I don't know why I have missed this blog but I've read it now and yes you are right it is controversial and it will upset some fans......me for one but we don't have to all agree all the time. I think a lot of things that you have mentioned in this blog are starting to come right since you wrote it, the manager seems to have got the team playing his way and it is working, they are playing attractive football and winning, if this carries on the problem of bums on seats will be resolved as people will come and see a winning team. I have had doubts about the manager in the past and have voiced them on this forum but fair does to Mr. Trew he stuck with his man (for once) and (fingers crossed) it seems to be paying off. I'm not sure what you mean with your comments about living in the past, I thought that was "them over the river's speciality", in what way are we living in the past, is it the reference to being the oldest football league club? I personally think we should make the most of this as we can, the same with our links with Juventus, we can't forget our past and if it gets us noticed across the world then surely this is a good thing, not something to shrink from. Colin Slater comes in for some horrendous stick from some of our fans and a lot of people are much more outspoken than you are Scottpie, some of the bile that spouts forth (not on this forum but elsewhere) sickens me because the people saying these things aren't and never will be as intelligent and eloquent as Colin, I agree with Notts Joe it will be a sad day when he retires and for me listening to the away matches will never be the same again, it seems I have been listening to him half my life, if he comes on the radio Mrs. H daren't speak because I have to catch every word. He is an institution and I hope he goes on for ever. As I say I respect your view but I'm afraid I just don't agree with it.