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Happy Birthday Dad!


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Cheeky (Kate) has baked and made a wonderful cake for you all on her own, she's actually very good at it! (she doesn't think so) I'm impressed tho!

Happy Birthday Dad! We'll be coming over at some point in the day, probably after Jakes finished and I think Kate said you would be out so. I hope you have a good day and PoN members of all walks of life take the time to wish you birthday wishes. You put a lot of time in around here and I very much appreciate it!


The cake was a lovely surprise.I wasn't expecting a Ramcake and it was really nice.Nice also to have all the family together even if the kids gaveΒ  me a headache. Must say though I don't like birthdays anymore,I don't need any reminders of how old I'm getting.


Happy Birthday Super_Ram! As they say in Italy "cento di questi giorni" ("let there be a hundred days like today" it roughly translates to)!


Thanks Joe,nice sentiment ,much appreciated.


I enjoyed it too, was good to be away from the house. Took awhile to walk what normally takes 10-15 mins but so worth it. I'm glad you enjoyed the day and you should celebrate, nothing wrong with aging and allows the family to come together. Remind me in May when I'm not bothered about my own!


I'm going to have a few beers now.Wish I was your age again,we had a really good side then!


Happy Birthday Super! Hope you made the most of your day. Glad to see Joe and Co went to visit, it's not a real Birthday without family.


Happy birthday Super Ram, hope you enjoyed your day with the family.

I know what you mean about getting old when I look in the mirror it's a shock to see an old bloke looking back.


Thanks SteveMUP,Yes greatΒ  to have everyone around.The kids had a great time playing in the garden and I think everyone enjoyed it although I had a blinding headache'And thanks to you too Tony(Mr member of the month-Very well deserved)I look in the mirror andΒ  see my dad looking back.Scary!



nnnnnniiicce! do we get any cake? you did well cheeky. happy belated birthday super ram. tnx for sharing about your day, glad you enjoyed it.


happy belated birthday, it was a great day even if you wanted to forget about it. glad you liked your cake.


Thanks Liampie,sorry the cakes all gone -why not ask K8 to bake one for your birthday?

K8-When I picked Jake up from school today he said that Fridays are special days because he comes round to see me and Grandma,adding that yesterday was a special day because it was my birthday. I asked him if he enjoyed yesterday and your cake(he did)I told him your cake was really nice but not to tell you that I'd said that because you'd get big headed.Did he mention that?


Belated birthday wishes. Smashing looking cake!


Cheers Sadlad,the cake was not only good looking but GOOD tasting too


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