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  1. http://nottstv.com/former-notts-county-player-inspires-a-generation/


    Would like to see him back at Notts in some capacity. Nice guy, don't know what happened with Mad Dog when he left?

  2. In a shock announcement, our Mexican correspondent can reveal that next seasons sponsors are........Zimmer Frame.

    Their spokesman said

    "We are delighted to be working with Notts County......our objective at the beginning of the year was to maximise sales to the over-sixties as well as break into the Football scene; so by collaborating with Notts we believe this venture will maximise revenue and deliver results. We cannot wait for next season to kick off and will have company representatives at each game offering free consultations to anybody who is struggling to walk.”

    Zimmer Frame faced stiff competition from Saga Holidays, Stannah Stairlifts and Werther’s Original,.......... but won the contract after Notts duo Alan Smith (78) and Roy Carroll (69) visited their store .........................and were blown away by the product range.

    For the past five years Notts attendances had remained reasonably stable, despite plummeting to the bottom of division 4......particularly the numbers in the Pavis stand.

    At one point rumours were circulating that some of the crowd were actually dead......but weren't being removed in order to boost attendances.

    However, following some market research it came to light that it is simply a matter of the Notts crowd consisting of old age pensioners who couldn't walk home.......and that is when Zimmer Frame "stepped in".

    When asked if they were concerned over the rumours about El Chapo taking control of Notts and their brand name being tarnished, their spokesperson said, "El Chapo has come highly recommended by Tarquin, a man who also fits our age profile nicely, and he has assured us that our deal with Notts is a sound investment"

    We will keep you informed on any further exciting developments as we get them.

  3. I thought the club looked like a worthwhile purchase today for the first time in 2016. Decent crowd, good atmosphere, passion from the players, I hope someone with money was watching!

  4. What would you like to see from Mark Cooper during his time as the #Notts manager?

    Personally, I won't judge him until the start of the 2016/17 season because there's a lot which must be resolved between now and then. It won't be easy for him, not at all but already I am noticing a change amongst our support. Some may say 'Fullarton' wasn't given a chance but that is beside the point here, this is firmly to discuss what we as fans would like to see from Mark Cooper.

    I would like him to give all the players a fair chance. I would like him to try and bridge with the support we have, whilst getting Notts playing a more direct style (will take time) but if these are achieved the foundation for the next season will be better.


    Mark Cooper has spoken about what he would like to introduce to #Notts (see link) but what do the fans want to see from...

    Posted by

    Pride of Nottingham (Unofficial Notts County Fan Site)


    Monday, March 21, 2016
  5. I think he'd be ideal for the club across the river!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Hahaha.....love this from the internet this morning:

    Self proclaimed king of the Jews, Jesus of Nazareth, has today woken up hungover and forgetful in a cave in the Garden of Joseph of Arimathea after an alleged three day wine binge.

    The former child star is said to have been drinking heavily with friends in Jerusalem since Thursday night, Tarquin caught up with him earlier, “I was so hungover when I woke up this morning, I felt like I’d died and I didn’t have a sodding clue where I was.”

    “I went out for supper with the lads on Thursday night and the le-vino was flow-ing,” claimed the supposed son of god. “We ended up going back to Peter’s house and getting proper on it for three days. I’m pretty sure I left to go home last night but I obviously saw the cave in Joseph’s garden and jumped in there for a quick bit of kip.”

    “It’s all a bit of a blur to be honest,” he continued, “but it must have been a wild one, my hands and feet are in bits and I woke up with a massive cut on my ribs and no idea how it got there.”

    “As the King of the Jews I have a certain reputation to keep up and if people find out I’ve been on the sauce all weekend there’ll be uproar,” he said apprehensively. “so I’m going to need a really good excuse.”

    “Luckily enough Jews these days are gullible. I swear half of them are still living in the B.C., sure I’m not even the son of god, I’m a thirty three year old out of work carpenter from Galilee but they believe anything you tell them, like I can turn water into wine,” he claimed. “I’ll probably just say something like I died and rose from the dead. There hasn’t been a good miracle in ages anyway so it should be fine.”

    “I’ll write it all in my blog tonight and and see if they go for it,” he offhandedly continued, “if not I’ll just say I was out fasting in the desert, that always works.”

    “None of this would have happened if that prick Judas Iscariot had saved that last bag of coke he had for me, it would have kept me sober” claimed Jesus. “But he went and sold it to some Roman for thirty pieces of silver. I’m going to make something up about him and put it in my blog too, lets see how he likes that.”

  7. I'm fed up because we keep losing, I'm fed up with our style of play, I'm fed up because we can't even score a goal and I am as fed up as anybody with the mess that the club has found themselves in giving Jamie Fullarton the managers job when it was obvious that other candidates were far more suitable, but I am equally fed up with some of the nonsense written as to why it happened, yes criticism is deserved and as fans we have a right to question decisions made but fans should still be able to do this in a respectable way and not go way over the top, we all get frustrated but it's only a game and yes I really did say that! (Ps not aimed at this site, but this is only one I post on)

  8. Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @NortonNCFC and @peter winfield

    Fancy telling us a little bit about yourselves ?

    Edit: Apparently @NortonNCFC has been here longer than me but has recently started posting again, Apologies!

  9. I make no apologies for lifting an interesting post on another site, (SlockNCFC16) who has written..


    There are many facets of our team that are failing at the moment, and having gone to York today it's clear that our midfield is the most obvious area requiring improvement. I have seen on this board that some people seem to think our best player, Aborah, is too lightweight to be accommodated in midfield, and/or that he doesn't actually bring enough to the team. Well, having watched Alan Smith (or The General as some Notts fans behind me were ironically referring to him) contribute absolutely nothing whatsoever against a team bottom of the league at the start of play, I say we drop Smith for Aborah. For one thing, you can't honestly argue against Aborah's inclusion while ever Smith is playing like that, because it can't get any worse than that pitiful excuse for a performance. Banton also seems to add little to the team besides some aimless chasing, and I am struggling to see the logic behind bringing him in besides Fullarton wanting someone in the dressing room who he actually knows and can rely on.

    I acknowledge that Aborah's defensive abilities leave a fair bit to be desired and that his inclusion requires at least one defensive midfielder in the side to keep balance. The fact is though that without him our attacks just go nowhere; we never find that incisive pass or quick ball out to the wingers and our strikers are reduced to chasing after scraps, which as anyone today would have seen, McLeod is just not interested in doing. Instead we faff around with it and allow the other team to get into position and see out our attacks which all end up being played in front of them, or we just hoof it quickly and give our strikers no chance against league 2 centre backs; either way we become depressingly easy to defend against.

    Curtis Thompson made mistakes today, and as a young player he will make further mistakes, but I think he does a decent job as a defensive midfielder and would do better with better players like Aborah around him. Noble would also be freed of having to create chances which is clearly not his forte, and could instead focus on being that box-to-box midfielder he is best at and contributing to the score sheet more often. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would at least make us more interesting and faster going forward, and having failed to seriously trouble a team bottom of the league for any sustained period today I challenge anyone to argue that we don't require something different going forward. What's certain is that today's uncoordinated and negative nonsense, being unable to put in anything approaching a decent cross and being unable to play through the middle cannot be allowed to continue.

    I should also add that I am fully aware that none of these suggestions will likely ever happen and that Mr Fullarton will almost certainly dispense of Aborah as soon as is possible (no doubt with the blessing of a Mr G Branston) but I figured I'd put it forward anyway since it seems so obvious to me as something that would make us a much more interesting and effective side.


    I echo these core sentiments.... and if there is a Transfer Committee for "departures", I hope there are people to stand up to Jamie, to say this is wrong. I felt gutted in the past when players like Masson Needham Yates Short Johnson Draper left and I will expect the same feeling if Stanley is shown the door. We need to be building sides around the "talent"


    @Elite_pie  I know you may not be Stanley's biggest fan, given your previous postings along the lines of how many assists has he made. By playing so deep he is always the first outlet to begin attacks. Noble is normally the most forward of the midfield and consequently gets the "assists". I would hope that especially away from home a 4-5-1 formation could allow Stanley a more forward Jan Molby type pinger of the ball

  10. What ratings do you think each player deserves.

    for example this by @Piethagoram


    Loach - 6 - Steady..had chances to release the ball earlier which became frustrating at times

    Atkinson - 4 - Slightly better than Hewitt in that he did block some crosses but still unconvinced on his quality.

    Edwards - 6 - Steady Eddy.

    Hollis - 6 - Solid with the odd distribution lapse as usual. Perhaps should have done better with header

    Audel - 7.5 - Man of the match Willingness to bring the ball gave us an outlet.Solid defence with fair share of winning headers

    Aborah - 6.5 - Composure on the ball. Welcome back Oh Stanley!!!!.

    Noble - 4.5 - Poor, wasted dead ball delivery. Should have been more instrumental

    Thompson - 6 - Played with passion

    Burke - 5.5 - He needed to switch with Campbell...He needs to step up as he allows the others to put effort in.

    Stead - 4.5 - Too many loose lay offs gifting possession away.

    Campbell - 4 - Final ball atrocious. Pity as he puts in the effort


    McLeod - 4.5 - Idle by name, Idle by nature. Missing crucial chance, 150k should buy better.

    Murray - 5 - Not enough quality, missed great opportunity to release Snijders

    Snijders - 5 - Not enough time to influence the game.


  11. Game 39 - The Chairboys (H)

    Team: Wycombe Wanderers

    Date: 28/03/16

    Where: Meadow Lane


    What line-up should Mark Cooper opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. cheeky~k8


      I thought the game was going to be called off too, i am glad we at least got a point from the game. I can't remember the last time we actually got points.

    3. ivansneck


      24 minutes ago, cheeky~k8 said:

      I thought the game was going to be called off too, i am glad we at least got a point from the game. I can't remember the last time we actually got points.

      Trevor the goundsman showed us some pictures of the pitch under a lot of water at 9.30 that morning. He and the others did really well to get the game on.

    4. Dripsey3


      Neil Mellor was at the match for Sky Sports HQ. The ground staff made an appearance as well. Sky were impressed that they managed to get the water off the surface. 

  12. What happened to him? He looked half decent whenever I've seen him. I would like to see MC give him a chance to show he's worth having he's still fairly young as well could develop into a good player for us, cant be wrose than some of the dross we've seen this year.. We could swap De Silva's name for Snijders and we could be saying the same about him.. 

  13. Well almost.....

    @notts-joe asked me to write a piece for PON this week....this was my initial reply:

    "I am not sure there is anything left to write about?

    The season is a wash-out, will we finish 21st, 22nd or even get relegated?

    The new manager has suddenly realised that the team is worse than he thought....and his points "target" is unachievable.

    How do I make this fiasco even remotely sexy?

    I need to drink 10 pints just to get through a matchday.............help!!!"

    Then after another litre of Adam's Ale....I thought "what the hell".....so here goes.

    Now, I am not normally a negative kind of guy.....after 4 failed marriages and 8 kids, you could say I am the eternal optimist, surely I can make it work next time!

    I said in my last "piece"  that Notts season was turning into a "wet weekend in Skeggy", you know you should be excited because it is a holiday after all, but honestly you wished you had stopped in Bulwell and saved your dosh!

    Well since I wrote that piece, Notts season has suddenly turned into an all-expenses-paid trip to Aleppo, Syria.....with a connecting stop in a Belgium Airport!!

    Ok Tarkers, FFS say something positive, you are starting to depress people.

    Mmmmmm........George Formby got the sack, .......it was a pity it wasn't 68 days sooner.

    By the way, what is it with Raymundo?.....if I had £7 million on a horse running at Cheltenham, I think I would at least choose a decent jockey to ride it, not a random passer-by that happened to say........ "Nice horse Ray, can I have a ride.....where do I shove the 50p?"

    Ask @Elite_pie....if it's a 150 to 1 outsider, then there is a pretty good reason, either it's got a leg missing....or else the fastest it has ever moved....was escaping from the glue factory!!

    Finally Ray realised the error of his ways and sent JF packing, and hired the guy that he should have hired in the first place....and, I know it's not popular to state this...but if the deal falls through with my Uncle Griegor and the Albanian squillionaires, I hope he and @erindoors stop at Notts and have some success.

    So now we have MC, the son of the great Leeds player, Terry Cooper.....how I wish he was playing for Notts right now.

    Terry was part of the Revie Leeds team that didn't just "bite your legs", they ate you raw.....and spat out the soggy bits!

    Talking of soggy, that is the team that Mark has inherited....a team that Moniz had scoring goals for fun....and that JF forbade from crossing the halfway line!....no wonder they are confused.

    When MC got his 10 point target I bet he thought "doddle"....now it seems about 6 points too much!

    What is left for the season and why should anyone part with their measly £24?

    The good news is.....we ain't getting relegated. York and Daggers are so dire....that if they played each other....they would both get zero points, honestly.

    So everyone should turn up to ML today, knowing full well that you can have fun without fear of another re-enactment of the "Great Escape"......no more "keyboard warriors" or spotty youths kicking off in the carpark....have a laugh, chat to your mates (if you have any), get drunk as skunk like Tarkers....enjoy yourselves.

    If you don't want to attend the game......pretend you are Rip Van Winkle, waking up after a full year of somnambulism......"what happened with Notts, Tarkers?"

    "Not a lot Mr Winkle.....go back to sleep!!"

    Now I am off to drink my 10 pints of Mexican beer....my new strategy is to start drinking the night before....it makes the pain of the 8am kick-off Mexican time a lot more bearable....sometimes I pretend that we have won for a change!!

  14. Monday's Fixtures:
    Doncaster Rovers v Blackpool
    Oldham Athletic v Chesterfield
    Port Vale v Barnsley
    Barnet v Luton Town
    Cambridge United v Oxford United
    Newport County v Accrington Stanley 

  15. obviously, this season is a complete write off, but cooper is right, players have there careers at stake here.

    The likes of mcleod, carrol and smith clearly do not care enough to put there soul into playing for the badge which is effecting us hugely, waste of a wage tbh, but in all honesty, this is what we have and we have to deal with it.

    I want everyone reading this down at ML tomorrow to get behind the boys, it has worked in the past, it can work now. I attended Portsmouth on friday and from the moment i entered fratton park we got behind the boys, ( Mark Coopers b&w army, ohhh Stanley Aborah ect. ) i want this tomorrow.

    What is your starting 11 for tomorrow?

  16. Easter Monday goal hunt at the lane , how hard do you feel it will be for notts to find the back of the net ? Are we going to find the way through ? Are we going to be able to stop Wycombe in there quest for victory ? 

  17. I think the England national side is a complete shambles, Theo Walcott has had a terrible season and is still picked ahead of someone like Marc albrighton or Arron Lennon who's having a decent season.

    The same applies to Sterling, he is picked due to his reputation when Nathan Redmond has had an almost identical season to him, they have both played the same games and have the same assists and goals, but Sterling is picked ?

    Mark noble is having a good season and is the heart of West Ham but he doesn't get picked yet the second Jack Wiltshire is fit he will be straight on that plane to France, when will we start picking a team that works rather than one full of reputations?

  18. I hope you enjoyed that result, two tremendous goals from England. Individual Brilliance from Kane, who had his back to goal on the edge of a crowded penalty area. Classy turn, instinctive finish and a goal from nothing. Equally instinctive from Vardy, the sort of goal usually scored against us and hailed as genius, then a typically 'English' goal to win it. 

  19. @Blackville and I will be there this afternoon. I'll try and bring back back 2 or 3 defenders for Monday.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. Is this a lack of confidence ? Is it a lack of ability ? Or no pride in the shirt ? What do you think . Just heard MC bang on , how refreshing , is that the only plus , for me yes , well said MC , real job on .

  21. Okay, I designed a couple of mobile wallpapers awhile back but I never actually released them - although they seemed very 'popular' and I did have several requests to release them but for one reason or another I never did. I plan to do this now, along with a few more.

    Not just mobile but eventually for bigger devices.

    Would anyone be interested in the wallpaper below or a different one?


  22. Game 38 - Pompey (A)

    Team: Portsmouth

    Date: 25/03/16

    Where: Fratton Park


    What line-up should Mark Cooper opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  54 more
    2. Elite_pie


      8 hours ago, Super_Danny_Allsopp said:

      Hewitt's defending is pathetic. It actually made me angry watching those highlights. He totally ignores even the very basics of defending.

      Goal 1: Get yourself goalside. Doesn't even try, and the attacker is able to go on like he's not even there.
      Goal 2: Track your runner. Doesn't.
      Goal 4: Mark your man in the box and challenge him in the air if necessary. Doesn't even get close.

      Goal 3 is a Hollis switch off.

      What stands out is as is par for this season, they are all weak goals to concede. You wouldn't be as annoyed if there was at least a challenge to the attacker in which the defender was beaten, it's understandable. However, not one of those goals was the attacker under any pressure what-so-ever. You can understand why MC was raging.

      That last paragraph is an excellent summary of our problems.  We are such an easy team to score against.  Our full backs don't prevent crosses coming in, our central defenders don't offer a challenge when those crosses do come in.  The midfield allow opponents to run or even walk past them at will.  Further to that, we don't create chances and score any more.  Any team that is lacking quality but are organised and hardworking (most in this division) will be too good for us, because organisation and hard work is something we just don't have.  We are very, very lucky that D&R and York seem even worse than us. 

    3. Piethagoram


      @Super_Danny_Allsopp you need to replace our so called Technical Analyst!!! 

    4. liampie


      i dont blame cooper but he should have made changes.

      not the greatest opening game for the new manager but he will see what needs to change. 4-0 is a bad result whatever way you look at it but i fear it could have been worse.

  23. After the past few performances its evident that some players simply aren't good enough and the size of our squad is far too big anyway we still have 32 players registered to play for the first team, who would you keep and who would you bin ? (I'm unsure who's contracts run out in the summer but I know a few are running out)

    For me I would keep;

    1. Loach (obvious reasons)

    2. Adams (only because he's our best left back)

    3. Murray (he gives 100% but hasn't been given a proper chance)

    4. Milsom (has shown glimpses of being a decent player)

    5. Thompson (many will disagree but I think based on last season he is worth keeping)

    6. Noble (obvious reasons)

    7. Hewitt (like Curtis he is young and I think a good manager will help him develop)

    8. Campbell (always tries his best, still young)

    9. Burke (has shown glimpses of quality)

    10. Banton (has shown glimpses of being a good winger)

    11. Oh Stanley Aborah! (Need I say more)

    Maybes; (I haven't seen enough to judge and the three youth players)

    Genaro S, Sharpe, valencic, Atkinson, Sarpong, Bishop, Jordon Richards, Amevor, De Silva

  24. Shaun Derry got us to 3rd in league 1 then we dropped down and down to 21st and fans called for him to be sacked

    Under moniz we were safely mid-table but conceded 2 goals or more in 8 consecutive games and had only won away once all season. Fans called for him to be sacked

    We then get Fullerton who plays poor football, takes us on a run of 7 games without a win but won 3 away from home. Fans hatted him and got him out

    We now have Mark Cooper and finally realise the players are not good enough

    Are we the fans to blame for our downfall ? Have we ever given a manager a proper chance ? With Moniz it didn't look like we were going to improve but we have now dropped down into a potential relegation battle

  25. On live now....absolutely stunning football....the skill levels are out of this world....2-0 to Brazil after 25 minutes.


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