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I guess it’s a good idea to get all the different supporter groups under one umbrella.

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The club has done this in the past; it didn't work then, and I don't believe it would now. I would hope that it does have benefits, but from my experience it just leads to being unproductive. I wish that this could work, and that supporter groups are treated equally, and that they put aside any differences to serve us fans better. Under Alice Kelk, I personally felt my presence wasn't respected. I got kicked out, then re-asked to take part.

I soon decided, like many others, that it wasn't worth the hassle or my time, though my intentions were only to help the club.

I personally didn't want to be all that involved, though some sought access to the board level, and I don't like that idea. The point of the committee was to represent the fans, provide supporter feedback, work in harmony, and assist the club with fan-related initiatives. Though most meetings were pointless, and my treatment greatly saddened me. 

I had a very good understanding with Sarah Gooding, who first started the committee idea, and even though those original meetings seemed pointless. It was nice to see groups at the same level, and it seemed promising, but they just stopped and started. Once Sarah left, Alice eventually resumed it, and I don't think my issues stemmed from her. Yet to be removed from the list, to be told it was a mistake, considering how involved I was, just made me realise my effort and time would never be appreciated.

Whoever comes in as the chair needs to avoid silly disagreements and start with a plain canvas, without taking sides or listening to past gossip, because it does not help the future.

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I can't believe the club is actually going ahead and trying this again, with its new shiny name but the same principle. You would hope that it could be useful, but it needs a strong leader, and that is hard with getting football fan groups together. The Trews decimated the connection between fans, a bond that used to be present years ago when everyone seemed together. Now you don't see this at all. The fighting I am aware of amongst some is very petty.

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I had forgotten that the club even had someone acting as the club's SLO. One got sacked from the role if I remember correctly for posting controversial messages on social media. It doesn't sound like a good idea, knowing how little some groups actually represent the fans. If things have been fine in the last four seasons, why is the club doing this now? You can only hope that supporters can do best by their club.

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All fans should be able to get along with each other and put aside their differences for Notts. It sounds like the club is taking a more formal approach to past attempts. It's important that the club comes first and any hidden agendas are cast aside. This will attract people who want to feel special or even powerful, but the principle sounds good. The club needs to avoid those bad types and encourage people who are passionate. I am sorry if this comes across negatively. All the supporter groups do nothing for most fans and don't have the appeal to young people.

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As a community where everyone should be able to say they "love" Notts, we should put that love and passion first.

All groups should build each other up, both big and small. After all, fans will choose whom to support and where to take their voices. The main thing is to listen and carry that forward. You don't need any official connection to do this, just someone as a point of contact within the club.

This is what the previous attempts failed with, so I hope the new committee will be beneficial. I strongly feel that the club needs to get some representation for young supporters. My cries of neglect that the Junior Magpies/ YOUng PIES still haven't been properly addressed, and they are our future. There have been encouraging, but I am aware of a lot of disappointment. The Junior Magpies used to be a fantastic scheme for younger fans, and should be returned to its former glory. This YOUng PIES branding, I still believe needs scrapping. Plus, it's important for the club to listen to feedback of this nature rather than ***-for-tat.

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I hope that time proves me wrong, but I don't see how this could be good for the club. It might be better to explore this nearer the end of the season. The focus right now should be on trying to get promoted. Any existing friction caused for various reasons, including the Trews, should be avoided at this crucial stage in the season.

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I think the past attempts failed for a reason. It doesn't sound like the club has ever truly committed to focusing on the benefits of such heads coming together. I don't see how this time would be any different.

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Would free Danish pastries be available for participants?...count me in😎

5 hours ago, NottsCountyKev said:

I had forgotten that the club even had someone acting as the club's SLO. One got sacked from the role if I remember correctly for posting controversial messages on social media.

Thanks for that @NottsCountyKev. I was blocked on twitter by that same person

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@Piethagoram I can't say I am surprised. People who act nice to your face and come from nowhere usually can't take the truth.

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One thing a fellow Pie pointed out to me yesterday... 2 seats for The Supporters Trust? The Supporters Trust must still legally exist but who is on "The Board" so to speak?

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Do we still actually have a Supporters Trust and if we do, who is actually still a part of it? 

Plus, anybody who is appointed from the subsequent parties must, in my opinion, go home and away and have a genuine idea of what we want and need as a fanbase. 

My concern is the people who will represent the first Supporters Committee will include members who don't speak for the wider fanbase. There is a lot of division within the fanbase as it is and the last thing we need is members of supporter groups only speaking for themselves and their own particular interests, rather than the wider interests of the entire fanbase.

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I believe Glenn Rolley who was "Chair" of the Supporters Trust passed away in 2012.

I am sure I paid a "lifetime" subscription to be a member.

With reference to @ARLukomski good post above, perhaps the best way is to have a gateway, say through the existing Supporters Liaison Officers, that any Notts supporters can put their ideas in writing and for the SLO to collate such information.

It could then be aired at a fans forum, with a chance to respond by those present, or by letter / email for those that cant attend?

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As a general comment, 25th March will be my 58th anniversary of my first #Notts game. The club under the Reedtz has in general, been exceptionally run. Investment in many off field things, which many previous chairmen were reluctant to do.

What would be your "go to" items that need to be addressed?

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After Alan Hardy put the club up for sale, BBC News did a segment where Iris Smith from the Supporters Club spoke on camera. They also spoke with a scruffy man in a suit reportedly from The Trust. I don't want to sound personal when I say scruffy, but his hair was a mess, and he looked as if he sleeps in his suit. He didn't say much of interest, and I don't think his opinion is relevant to the general fan. I am sure he's a nice person, but aside from his scruffy appearance, he did not seem to know a lot about Notts, at least about what was going on right now.

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I think the club should have thought about the relevance before proceeding with this news, making sure fans knew who was who. Not everyone involves themselves with supporter groups or trusts. It's something I have never done; I don't feel the need to be in one.

The purpose of supporter clubs is quite dated now, and without prejudice, none of them represent me. I do hope it helps to bridge the trouble caused by former owners, but the club shouldn't just hand anyone importance without earning it.

I also don't know who the current SLOs are, and I don't think the fan-elected SLO was ever publicly let go. So what happened there, I do not know. But surely another election should have been conducted?

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I have met the chair of the Trust. I think he mentioned there were a few on it in one past meeting, but nobody ever took his second seat.

21 minutes ago, Joshua said:

After Alan Hardy put the club up for sale, BBC News did a segment where Iris Smith from the Supporters Club spoke on camera. They also spoke with a scruffy man in a suit reportedly from The Trust.

This is true, I was asked to do the interview, and my sister-in-law and brother took me down to Meadow Lane.

Only to be told by Iris that the Trust wanted to conduct the interview, and that it was considered more important. Perhaps, if the Trust was actually known to fans, it might be right. Unfortunately, I don't remember his name, but I have seen him in Nottingham and a few times at home games. The interview was in relation to the news of Alan Hardy suddenly putting the club up for sale, and the concerns about the debt that was being reported at the time.

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I’ve never been a member of any of the supporter groups apart from the trust when they took over the club. I’m also a lifeline member but apart from that I’ve never been interested in joining anything else, as with all these things it probably sometimes attracts the wrong type of person and ends up with internal bickering.

I just want to pay my money, go to a match, watch the game and support the team, not get involved in internal politics.

No offence to anyone who does like to get involved it’s just not for me.

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3 hours ago, Piethagoram said:

I often wonder when Lifeline sponsors a #Notts match at The San Sirrel, who gets to go to represent Lifeline?

Well they never asked me. :biggrin:

  • Haha 3

Lifeline from the beginning for me.... they seem to have lost my number!!! Surely there should be a draw amongst members to attend a match sponsorship?

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i think it could be a good thing but it depends how serious notts are about it and if they can get the right people to take the seats. i think there are more reasons why this can fail, than there are to succeed. if the club find the right person to lead the meetings and it actually focuses on notts, us fans and does not become about what those groups involved can get or the benefits of being close to the club it could be good for notts. i am just of the mindset that most will want something and not all give up their time just to be useful. some will, most probably not.

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