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  1. What are your thoughts?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Robbie


      I think it you are a season ticket holder or member with a ticket, one should at least get a team sheet free if charge, or a free online team sheet that can be downloaded an hour before kick off.

    3. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      I suppose down the line the decision could always be reversed. Not that I see it happening, but for those who collect them or enjoy reading the content before kick-off/half-time, they will look like stooges worrying about the league table, pulling their phones out and staring into them.

    4. Countyman


      I haven’t bought a programme for years now. I just don’t see the value, and they quickly become paper waste. If it was more like a magazine, I might reconsider, but the last time I bought one, the paper was worse than toilet roll, and there were more ads than good content.

    1. Chris


      Good I say, they should be fined and prevented from being involved in football again.

      This sort of thing doesn't help the reputation of the game, nor does it shine a good light on English football.

    2. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      I think it’s the first time I’ve read something where the EFL hasn’t made the fans suffer for the actions of others higher up. If Paul Conway and Chien Lee were involved still, it might be different, but fines are sufficient in this case.

    3. liampie


      the club needing to contribute to the fees, makes sense. i am glad those people got fined and i do agree they should be ruled out of being allowed any involvement in football.

  2. much more interesting than golf

    1. Chris


      I thought it was Monty Python at first. :rollonfloorlaughing:

      I don't know about anyone else, but I would watch this! It rekindles the wish of watching a demoltion derby! :P 

    2. liampie


      😂😂😂😂so funny! i would watch this too.

      i wonder how many takes it took to capture the footage, as the buses have little room to turn or even over take. which leaves very small space for errors.

  3. I See Celtic Have Won the Scottish Premier League Title Again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      I miss the days when Rangers would run away with the Scottish Premier League, at least then it was between them and Celtic.

    3. liampie


      i watched a few games from the scottish premier league and it reminded me of our top three highest divisons. very hit and miss with quality but i dont get why other teams cant put more of a challenge. it cant just be down to money.

    4. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      A Quote From Scottish Comedian Kevin Bridges. The SPL used to be a Two Horse Race. Now It's Show Jumping !!

  4. Apparently the Premier League have fined Manchester City £2.09 million because in 22 matches they were late coming out for the Second Half. Really!! I Mean Really? I know Man City are possibly the Most Hated Team in the Premiership with other Fans but to fine them over £2 Million Pounds is Utter and Complete Garbage, because they breached Premier League Rules With Out Good Reason. Ok Fine the Club but lets keep things in perspective. Now that this as Happened should other Clubs also break this Rule they are going to have be Fined the Same amount. Can you imagine the chaos this could cause if one of the Lower Premier League Clubs were handed a £2 Million Pound Fine?

    And what if this sort of  Rule was Adopted throughout The EFL ? Clubs wouldn't be Fined as Much but Imagine the Damage that would be Done to a Club, if they were Fined between £100,000 and £300,000 for the same sort of infringement, it would probably Result in Some Clubs Going To The Wall.

    I Know the Premier League make Rules up as they Go Along but by what right do they have to inflict this kind of a Fine on a Club? I hope Man City fight this, because if They Don't the Fall of English Football will take One Step Nearer. And Finally Pep's answer to All This? I'll Make My Team Talks Shorter. Yeh Way To Go Pep.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chris


      It was some time ago when I read much of the things Manchester City had been charged with, along with various threats from them about taking action over the FA. They seem to be able to avoid punishment, I am not sure the amount of money to them is a big thing. Which makes it not effective.

    3. TheSkipper


      The Premier League is a joke and always will be. Some clubs are treated differently, and it shouldn’t be this way. Manchester City, being one of the biggest teams to bring in revenue, gets some unfair advantages. Manchester United did before them. The only big team I think has been nailed and sometimes punished worse is Chelsea.

    4. liampie


      i dont have much time or interest in the premier league, i sometimes caught games last season but i think it lacks the fan element that we have.

      manchester city being unable to sell out their ground, despite having the appeal and ability to lower their tickets just sums it up. when teams start buying the league, it does take away their identity and i am disappointed they are managing to avoid proper punishment so far for all their charges.


  5. After the Classic Battle between the Magpies and Wrexham for the National League Title. There seems to be some sort Rivalry grown between the Two Clubs. So How About This, Lets Annoy Wrexham Even More.

    Why Doesn't someone at Notts Approach Hugh Jackman, not to take over the Club, but to Offer some sort of Sponsorship For The Magpies?

    I Can See The Headlines Now. Wolverine's Notts to Hunt Down Deadpool's Wrexham. A Poster Featuring Wolverine in a Black & White Suit, Steel Claws Extended, Ready For A Fight To The Finish.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      After a Hard Battle Wolverine turns to Deadpool and Says

      I'm Getting To Old For This.

      Yeah You're Even Older Than Notts County replies Deadpool.

    3. Chris


      Hugh Jackman might be more likely to favour Wolves. ;) 

    4. liampie


      what about tom cruise or brad pitt? two of the biggest stars, unconnected to @Dry Nelson Ray. 😛 

    1. Chris


      Air marked to watch.

      I did have it on when I stumbled across something which has been more pressing for me personally, but I do love the Magpie Circle and I will always sing praise for Paul Mace. I have stumbled across comments, which I think are unrealistic and somewhat unfair - such as saying certain questions should have been pressed. The club won't let Stuart Maynard speak freely, as they will want to protect him.

      This said, I do hope to catch it soon.

    2. liampie


      i watched a few minutes but I thought it would play it on the way to tranmere, as i want to see what @TheSkipper thinks.

  6. Well that's the Preseason out of the way and to say the Magpies have been Disappointing would be an understatement. Despite new Defenders being brought in to  add Strength to the Back Line the same Old Mistakes are happening as they Did Last Season.  Poor Results can't all be placed at the Players door . So What's Wrong With Notts?

    In My Opinion it's the Game Plan it's as plain as the Nose on your face that the Notts "Model" is all Wrong building up from the Back playing Tippy Tappy Football DOES NOT WORK.  And as it's been suggested by other Concerned  Fans on PON really by playing this type of Football will only Result in Notts being a Mediocre Midtable Team at Best or Relegation back to the National League in the Worse Case. The Excuses of well Notts haven't played at Home, the New Players need time to settle in, Stuart Maynard needs time to sort out his Starting XI all that won't  Wash Anymore. What Excuses are going to be Given when Notts are Struggling? And are caught up in a Season Long Relegation Battle?

    Stuart Maynard needs to be Tough and tell any other People who try and Influence his decisions to Go Away This Squad Is His Team and He Will Not Tolerate any Interference from any other Quarters.  But he won't because it's my Belief he's Not Strong Enough to Enforce his Personality at the Club. So where does that leave  Notts Should Stuart Maynard Fail? The Appointment of  a New Coach, A Yes Man who will Play the Notts Way, which has been deemed the correct way to play their Football. Luke Williams may have left the Lane but his influence still lingers, the Magpies still play his way because it was Successful in the National League and for a Time in League 2. But once it was worked out by other Teams in League 2 and how to play against it the whole thing just came Tumbling Down. A New Strategy needs to be adopted, it doesn't have to be Good to Look at as long as it Produces a Match Winning Team.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      The thing is Fella will Notts be given time to build a good run of Form. If the Magpies start off badly then the knives are going to be out for Stuart Maynard, Fans are going to be baying for his Blood and should he be Sacked after a couple of months of the season, then it will mean a New Coach coming in and putting his ideas into action ( as long as he's allowed to). That could Result in another season of Mediocrity down the Lane.

      However there is No Point on holding on to a Coach who is out of his Depth in Hope that things will Improve Results Wise.

    3. Robbie


      Problem is @Wheelbarrow repair man if Notts dismissed Maynard for poor Notts performance the powers that be at Notts would just appoint another Maynard, Burchnall clone who would carry on with the same tactics, when it will clearly show we need something different, not the same old.


    4. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      Very True @Robbie Maybe if Maynard is Sacked then Richard Montague will be given the Job as Head Coach. Because I Believe He is the Mastermind behind the way Notts Now Play, there's been enough hints from the Guy. Then if the Magpies continue to Struggle, he'll Get The Sack. We live in Hope.

  7. Big News today, that our Friends across the Trent have signed Jack Grealish. 

    Well his Portuguese Look Alike Any way. And why does Jota Silva remind people of Jack Grealish? As he played on many occasions for his  Country? No . As he Won a Sack Full of Trophies? No . Did he cost a British Transfer Fee of over £100 Million? No. But Most Important Question Of All. Has He Ever Appeared in the Famous Black & White Shirt of the World's Oldest Professional League Club? No.

    So Why Does this Portuguese Player look like Jack Grealish? He wears his Hair in the same way as Jack. That's Right  that's the only thing he has in common with Jack is he wears a Head Band pushed back in his Hair. And the Journalistic Genius that came up with this comparison, gets paid Vast Amounts of Money, while ordinary People have to Get Up at the Crack of Dawn work a Job that they more than likely Don't like, to earn Money just to put Food on the Table  Pay their Bills and cloth their Kids, Makes Me Sick.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. eighteensixtytwo


      He does have a similar appearance and physical build to Jack Grealish. He has already claimed that he will be better than him, which, considering Jack’s situation at Man City, might be an easier task.

      Jota Silva does look a lot like Grealish, though.

    3. Countyman


      He looks like a weaker imitation of Jack Grealish. I do think the pair share an uncanny resemblance. I don’t think Grealish would be bothered about the comparison. Jota Silva is a decent player, but I think Grealish is far better.

      I don’t get all the fuss over the off-topic comments. It sounds like effort was made to encourage people to respond.

    4. upthepies


      I don’t understand the fuss that the BBC and other media outlets have been making about this deal. Just because a player looks like another doesn’t mean it should be the main focus. I see he’s already come out saying he’ll be better than Jack Grealish. Those are big words. Yes, he does look similar, but I am sure he’s his own player.

  8. Yes I Know Macca's gone and different Topics have been written about him. And an Awful Lot By  Yours Truly. Just a Couple of more Questions

    Do you think that if Notts Fans had known Macca was being Sold say around the Time he was appointed as Club Captain, his departure would have had any Real Effect on Season Ticket Sales?

    And If You Knew Macca was going to Leave Before You Bought Your Season Ticket . Would You have Still bought Your Season Ticket, or would You Have Not Bothered?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chris


      I believe it encouraged people to renew quicker, but I am less sure how many wouldn't have purchased a season ticket knowing that Notts were going to sell him. I certainly can understand why some fans would think it might impact the quality we see on the pitch and not everyone who purchases a season ticket can be defined as a supporter. Some just go to watch football. I know 4–5 people who have done this, just because they're Nottingham born and want to watch good football.

      To me, it seems unlikely to have made a large impact. It probably would have been very minor, if noticeable at all.

    3. Robbie


      To be honest. When a player is transferred to a bigger club, everything looks nice and dandy.

      The player gets a good lump sum signing on fee and a bigger salary, then they find themselves sitting on the substitutes bench game after game.

      The player left a club where they were the first name written on the team sheet to mearly a squad player with the new club.

      Somehow, I don't think many players think about that before they sign on the dotted line.

    4. liampie


      its a good question, but i dont think fans would have been less likely to renew. if they wanted to, it would make sense to have done it whilst the early bird prices was available. paying more because a player left just seems odd, as does if they refused to go to games because he left therefore not buying a season ticket as some sort of protest towards the club.

      i get the knee jerk reaction and the upset, but it would not have made much difference.

  9. I bet if I were in the UK, all the high street shops would be new to me. When I was last in Nottingham, I didn’t get a chance to go into the city centre. So, I’m not aware of what it’s like these days. I thought this trip down memory lane might interest some of the PON members like @Piethagoram and @super_ram.

    What shops do you remember and wish were still around?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      2 hours ago, Robbie said:

      have fond memories as a boy of the old massive Coop department store on Upper Parliament Street.

      Yes we used to go in there if I remember right they had lift operators, do you remember that @Robbie?

    3. Robbie


      @Fan of Big Tone

      Yes I remember although I was very young at the time. The store was so big. If I remember right it was the only big department store my parents shopped at. They used to shop mostly at small shops on Hyson Green high street.

      My Grandma owned a paper shop at Bobbers Mill but I don't know exactly where it was. She sold it in the late 50s so I was too young to remember it.

    4. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      11 minutes ago, Robbie said:

      @Fan of Big Tone

      Yes I remember although I was very young at the time. The store was so big. If I remember right it was the only big department store my parents shopped at. They used to shop mostly at small shops on Hyson Green high street.

      My Grandma owned a paper shop at Bobbers Mill but I don't know exactly where it was. She sold it in the late 50s so I was too young to remember it.

      @Robbie  it was a bit like Grace Brothers in the sitcom Are You Being Served :joker:

  10. Quote

    Perhaps some games could be postponed this week on Police orders due to demonstrations in some areas. Obviously some Cities and major Towns could be effected... Tranmere not far from Liverpool or Manchester could be at risk i suppose.... Certainly hope not.... 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blake


      I hope fans know before setting off, as it would be disappointing for those who travel to have a wasted journey.

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Let’s hope peace and love prevail and the fans can watch a good game with no trouble before, during or after.

    4. liampie


      its hooligans causing trouble and a large amount are trying to use the situation to steal stuff. stupid rioters, i hope it dont effect notts.

  11. The discussion inside the post about the TV show "From" has made me wonder how many fans of horror are on the Pride of Nottingham. The 80s were a great year for the genre, with films like The Blob, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining, Hellraiser, Creepshow, The Thing and Friday 13th being just a few of the films I recall enjoying.

    The 90s were also quite enjoyable, but I am not a fan of those films that use jump scares as their main focal point. I also dislike the first person, self-filming camera type movies. The Blair Witch Project did it right, but most films after that which tried this unique method made it unbearable and distracting.

    What horror films have you enjoyed? If you were to name 3, what would they be?

    Let's discuss what films within the horror genre we define good entertainment.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BromPie


      I haven’t watched a good horror film in years. I don’t like these ghost trends or creepy dolls. None of them are remotely creepy; they just try to make you jump with cheap thrills.

    3. Robbie


      Liked the Frankenstein movies with Boris Karloff & the Wolf Man with Lon Chaney Junior.

      Those films tend to be looked upon as Comedy nowadays.

      The Hammer Horror films were popular too in the late 50s & 60s with Christopher Lee as Dracula.

      Probably my favourite horror film is King Kong 1933, with Robert Armstrong & Fay Wray.

    4. Piethagoram
  12. The season is nearly upon us - in just over a week, our Quest To Return To League One So We Can At Least Play Leyton Orient Again enters its ninth season. More importantly, the PON prediction league starts again! Next week, I'll post the first fixtures and hopefully a good few of you will be gazing into your crystal ball.

    So, to gauge interest (and remind you that I'm still here): who fancies a go at it this coming season? Everyone is welcome - it's always fun to see some new names giving us experienced campaigners a run for our money. The more the merrier!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DonnyNotts
    3. DangerousSausage


      That's a fair number of us already. I'll post the first round tonight!

      @True Magpie, it's great to see a new name in the mix. And don't worry about being the best, I've decided I'm going to win it this year 😉

      @Robbie I think everyone has their own method, whether studying the form table, guesswork, octopuses that can see the future or, in my case, surrendering my soul to the devil in exchange for eighth place in the prediction league. 

    4. gtownjohnno


      Count me in please... Can last seasons winner have a 20 point handicap please... Lol.. 


    Disappointing if true...when


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Piethagoram
    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      I’d loved to have seen him sign for Notts, oh well, onward and upward.

    4. Robbie


      I'm not disappointed that he didn't sign for Notts.

      Not sure that he would have got well into our style of play anyway 

      Notts have three excellent strikers of their own and if it comes down to it, one of our attacking midfielders such as Jodi, Nemane or Crowley could fill in as an emergency striker if needed.

  14. Whatever happened to the other Saunders brother that was part of the Management team???? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. liampie


      i sometimes wonder if stuart maynard would be better if he had a more experienced assistant, but i do think its important he can trust them. he has formed a working relationship, so hopefully its enough for him to start winning fans over more.

    3. Chris


      I am sure all the coaching and management team are 100% behind the club and are trying their best to provide Stuart Maynard with important feedback. I think it's better that the technical area is no longer to be bombarded with players and staff.

      Not that it has stopped other clubs from doing this exact thing last season at Meadow Lane.

    4. TheSkipper


      The dugout is more for players. Only the manager/head coach can be in the technical area, and the assistant is usually nearby. A coach usually doesn’t have much involvement during games, so he will probably be watching from the stands. It’s not like we have first-team staff that are paid to be idle.

    1. liampie


      very good preview, its good to see that notts got mentioned and obviously they would mention life without macca. seeing them list our defensive signings again gave me a buzz. they do look like strong signings for us.

    2. Chris


      It's a good read, from the Notts perspective they have done a fair amount of homework.

      I do feel a little disappointed that some teams have more depth than others, it takes away a fair balance, but it's not like they could write a compressive preview. I believe there are teams that will pleasantly surprise those who have high expectations for them. I think the likes of Walsall will do much better this season.

    1. liampie


      i am pleased for bromley, as underdogs and newly promoted team i wish them all the best in league two.

      it was nice to watch them gain promotion, as it meant something and it really is an exciting chapter for them. the task to remain an efl club is quite large but if they continue with their team spirit and fight, i am sure they will survive the drop.

    2. Chris


      Bromley has a very tough task ahead of themselves, but they did well to rise in the National League and earn promotion. I would rather see teams like these, then Sutton in the Football League. Their journey could just be the beginning, it wasn't that long ago it seems, when Bournemouth and Brentford were underdogs in League Two.

  15. PSF - The Posh (A)

    Team: Peterborough United

    Date: 03/08/2024

    Where: London Road

    What line-up should Stuart Maynard opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. True Magpie

      True Magpie

      It was a good friendly, entertaining, and I don’t think we have much to worry about at this stage. There are a handful of players who didn’t make the game, so I would be curious to see if they actually make the bench or start against Tranmere. Peterborough were always going to win this friendly. A high-scoring match should give us more confidence rather than affect morale. It’s how you look at things, I suppose, but Jodi Jones played at his very best.

    3. TheSkipper


      It was a good pre-season friendly, a lot of intent and good chances by both teams. The result means little, so I would caution less worry over the 4-3 finish. I would say, it shows that we can be competitive with good teams, and it's all about form. If we learn to finish the chances we get against League Two teams, we should be fine.

      Now we can start building the first 11, focus on performances and form.

      The first few games will only be a good insight as to how we are adjusting defensively and how Stuart Maynard sees which players have what roles in the squad.

    4. menzinho


      For those that are interested I've found the highlights from the Peterborough site, they are free to view!

      Highlights of the first match: 


      Highlights of the second match:


      Second match is, um, more entertaining... 🫣 😅


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randall


      I don’t know, but I think when we have our own players of this age, it makes little sense to sign or bring in someone else’s young player.

    3. liampie


      🤷🏻‍♂️its a interesting spot, i always wonder how people get pictures like this and why the club does not do more to ensure nobody is sneaking pictures. if a player is training with you, then its less a problem but when its just like this anyone could see it and trigger interest. i dont really know him but trust the recruitment.

    4. menzinho


      Sadly he's probably a lot better than any of our strikers that are also 18. He's scored plenty of goals in the Premier League development Leagues and the then did well in his short spell in the National League. A move to a League 2 club would be a good next step for him.

      As for the photo though 🤷‍♂️ It could be a number of players to be honest, it's very hard to tell who it is as it's so far away! Maybe a touch of wishful thinking to say it's Dajaune Brown, but it could be... 

  16. Andy Murray has announced his retirement from Tennis after losing in the Quarter Finals of the Olympic Games Doubles event.

    Andy Murray certainly put British Tennis back on the map after many years of being in the doldrums.

    What a record Andy has. A record to be proud of.

    Andy Murray could arguably be described as Britain's best ever Sportsman, but do PON members agree with that opinion, or is there someone else more deserving?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chris


      I'm not going to keep saying things about Andy Murray; I personally don't like him or his attitude, but I don't deny he's a good player.

      He would make a very good coach.

    3. Robbie


      A great send off for the Legend that is Andy Murray.


    4. liampie


      reminds me of my school days. 😅

      good luck to him in retirement, if he can inspire or coach the next generation of great british talent that would be great.

  17. Good morning, it’s Friday so it’s the start of the weekend. :clapping:

    It looks like it’s going to be another hot, sunny day, I’ll be mowing the lawn today it’s started a growth spurt after yesterdays splash of rain. I also need to do something about the pond which is very low, I was hoping for a really good prolonged period of rain to fill it up but I think I’ll have to top it up with the hose, the trouble is we are on a water meter.

    Whats every up to today?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robbie


      Good Morning all.

      A bit cooler this morning with cloud cover.

      Prepared dinner for later this afternoon.

      Looking forward to the Peterborough v Notts match and will be keeping an eye on the updates.

      TV and News a no no today, just going to take it easy this Saturday, and watch a DVD this evening.

    3. Chris


      I'm trying to relax whilst feeling a nice cool breeze through my window. I have been literally melting these past few days and at night I have struggled to sleep due to it. I've also earned a bit of a rest, since doing some gardening earlier in the week.

      The past few days, I have been tempted to go to Wilford Hill Cemetery, but it won't be today.

      So, I will rest up today and try to catch up on some of the things I have been otherwise tied up with. Tomorrow, I really do want to get out though, so I'll probably go see that person who calls himself Super Ram. ;)

      We are planning to have a film night too, though I think that will be sometime in the upcoming week. As for making it to Wilford, I think Kate's spoken about Thursday for that. It's maintenance time and tidying things up, so if the weather is nice. We can take care of that... 🤞

    4. Chris


      Saturday, I spent most of the afternoon offline.

      We decided to have the film night then, so we popped out to a local shop to get treats (as bribery) to encourage it to be watched, without complaints. We ended up choosing IF, which is about imaginary friends. I thought it was very good, less story-based driven but full of meaningful messages about enjoying life etc. I also made some home-made popcorn, which is something I liked to do.

      A bit of oil, sugar stir it in nicely and then coat the popcorn kernels and shake every 20–30 seconds.

      On Sunday, I managed to go see @super_ram. No gardening, just catching up and talking.

      It was a decent weekend, thankfully not overbearingly warm.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. liampie


      i love reading the memories, the old scoreboard has been mentioned a fair bit during my time on pon and i have seen many of those pictures before. its nice to know that there was a joking element to it too.

    3. Chris


      I remember a smaller one from the 90s, that used to have very basic animations when goals were scored.

      I have seen this one during my time though, but I can't share any good stories about it. I have heard other fans at Notts games tell me about it, so I know it meant a lot to fans who were fortunate to have seen it in action.

    4. True Magpie

      True Magpie

      I have no memories of the old Spion Kop scoreboard, but I do think preserving its history and the memories of fans is very important. I would welcome seeing more comments from fans here on PON who may have had the experience.

  18. I hope he’s ok.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      I've Not Heard or Read anything else about Snus, there's been No update from any Main Stream Media (as I've seen anyway) My Original Thread on this Topic is currently on Page 17 of the PON Website. One of Snus main problems is it increases the Risk Of Heart Problems !! Make you think doesn't it? Also could it part of the Reason why Players Suddenly Feel Tired? Whatever it is Snus needs looking into by the F.A. and Banning, or Football could end up having a lot more Young Fit Players Suddenly Collapsing on the Pitch, Heaven Forbid.


    3. Robbie


      @Wheelbarrow repair man

      I couldn't find anything recent either since those last reports. Seems that they want the story buried, I wonder why?

      This dangerous habit is not going to help sportsmen in the long term and it's use needs to be put in the spotlight, highlighting the dangers of it's use.

      I'll monitor the airwaves from time to time to see if SNUS is mentioned or not.

    4. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      Good Luck To You @Robbie but  I think you may be Flogging a Dead Horse. Because has you have said the SNUS Addiction of Players is Something that People Want Buried.

      What will it take for this to be Brought into the Spotlight? Some World Class Player Collapses and Dies on the Pitch in Front of Thousands of Fans and his Death can be linked to his use of the SNUS Drug. That Statement is a Morbid One I Know but it's Probably the only way the Use of this Drug will be brought back to the Forefront of Awareness.

  19. Cause for concern?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. liampie


      his ideas will probably be all americanisation and that wont work here in the uk, scotland would be more opposed to it. i hope he does good, but i think if someone could make a team that is not known for winning things and claim to have revolutionary ideas. it would make me wonder why not a more profitable team? i really hope for inverness caledonian thistles that this is a good thing for them.

    3. DangerousSausage


      They'll be back in the Highland League then.

      Every time someone swans in who knows nothing about football and promises to revolutionise football we know exactly what's going to happen. It's like a bad soap opera.

    4. Chris

About PON

Pride of Nottingham

Pride of Nottingham is an independent fansite devoted to Notts County, the world’s oldest professional football club. Created in 2013, it has served as a source of Magpie news, features, match previews, reports, analysis and interviews for more than three years.

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Meet the Team

Chris Chris Administrators
super_ram super_ram Global Moderators
DangerousSausage DangerousSausage Global Moderators
CliftonMagpie CliftonMagpie Global Moderators

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