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So How Was You're Weekend

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I know a lot of you were at the match on Saturday and Tony is enjoying a pint somewhere.So what have I been doing,well nothing much.Basically the weather put paid to any plans and I've just been pottering about trying to keep warm.I must say,though, I don't miss getting up at 5am to go to work.I was hoping to get in the garden and tidy up the winter debris before the end of March.Looking at the forecast there doesn't seem much chance of that.Anyone done anything interesting?


Picking up moss scraped off bungalow roof by son in law.


Well that's certainly something different, Mickey. :thumbsup:


Went to Swindon on Saturday, had a good chat with Chris (Aka Joe) and Jake (who was a bit shy bless him) in the bar pre-match. Game itself was decent I thought, one of the better 0-0s your likely to see. If anything I was dissapointed we didn't win the game, but as has been the case too often this season we were probably that prolific striker away from 3 points. In fact we were about an inch away from 3 points! But what can you do? Was a good day out all in all :)


Unfortunately didn't make it to Swindon. Had to dig the car out a couple of times over the weekend. Decided not to travel at the last minute. Regretted it all afternoon. Roll on Friday, Monday etc


My weekend was great, the start of my week not so but I won't go into this here. (the joys of life)

The coach trip could get there any quicker, not that I was bored but the lack of space. I enjoyed it, lovely little bar and met some people for the first time. WeymouthPie and his Mother. Lisa Black, Paul Street and quite a few others. Really enjoyed it! Jake was very shy, more than normal but I think being out of his normal surroundings didn't help. He had a great time! score didn't impact it at all.. Kim was amazing with Jake, helped him no end! Pleasure to meet all those I spoke to!


quite dull, nothing happened and its been slow. wished i could say i had!


i'd say i did the usual looking after the kids and housework, but i did go out in the snow abit with Ellie whilst Jake was at football with nottsjoe. was a strange just being us 3 girls at home. sunday was the usual layed back day. the week started off more rocky.


We spent the weekend with 20 of our intrepid Motorhome friends in our camper vans in the snow, great fun building snow men etc.


You've been living up to your 'big kid at heart' tag then, Tony.I hope you were all well wrapped up.


We've all needed to be wrapped up for the past week Super ram, its been freezing out and in the house at times. Probably need to be wrapped up inside the camper van too :)


Yes Cheeky,I hope we've seen the end of the snow and the temperatures pick up soon.I don't care much for this freezing cold wind either.GLOBAL WARMING MY ****


lol, I love the snow... but we have certainly had loads of it this year. It was a shame we didn't have it over christmas.. but its definitely made up for that. It seems abit strange to have snow at the end of march. Not exactly global warming, its more like the complete opposite. At least we don't have to cut the grass when its snowing though :frantics:


Yes k8,can't cut the grass at the moment and it will be too wet to cut for ages,then it takes longer to do because it's so long.Perhaps winter's not too bad after all!


yes i enjoy not having to tend to the garden as much. its nice to go out in it in the summer though, or even go out of the house for a free trip to the park.


Yes and we'll be able to enjoy our garden again now our *@#** neighbours have moved.


I thought they were better neighbours than the ones before that. Lets see who you get next.


Yes k8,the really obnoxious (this is a family site so I can't say what I really thought of them) idiots moved out last August, but I still have nightmares about them.The ones who replaced them were nice and surprised me when they did a moonlight flit a few weeks ago. The guy who owns next door(landlord) told me that someone is moving in this week. I hope he's been more careful and checked them out better this time.


knowing what hes like, probably not. He doesn't seem to care as long as hes getting the rent money. He hasnt even fixed the fence yet so its not as if hes really bothered.


New neighbours moved in on Saturday. I've not seen much of them yet but I did  say 'hello' yesterday. They seem ok,but early days yet.


Ah right, I hope you finally get some nice, less noisy ones.


I had a good weekend, making plans is always fun but seeing them out is so worthwhile. I wished I felt better on Sunday, I didn't really get to see my parents who visit and next week I'll make up for that. I can't say I really did much apart from working on here, chatting and playing with the children. Monday felt oddly like a Sunday to me, I watched a couple of movies at periods where this place was dead.

Not very good viewing stats but I think I've learned not to be too disheartened. Thankfully I've written something up to push our visits (fingers crossed) much of what we publish a-side from the obvious, Match Report, Opp View, Previews etc is personal thoughts.

There's some others in motion but one I need a writing buddy, I can't do it alone and haven't found someone for the role yet.

Next weekend however will be a much bigger! Italian Magpies are visiting, I'm very excited about this and I probably should shut up about it but that's me. Sunday of course will be a day I'll spend with my family, after my parents go back home I will be giving my time back to this place. Really enjoying it!


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