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  1. We went to see our Grandson George in his school play yesterday, it was a little disappointing as he was stuck at the back and didn't have a costume as he was supposed to be a Christmas shopper.

    The basic story was that a spaceship had gone into space and crash landed on a planet and was stranded, the spacemen met some aliens and told them that they would be missing Christmas, the aliens didn't know what Christmas was so the spacemen described it, Santa, presents, christmas shopping etc., (this is where George came in for his brief appearance at the front of the stage and looked at his shopping list). The aliens were sad for the spacemen so lent them their spaceship so they could get home.

    There were lots of kids dressed as aliens, spacemen, stars etc., and poor old George and one or two others had no costume. He did sing the songs with gusto though and seemed to enjoy it.

    I suspect he was put at the back because his behaviour hasn't been very good just lately, he has discovered swear words from somewhere (sigh), I must stop taking him to see Notts. :joker:

    It's Freddie's play next week and he's a shepherd so at least he gets to dress up.

  2. If like me you can't wait til 12 to see the goals jus go on google and type Wycombe vs Notts county goals sky they have them up.

    But anyways after just watching the goals Campbell looked dangerous fouled for the penalty and milsom a delivery in the box was fantastic and a good finish by Campbell.

    Milsom seems to have a engine like Thompson someone who will bomb up and down and won't tire which could be very effective with Campbell or ahead of him .

    Anyways enough rambling there goals I'm not convinced about the first goal it's almost like someone lost there runner an he had a simple head in could of been avoided.

    The second one for me is almost from a team of desperation and out of ideas so they jus pump it in the box now this is were I'm a bit annoyed jus slightly.

    I understand Carroll has been a amazing keeper and passionate about the club etc etc.

    But for me if he's decided to come for that ball which he did he has to get there simple as that he comes out doesn't get there and it loops over him if he stays on the line they don't score at all.

    Im not blaming this all down on Carroll before anyone even tries to suggest that or twist my sentence etc.

    Its just a similar goal to Northampthon ball goes in box he comes off line to get it realises he isn't going to there ball loops over him goal.

    All I'm saying is both goals could easily of been avoided but hey a point is good with 10 men and 2 goals will do confidence very good.

    We also look like we have some injection of energy in the team with Milsom Thompson Campbell Noble when he's not getting sent off .

    So hopefully we can put the pressure on Carlisle who won't be use to playing at deep dale and we can nick 3 points 

  3. Just read a article dated 9th of December by the Wales argus as I searched to see latest news on Scot Bennett.

    Intresting read what I found to Scot Bennet 

    NEWPORT County AFC could face a battle to keep hold of key defender Scot Bennett when his loan spell ends on January 2.

    The 25-year-old has been a revelation at the heart of the Exiles defence since joining on loan from League Two rivals Notts County in October, helping them off the bottom of the table and to a 10-game unbeaten run.

    The Dutch coach was in the stands to watch Bennett in the FA Cup victory over Barnet last weekend and says the move has clearly done his confidence the world of good after a slow start to his Magpies career.

    “Scot played a very good game at the weekend,” he told the Nottingham Post.

    “I went to see the Barnet game to analyse Newport, who are a good team.

    “They are on a very good run at the moment and Scot has been a big part of what they have achieved.

    “Obviously he cannot play against us this weekend, but clearly he is playing well.

    “It will be very good for his confidence and I am very happy for him.”

    Bennett played just four games for Notts at the start of the season, following his move from Exeter City on a free transfer in the summer.

    When he was shipped off to Rodney Parade his prospects at Notts County looked bleak but Moniz’s comments this week appear to offer him a way back in.

    Speaking to the Newport County programme in October, Bennett admitted the move from Exeter to Nottingham had not worked out.

    “I’ve never been at a football club where so many people had come in,” he said.

    “It was a bit of a kick in the teeth really because one of the reasons I signed there was we were told it would only be a small squad.

    “I look back on it now and if I’d known what would happen through the pre-season I don’t think that would have been the club I would have went to.

    “I didn’t go to Notts County to sit on the bench – I’ve been and done that and I felt it was time to move on again.

    “When the chance came to play for Newport I didn’t even look at where they were in the league.

    “It’s about game time and it’s a new experience with a new group of lads and I jumped at the chance.”

    But Bennett’s young family are still in Nottingham and he would welcome a second chance at his parent club.

    “The hardest thing was leaving my twin boys back at Notts County as I’d just moved them up there,” he added.

    “If I go back to Notts County and I’m playing then great.

    “If I end up back here or move elsewhere then I’ll look to perform to the best of my ability and hopefully that will stand me in good stead.”

  4. Yes....it's that time of the week when I ramble on aimlessly from my hacienda.

    Back in the early 70s, I was already in a relationship with my future 2nd wife.....she was a smoker, I had never touched the "evil weed ", not once, even at school, when everyone else was sneaking off to the bike-sheds.

    I moaned at her continually (there is nothing worse than living with a smoker if you have never smoked yourself), so as a joke, she bought me a pipe for Xmas, 1972?

    I proceeded to take the challenge, filled it with Clan.......and for the next 30 years I proceeded to pay for an NHS hospital on my own, via the ridiculously high UK taxes on tobacco!!

    Yes, I loved it, that pipe (and several new pipes over the years) became my constant companion.....there was one in my home office, one in the car, one in my Barbour coat-pocket and one at my work.

    Now, for any smokers out there, you get a feeling of invincibility as the years roll by, by 50 years of age one or two of your friends or workmates have died, even famous footballers, politicians and tv personalities............but I was never sick or ill.....NEVER......it was weird.

    What I did notice was a slight shortness of breath, and the most worrying, black phlegm every morning for an hour or so.

    One day, my number 7 son came to me with a business proposal.....go 50% with him, on a load of imported Chinese vapers.....they were new at the time, nobody was really selling them...a niche market.

    After parting with a sizeable cheque, 3 large boxes arrived................mainly CE5s, Ego-T batteries, chargers, spares.....and thousands of different flavours.

    They took a bit of getting used to, the "throat hit" is totally different but the nicotine hit was superb, especially using 36 mg.

    Within a month, the black phlegm was gone, shortness of breath had disappeared and my sense of smell and taste was incredible.......even the car, office, house....everything smelt fresher.

    We made a bit of money but the Vaper market became too complicated, too many new models, new flavours etc......so I took the last dozen or so cheap CE5s....and ultimately ended up in Mexico.

    Now for anyone that has ever used these......they are pretty simple to use, fill up the plastic tank with juice and hit the fire button....great for a week or so, but the batteries go flat pretty quickly (I always had 2 spares on charge) and the life on the batteries isn't great, maybe 2 months?......plus after a week, you get less and less of a vape. There are lots of Youtube videos and how to try to clean the coils, but they are basically a sealed unit and it is cheaper to throw them in the cupboard and buy new ones.

    Even here in Mexico, I used up my spare 12 units in 2 years, and as they are not actually "legal" here (big tobacco and the government are still making a fortune here even at £1.50 a pack), I ended up paying ridiculous money for black market replacements.

    So, 6 months ago, I took the plunge.

    After a few hours watching Youtube vids of Re-buildable models.....I bought a pack of goodies from a Vape shop in the USA......my liquids were seized at the border but the hardware got through.....I lost about £100 on the liquids but found a local guy who is supplying me "under the counter" juice...no probs.

    My hardware is an Archon Cloudchaser RDA Clone (rebuildable dripping atomiser)....3 brass posts, large dripping well, interchangeable mouthpieces.....I am using 6 wraps of 26 gauge Kanthol on a 1 electrical screwdriver which gives me 1.5 ohms on my new ohm/battery tester.

    I matched it to a SkeletonKey Mod Clone with top-of-the-range Sony 18650 batteries, fully charged, gives me 3.7 v and 2100mAh.

    Total cost, including delivery, was maybe £150......but I never have to buy anything again....everything is totally rebuildable.

    THE THING IS A BEAST......it actually frightened the life out of me the first time I fired it up. It came with dual 1 ohm coils that give 0.5 ohm in parallel.......a huge cloud of vape, pretty hot, spitting and crackling......after my first hour, I removed one of the coils (10 minutes under a microscope) and putting a thicker cotton in, I sat in heaven under a palm tree.

    This thing is beautiful....it is bit like driving a porsche after having a Ford Anglia for 2 years.............no comparison.....pure luxury.

    Over the last 6 months I have only needed to rebuild the coil once after I tightened the screwhead too much....it took me 15 minutes max. I put a new cotton wick in once a week, 5 minutes...the Sony battery lasts all day then straight on charge overnight..............pure delight, well worth the money.

  5. Name: Wycombe Wanderers 2 Notts County 2
    Category: Match Highlights
    Date Added: 2015-12-16
    Submitter: notts-joe

    Discuss the Highlights - Here
    Match Discussion - Here

    This is from the official clubs YouTube channel.

    Wycombe Wanderers 2 Notts County 2

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  6. A trip south on a Tuesday night for Notts. Hopefully it's not raining.

    Wycombe are 10th. 2 places above Notts with a game in hand. They are 2 points ahead of Notts. They have scored 24 goals (7 less than Notts) and conceded 19 goals (a whopping 14 less than Notts).

    Wycombe's last game at Accrington was postponed. They lost 3-0 at Bristol Rovers in their last league game but did win 2-1 at Millwall in the FA Cup in their last game.

    Wycombe are strong at the back. Matt Ingram in goal is one of the best in L2. Their right back Sido Jombarti is rock solid. Aaron Pierre is one of the best CB in the division.They have a well balanced midfield. Marcus Bean is the general. Gary Thompson has started every game and has done well for them after his release by Notts in the Summer. Michael Harriman on the right is a real threat but he can also defend. They don't have much of a threat up front.

    Wycombe adopt a 4-4-2 formation. They are a patient side who keep the ball. They can score from anywhere. Concentration is key to beating them.

    Notts are poor away from home and Wycombe are one of the better sides in L2. A positive result would be outstanding for Notts, a real momentum builder. If Mike Edwards starts, Notts have a real chance, no steady Eddy and I'd be worried. Their strikers are average and Eddy would eat them up. I'll go for 2-1 to Wycombe. Thompson getting 1 and a bit of payback for Notts letting him go. Their winner coming some time after 70 mins. It's almost inevitable at this stage, conceding after 70 mins.

  7. Tim Peake blasted off from Kazakhstan this morning and is currently en route to the International Space Station, where he will spend the next few months. He's the first Brit to go to space since the USSR took Helen Sharman with them in 1991, although there have been a couple of British-born Americans since. I've always found space travel absolutely thrilling; when I was a kid I went to bed with a book about the universe every night. When we got round to learning about space at school, I knew it all off by heart!

    Here's a live feed for those of you who want to follow it:


  8. Izales celebration was so him how he scores and all of a sudden shhhes the haters.

    I really felt for the bloke taking all the stick and for the players cause yea I hate not playing well but I've never booed or chanted what a waste of money .

    Cause I know the bloke is a goal scorer but it always seems of we ain't winning its the strikers fault cause he has a 150k price tag but I hate to say it if you don't get the right assistance or creativity it's useless.

    We could have Messi Ronaldo and they'd be useless away from home just up top on there own holding it at em. 

    Saturday we found out what Izales strenghs are and played to them perfectly and he rewarded us all.

    Just hope people think twice now before booing him or chanting what a waste of money or before booing the team 

  9. Well England are through, 10 out of 10. Spectacturlarly boring, but I prefer that to the fiasco we had under Steve McClaren.


    Yesterday evening we followed the Netherlands - Czech Republic and Turkey - Iceland matches. The Holland match was very compelling - they needed to win to have a chance of qualifying, but went 2-0 down in the first half before the Czechs had a man sent off. A win would have counted for nothing anyway.


    When Turkey took a free kick with just a few minutes remaining, the Dutch had pulled it back to 3-2. It could still have gone very wrong for them. But they buried the free kick, sparking jubilation in the Sausage household (Mrs Sausage would definitely fail the cricket test). Better still, that sends them through automatically as the best third-placed team. The Dutch will be staying at home, and they only have themselves to blame - shocking that they couldn't even muster third place.


    That means that 20 of the 24 teams have qualified, with the remainder to be determined in the play-offs. Here's an overview:



  10. Please join me in welcoming our latest new member,@Graham Oates,to PoN.

  11. All you ever seem to hear at the minute is rumours latest one is apparently Alan Hardy business man who own Paragon Interiors I believe it is intrested in buying the club. 

    Or others believe it's outside investment as I believe they did sponsor us years and years back again it's been all over the place.


    who knows not suggesting anything just letting people know as anyone else heard anything 

  12. I'm liking the look of this Chicken Vindail bubbling away in the pan. I love a curry on Friday night.

    So what's everyone else having/had.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. I was in the house and heard a cat outside crying, I opened the door and there on the street saw four grown men in Forest shirts playing football with it.

    I was about to ring the RSPCA when the cat went 1-0 up.


  14. Newport didn't win their first game of the season until Sep. 26th. Terry Butcher left at the beginning of October and was replaced by John Sheridan. Results didn't improve until Oct. 20th when Newport went to Wycombe and won 2-0. They have gone 7 games unbeaten since then and have progressed to the 3rd round of the FA Cup. That's some turnaround. 

    Newport are 21st in the table. They have 19 points from 20 games (6 points behind Notts). They have scored 21 goals (6 less than Notts) and conceded 29 goals (1 less than Notts). Newport's main threat is Scott Boden. He is top scorer with 6 goals, 4 in the league. He scored the winner at Barnet in the FA Cup on Saturday. Lenell John-Lewis is one to keep an eye on. He has 5 goals but it's his speed that causes teams problems. Mark Byrne is their main man in midfield. He's a quality player at this level. Newport will have to make one change for this game. Scot Bennett is on loan from us and he will be a loss for them as he has been playing regularly and playing well. 

    Newport play a 4-4-2 formation. They like to get the ball out wide and get crosses into the box. They also have plenty of pace to go through the middle. They are a completely different side since John Sheridan took the reigns. 

    This is a game Notts must win. Anything less than a win and I think RM will be on his way out. I don't think this will be as easy as some fans think. Newport are dangerous and playing with confidence. They are above us in the form table so we shouldn't take them lightly. I think it will be a Notts win but a hard fought one. Notts coming back from 1-0 down to win 2-1. 

  15. videothumb_1450116730.thumb.png.b1130b2d

    Name: Aftermath: Notts County v. Newport County
    Category: Pride of Nottingham
    Date Added: 2015-12-14
    Submitter: notts-joe

    Please do subscribe to PrideofNottinghamTV. You Pies!

    Aftermath: Notts County v. Newport County

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  16. Magnets Links to Wycombe.

    As everyone is probaly aware our record at Wycombe is not the best over the years it's one fixture as a kid I use to hate.

    Anyways Players Coaches Mangers 

    il start us off with the most obvious Last seasons hitman Garry Thompson 

    I can think of one more but il see who else has him in mind a clue he scored us some wonder goals also one at Wycombe and one at Grimsby.

    let the guessing begin ⚽️⚽️

  17. As the club asks: Is this the assist of the season from Jon Stead?

  18. Name: Notts County 4 Newport County 3
    Category: Match Highlights
    Date Added: 2015-12-13
    Submitter: notts-joe

    Discuss the Highlights - Here

    This is from the official clubs YouTube channel.

    Notts County 4 Newport County 3

    Why not subscribe to PrideofNottinghamTV?


    1. super_ram


      Am I being a bit harsh in thinking Roy Carroll could have done better with the 1st goal?Noble seemed to enjoy the last goal.lol

    2. Dripsey3


      Blair Adams is flying at Mansfield. Miles better than Audel, who to be fair is a CB playing at LB.

  19. Do you buy your pet a Christmas present? Apparently it's big business these days with thousands of pounds being spent on pets at this time of year.

    I've just heard there is a Santa's grotto for dogs in Mansfield where you can take your dog and have a picture taken with "Santa Paws"! Would you take your dog?

    We haven't got any but we have in the past bought our various cats Turkey Whiskas for Christmas Day as opposed to the cheap cat food we normally bought.



  20. Just like the affair discussion, I am wondering if anyone has had their faith in Notts tested?

    I am not referring to just a row of poor performances but other things, perhaps seeing grass is greener elsewhere? It would be interesting to read the views of fans who have stopped attending games etc.


  21. Saturday's Fixtures:
    Derby County v Brighton & Hove Albion
    Middlesbrough v Birmingham City
    Bradford City v Southend United
    Gillingham v Burton Albion
    Mansfield Town v Leyton Orient
    Yeovil Town v Barnet


  22. Simple don't use EE I rang up to top up my phone on my card so as you talk to the operator (machine) I enter all the stuff as you do .

    Only to get to the very end and it says we can't take a payment right now so I think il use there online one.

    So entering it on there etc only for it to decline it at the last minute even though I have the funds avalible it's never ever allowed me to top up over phone for a odd reason.


    Have to be the worse company ever avoid the phone top up over the phone and there online one 

  23. Link below 



    Sorry moniz but you clearly have zero authority or are scared of the bloke .

    Roy changed the game with his stupidity and lack of professionalism he is a veteran goalie but to do that was imiture.

    In my view if someone does something so stupid and imiture they should be dropped and teached a lesson same applies to anyone else no is bigger then the club.

    If Carroll won't get dropped he may think oh I can do that again I'm untouchable and it seems that moniz has his favourites for me I also think Loach may deserve a chance 

  24. Magnets Links to -Newport County 

    Newport County Founded in 1912 Reinformed in 1989 a day after my birth 😊

    They are known by the names of The Exiles The Ironsides , The Port , The County

    elshClwb Pêl-droed Sir Casnewydd)[1] is a professional association football club based in the city of NewportSouth Wales. The club participates in Football League Two, the fourth tier of the English football league system. Most recently reformed in 1989, the club is a continuation of the Newport County club which was founded in 1912[2] and was a founder member of the Football League's new Third Division in 1920.


    There History

    Newport County,[3] originally nicknamed "The Ironsides" due to Newport being home to Lysaght's Orb Works steel works,[4] started out in the Southern League in 1912 at Somerton Park.[5] The official name of the club was The Newport & Monmouth County Association Football Club, although the shorter Newport County was soon adopted.[5] The club were reformed in 1919[6] and were first elected to the Football League in 1920. They were not re-elected after the 1930–31 season but rejoined for 1932–33.[5] After almost twenty years in the Third Division South, the club finally clinched promotion to the Second Division as champions in 1939.[5]

    Now time for Links Players -Coaches -Managers you can think of please everyone join inso first one

    Scot Bennett 2015-2015 Currently on loan I also know another player but il see if anyone else has his name 

    so let the games begin ⚽️⚽️⚽️



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