent and well-argued - he's got a knack of hitting the nail square on the head. He conveys a number of views that are held by many people, but which the political establishment would like to ignore - the growing gap between rich and poor and the increasing convergence between the main political parties, for instance. He's doing us a service by drawing attention to some very important topics. The size of his house is neither here nor there.


I didn't see him on Question Time yesterday, but I'll have a look tonight.

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I felt he made himself look even more of an idiot but it's hard to guess if he or Nigel Farage was the most idiotic speaker. Some of the things he said, jeez. Speaking over people and acting like it's all a joke.

He did come out with points but they were few and far between.

If he gets more involved in politics, the UK will not improve.

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No I don't like him, but I do agree with some of the things he says.


Too much of a self-publicist for me.

Likewise here.

He is good at being liked and disliked, he thrives of it and his main focus is self publicity.

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I think they both ended up looking useless. As was said, a few points, but nothing new or nothing addressed. He talks too much and the self publicist side of him drowns out any real moral points he tries to make, right or wrong.

Politics is a difficult game to be involved in, especially on a forum like here as everyone will, quite rightly so, have different views One thing most agree on is that, to use @super_ram and his phrase...

He is just a wassock. Unfortunately, no more than most of the current politicians, whatever their leanings. Quite frankly the only thing UKIP do have going for them is the fact they do actually show leanings. Are the days of left or right wing gone? Has the class system said bye bye?

Does the historical view of Tories for rich, Labour for the working classes and Lib Dems for the ones who cant decide gone?


I've heard Ed M referred to as Red Ed, but I don't think he's ever bought a copy of the socialist worker in his life!!!

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I don't drink @PTID1862 ( though I may start again with an upcominging trip to Ireland )and the first time I've had a drink in years was a celebration on the day she died. The day she took power the country went to the dogs. Yes it was in a state before that, but look at it now. That's her legacy.

Blair was not good for the Labour Party either. He took mass popularity (and remember it was mass not a slight victory, a landslide on which scale we'll never see again) over Labour values. He did a lot of good (or the politicians behind him did) for things such as the the and rebuilding schools etc... but he betrayed the left wing to appeal to the Tories who didn't have a clue.

The beauty of politics is we are lucky enough to live in a country where people can stand together and have an equal vote. (Even if the Tories have put most people off voting now...and no I don't honestly believe Ed Milliband is the answer. He'll never leave a lasting legacy on the country. Should have chosen his brother when we had the chance. He would have been and maybe still will be someday a brilliant pm)

At the rate the country is going Slimey Nige will make all the decisions in the next hung parliament.

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Bless her, she will forever divide opinion. Marmite through and through.

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Margaret Thatcher was many things but goddess certainly doesn't spring to my mind very readily.

I don't take pleasure in anyone's death but I was certainly glad to see the back of her when she was ousted as PM.

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Margaret Thatcher was many things but goddess certainly doesn't spring to my mind very readily.

I don't take pleasure in anyone's death but I was certainly glad to see the back of her when she was ousted as PM.

Not something I normally do either @tonyhateley, but after spending the first part of my career in Bilsthorpe I saw first hand what her policies did to the village. Seeing men who had worked down the pits all their lives now reduced to a crying mess was not fun. Unemployment ran at nearly 85% at one point for the village. That added to my own political beliefs made for a rewarding pint of Guinness.

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