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New parking charges on Trent Enbankment

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The Council are set to introduce a £2 parking charge on Trent Embankment for anyone staying longer than an hour.

If you park there for matches (as I do) then this will increase your matchday costs.

The thing that annoys me (apart from having to pay £2) is that the charges will be payable by phone. This assumes that everyone has a mobile phone, unless they are going to put phone boxes in strategic places, which I doubt.

Do you think this is fair? Will it affect you? Will it affect the gates at Meadow Lane?


As we well know the motorist is the easiest person to get money from. Just look at the parking levy!!! You used to be able to park quite close to town for free but the meters are moving further and further out.


I saw an article about a town were the parking meters broke the profits for the shops went up loads but that means the local council don't get their money!!!


It doesn't affect me, but alot of fans do park around that area. I don't it will affect the amount of fans going to meadow lane, but i do think it will affect the time they get there.. because some will try and find somewhere else to park. People could try parking around the streets of west bridgeford, but i think if alot do that, it will annoy the residents. I also think they should have some sort of ticket machine in because not everyone carries a phone with them and people do lose their phones occasionally too.

One question would be, Is the parking charge just for match days or all the time? [member="tonyhateley"]


I don't think it's anything more than a money gaining exercise, which I don't think is fair.

I see fans upgrading to car parks, as I think that's generally safer. At £2, can you justify it on a match day? With the chance of vandalism and theft.


people will moan, a few months down the line it will stop and everything will be normal.


One question would be, Is the parking charge just for match days or all the time? [member="tonyhateley"]

It will be a permanent thing @[member="cheeky~k8"] I think it is to stop people parking there and then going to work all day to avoid the workplace levy, so it's not just aimed at match days.

The trouble is as @[member="liampie"] says people will moan at first but pay it and then things will settle down and go quiet, that's when they'll bump it up again.

I will try to use my bus pass to get to the match as much as I can but that's not easy when I'm taking my grandson as it would probably be more than a couple of quid fare for him on two buses so I might as well pay the parking.

Who's Jimmy Durrell ?



Who's Jimmy Durrell ?


you know what I meant to say Jimmy sirrell 😊this bloody phone every word I type this iPhone types its own word instead 😡

Where is the car park? Do you mean the cattle market? I thought that was a fiver unless they've brought the price down.


Where is the car park? Do you mean the cattle market? I thought that was a fiver unless they've brought the price down.

Na u go past the one market on the left go past the Jimmy sirrell stand take the left around a corner and you'll see.

A car park on you're left one on right and you'll see the florist ground behind it

Two quid is good for secure parking near the ground, I'll have a look, I'll try not to scrape your Golf GTi if I park next to you :biggrin:


il try and direct you say you're facing the meadow lane sports pub by ticket office cross the road and don't walk up past the club shop.

turn around and walk the opposite direction so you go past the sports pub and past the gates and you can either take a left which would take you down the Jimmy sirrell stand .

Or walk straight ahead so walk straight ahead and you'll see a cattle market on left with stewards in green coats or whatever they are but stay on the side you're on.

And on you're right you will see the car park a young lad useally runs it or his mother and they stay with the cars and watch them.

And I think at the back of the car park there is a big building which is a shop you can't miss it even has signs on the floor with price


Cheers mate :thumbsup:


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The area around Meadow Lane has always been a bit iffy. As it's within the city boundaries it means the council can milk it for all it's worth. But hey, motorists are cash cows, and when they're football fans too, well... kerching! Ah well, it's business ain't it?


Was it snowing at the time because all I can see is a white blank. :lol:


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