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  1. Yes for me, in fact I heard on the radio that its been a good year for them in Notts. because of the weather and some have grown as big as tennis balls!

    You wouldn't want many of those on your plate. :joker:

  2. Just to let everyone know I will be now doing the Magnets Links players /coaches/Managers threads.


    My aim is to get as many people taking part and showing me you're football knowledge I hope you all join in and enjoy it it will be up and running nice and early on Friday night.

    So please everyone join in and let's bring it back to life 👏🏻👏🏻

  3. Name: Youth Team Highlights: Notts 2 Rochdale 1
    Category: Match Highlights
    Date Added: 2015-12-10
    Submitter: notts-joe

    Discuss the Highlights - Here

    This is from the official clubs YouTube channel.

    Youth Team Highlights: Notts 2 Rochdale 1

    Why not subscribe to PrideofNottinghamTV?


    1. Chris


      Good result for the youth team, COYP!

  4. Yet another new member,welcome @deryck.flowers1.Good to see you've already dipped your toes in the water,hope to see you around even more:thumbsup:

    1. super_ram


      This topic's posts are not available currently. Please try again in a few minutes.

  5. So following on from the sprouts thread, do you like Christmas pudding?

    Custard or brandy butter, do you set fire to it.

    We have custard and alway pour a couple of songs of brandy on top then set fire to it.

  6. how long does Moniz have in your opinion?  

    14 members have voted

    1. 1. if things dont improve when do think the club will axe him?

      • 4 games (hartlepool)
      • after the new year? (oxford)
      • early feb (york)
      • afterwards (between york and the end of the season)
      • he will survive (regardless of results)

    how long does Moniz have in your opinion? i thought it would be interesting to see the response.

  7. Can anyone think of any songs which annoy them or used to.


    Post them below.. we'll see if they annoy other members too.

  8. Cool. used to enjoy it when it was on. The movies not so much, but the series was enjoyable.

    In fact anything with Gillian Anderson is worth watching. :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:




    The X-Files will return for a six-episode event series, it has been confirmed.

    Fox has announced that David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will reprise their role as FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully for the limited series, which will begin production this summer.


    © 20th Century Fox

    "I think of it as a 13-year commercial break," said The X-Files creator Chris Carter. "The good news is the world has only gotten that much stranger, a perfect time to tell these six stories."

    In a joint statement, Dana Walden and Gary Newman - Chairmen and CEOs of Fox Television Group - added: "We had the privilege of working with Chris on all nine seasons of The X-Files â€“ one of the most rewarding creative experiences of our careers – and we couldn't be more excited to explore that incredible world with him again.


    The X-Files: 5 classic episodes of the hit sci-fi show

    "The X-Files was not only a seminal show for both the studio and the network, it was a worldwide phenomenon that shaped pop culture – yet remained a true gem for the legions of fans who embraced it from the beginning.

    "Few shows on television have drawn such dedicated fans as The X-Files, and we're ecstatic to give them the next thrilling chapter of Mulder and Scully they've been waiting for."

    The X-Files originally premiered in September 1993, spanning nine seasons. Two feature films based on the franchise were also released, the first in 1998 and the second in 2008 following the original series run.

    Read more: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ustv/s267/the-x-files/news/a637664/the-x-files-to-return-for-6-episode-event-series-on-fox.html#ixzz3VP7KNNzi 
    Follow us: @digitalspy on Twitter | digitalspyuk on Facebook

  9. roy-carroll.jpg

    Carroll celebrated with his former teammates after their landmark victory in north London in September and has tipped them to repeat the feat at the Stadio Georgios Karaiskaki.

    "I played at Dagenham when they were at the Emirates so I went to see my old friends afterwards."

    "They were on a high because it was the first time they had won for many years in England."

    "They can certainly beat Arsenal tonight," said the Northern Ireland international."


    I have to be honest, I have about as much interest in the Champions League as I do the Premiership these days - yet I thought Arsenal had crashed out of the competition? Or, at least they looked certain to fail. It's interesting to see Roy Carroll saluting his former club, yet I do hope he's wrong.

    Thoughts? Do you agree with him?

  10. Please join me in welcoming our latest new member,@benfathers,to PoN .

  11. Where do you think Notts will stand within the League Two table after playing Newport County on Saturday?

    Guess the position.


  12. It's been announced that the Football Leagues incentive for 'overseas fans' has been won by Notts.


    It's official! Notts County are the most popular Football League club in the world!

    The Stand Up and Be Counted campaign has come to a close and the Magpies have finished TOP of the final table with 6359 fans, ahead of Leeds, Wolves, QPR - and Forest!

    Congratulations everybody! You have made the club proud!

    YOU PIES!!

    Link to our social status - Here

    What do you think about this? comment below.

  13. There is an old joke....."I was impressed with the new instructional book on Roadkill, some great recipes in it, saving a fortune on my Asda bills......the only problem is.......what do I do with all the bicycles?"

    Well.....I also have a use for roadkill.

    In the normal Tarquin syle....I brief preamble.

    Never having owned an animal previously (do Koi count as animals?), I acquired 6 chickens last year. Built a nice coop for them, fresh eggs every day....tasty.

    No security fences, pack of six wild dogs jumped the stone walls last year.....resulting in 3 dead chickens in the field, 1 died the following day......2 severely injured but survived.

    After several hours of YouTube videos, I learnt to gut and portion the dead chickens. The first anatomy-lesson was the worst, the other 2 were easier and I have to tell you that they were excellent eating....far far better than store-bought chicken.

    Anyway, one year later the fences are in, 10 new chickens were raised from chicks in my bath-tub and are outside now in the coop.....the local "wild dog pack" is missing three of its numbers and have now learnt to circumnavigate the Hacienda!.......things were looking good until a month ago.

    3am....horrendous screeching from outside.....Tarkers jumps out of bed, underpants and flip-flops only (not a pretty sight!), grabs a torch and runs, well ok, stumbles, towards the chicken coop.

    Flashing the torch around, I find one white chicken pinned to the floor with what I can only describe as the most vile-looking, rat-like creature, trying to bite its neck off. I look around for the dog-killer (a 6 foot pitch-fork) and by the time I locate it....the fiendish thing is off over the 4 foot fence and gone.

    The chicken survived a huge gash in its neck....2 days propped up inside a cardboard box and a bit of TLC.

    A few nights later....exactly the same thing at 4am.....this time I was ready, sleeping next to the open window, pitch-fork ready, torch to hand.....3 minutes later.....one dead Opossum.....no dead chickens.

    No idea if anyone has seen these things, the only marsupial in the Americas, but they look like a giant rat with an 18 inch prehensile tail and ferocious teeth....urghhhhh.

    The bad news is....they have about a dozen babies that the female carries around!!

    So far this month, no more in the chicken coop, but one dead one under a manhole cover by the back door (it took me 4 days to locate the smell!), one dead one in the sheep-pen and one "exploded" in the electric sub-station after chewing through a cable and knocking out the power to the office (again it took me 3 or 4 days to locate the smell and it was heaving with maggots as I dismantled the panels)......luckily I am getting used to it by now.

    OK....back on subject....Roadkill.

    Why waste good protein by throwing it to the vultures.....when you can BBQ it.......and feed it back to the chickens?

    They absolutely loved this Opossum....the 10 new chickens plus the 2 from last year, took about 4 hours to polish off this specimen once cooked!!........the Revenge of the Chickens!!

    I am now working on a new design of an underground BBQ pit......where I can leave the Roadkill cooking overnight, similar to the Kalua pig-roast.






  14. I'm asking not to be negative but to spark discussion, when I watched this on TV - I felt it was a great segment for the F.A Cup and the way all three players speak really impressed me.

    Yet, even now I wonder about two things Alan Smith said.

    AS: "The club we play for now, the history of it, is something we have to protect and I think, although some players don't know it, we are proud to play for Notts County, to say we have played for the oldest football league club, in the world is a big honour."


    AS "It'll probably a game a lot our lads, ourselves included, will remember for a long long time to come."


    The first part is great to hear, I mean a player like Alan Smith saying something striking and speaking of honour - yet I find myself wondering why we would need to protect our history? Which players don't know that playing for us is an honour?

    And, will they remember the game for the wrong reasons?

  15. Has anyone got their Christmas tree up yet, I must admit as the years go by I am less and less inclined to get excited about Christmas but we will be putting ours up in the next few days, mainly because the Grandchildren like it.

    We have been invited to our son's for Christmas this year so we are looking forward to that, what are others up to?

    Have you put your tree up, do you decorate the outside of the house or are you an old scrooge like me? :lol:

  16. OK. We are looking into buying a new assessment system for the childminding business ( @tonyhateley have you heard of it? Called Tapestry   http://tapestry.info/ )

    and we think now would be a good time to invest in a tablet for the children to use when they are with us as well as for us to observe and make notes on.


    How good/easy are the ipads when you are locking them down to restrict usage when children are on them?

    Do you need a separate programme to 'secure' the tablet for their use or can it be done sensibly from ios itself without causing too many issues to swap back when an adult needs it?

    Might still go for a Galaxy Tab, but the educational programmes, amount wise, are bigger on ipad. (Even though as an i hater it galls me to say it!)

    Anyone have experience of giving their ipad locked down to their kids (even though ours would be for the minded kids so ages 2-5) and it being ok and safe?

  17. As some may know....I am a bit of an oddball....I live alone in a 16 bedroom ex-hotel up on the Mexican Altiplano, 4,500 above sea level.....I have built high block walls to the front and side, 10 foot steel gates with spikes guard the driveway, barbed wire fences guard the rear fields................I talk to myself (plus my sheep and goats).......this forum may keep me sane...mmmmmm

    Being new to the site, I thought I would have a bit of fun by sharing a Top Tip every week.....every Tip is true, I promise.

    Tip One - How Not To Get Kidnapped.

    If you read the news, people go missing here all the time. Two Aussie surfers went missing on the Pacific coast a few weeks ago in Sinola....I think their bodies have now been found.

    43 student teachers went missing off a bus that was stopped by "police"?

    Just a few months ago, four people went missing here from the local town......body parts have been found, with the usual notes attached claiming responsibility.

    Nobody really knows the total numbers because the press rarely report all the incidents......10,000 a year?.....20,000?

    Firstly, obviously try not to go out too often....and never at night after 10pm.

    Stick to main roads, Pemex Stations have forecourt cameras, most big restaurants have cameras (good idea to check before selecting it as your Favourite), my bank here has double security doors so that the camera can get pics before the second door opens, make sure you leave a "camera trail" for the authorities to follow.

    Never carry too much money, no rings, no watches.......I let my hair grow shaggy, stop shaving occasionally......wear ripped soiled jeans.....my personal favorite is mumble to yourself while passing "spotters", sometimes I hum a poor rendition of Dambusters and put on a slight limp or stagger.

    Lastly, I carry plastic bags and occasionally stop to collect plastic bottles and assorted rubbish like a hobo.

    So far it has worked....coming up for 3 years in April and still have all my fingers and toes......if I suddenly stop posting....please have a whip-round..... hahaha

  18. .....of Lisbon.

    this is a sign I saw whilst on holiday pointing to a place called Moniz.




  19. Okay, so let's say Moniz manages to retain his duties and in January he decides to opt towards reducing the squad (I don't expect him to do this personally).

    Yet I am wondering which players we can afford to leave? How would you trim down the Notts squad?

    Rather than talking about potential signings, which at this stage would be madness considering our squad size - I think before we do this, we must reduce the squad down to balance and I know we have a reserve team but even then, I would rather see some of the youth players blooded into these games.

  20. Pretty straight forward out next game is Whcombe away an there right up there and we can't even beat teams like Wimbledon away so there gonna thrash us .


    Also would you get rid of moniz after that game as I believe it's 2 weeks til our next game against Newport at home enough time for someone to change things.

    We are clearly going nowhere I can understand some people on here have been very paitent on here with moniz.

    But even after now surely you have to be thinking it's clearly not working out were now 9 points off the play off but only 5 points of 20th spot so we're now closer to bottom 4 then top 6.

    And we are in December pretty much 5 months and we're still no were near sorry people but we are sliding very fast down this table.

    I mean 442 has worked well for us of late even tho Barnet were very very poor but yesterday he could of used 442 and gone for it even with McLeod and Murray.

    Milsom must be either very rubbish or moniz doesn't rate him as he can't even get 10 mins off the bench.


    And what's the point in bringing bishop of the bench for 2-3mins he can't even get a touch of the ball with 2-3 mins 

  21. Good morning all, I am back from our cruise just waiting to disembark in Southampton.

    We've had a great time the weather has been fabulous, we've had some lovely food and seen some great places.

    so how are Notts doing? A win and a loss while I was away I was keeping tabs via Sky Sports in our cabin but didn't get much detail other than the scores.

    Here are a few pics from our jollies.


  22. No, not that kind of affair. Have you ever decided that the grass is greener on the other side and supported another club instead? Why? Was it down to the folly of youth, peer pressure at school, or maybe you moved out of the area? Or are you having a fling with Notts?

    One Grimsby Town decided to support Manchester United instead, and this is his story:


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