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Alan Hardy dividing opinion..


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What is some people's problem with Alan Hardy? Some of the abuse he's getting abit oit of hand now, I've got to question where some Notts fans respect is.. He saved us last season, brought some stability to Notts.

If I owned Notts and got this abuse I'd sell the club to the first buyer, its no wonder the trews got fed up.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not Alan Hardy's biggest fan, his decision making has had 1 or 2 flaws, discussing transfers on twitter not a good idea.. The way he speaks down to fans who don't agree with him is abit out of order, promises he can't fulfill was always going to end in fans getting angry.. 


Where do you stand on Mr Hardy?

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I don't think it's about being a fan of his or not mate, he's the chairman of Notts County.

I've quickly come to realise that everyone has an opinion, whilst some may naturally disagree and even dislike some of the things he does - I think to a certain point it's normal. I don't like seeing some of the abusive things, though I have noticed more from other clubs fans (Forest and Mansfield). Fans are always judging the club, though I just feel AH can't do much right at the moment despite trying.

He comes across as a genuine person who wants to move the club forward.

Personally I don't judge him, I'm not actually very judgemental and I take people as they come. I think much of the issues as of late is due to tension but you will never escape it in football.

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Don't get me wrong the way he responds to fans is out of order at times and can be fantastic too, he's got abit of an arrogance about him after saving us last year, which does deserve all the credit in the world, Notts were doomed, non league beckoned..

I don't think it'll be a promotion season, I think top half/just outside play offs, maybe mid table at worst..

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4 minutes ago, TheSkipper said:

He takes everything personal.

I have had a few exchanges with him and I had a lot of negative reactions after he retweeted what I wrote. My tweets was not a stab at him, just expressing my opinion but the good he does is outweighed by how daft he acts at times.

think when you have hundreds of people tweeting you and you naturally want the best for the club, you will make mistakes.

i prefer ah over the trews and find him more refreshing tbh.

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You do not want the owner of any football discussing active transfers on social media or anywhere for that matter.

Revealing who we are tracking always seems to be risky, but it shows openness. I think the way the Trews ran Notts previously has lead people to wanting more, the seasons that they hyped up every year and now its sort of expected. At the end of the day a club like Notts needs to make progress before big players will sign and I really do not mind Alan Hardy. If you think he is twisting the truth slightly, take it with a pinch of salt.

At least he is showing openness and making effort, you can't discredit that.

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Alan Hardy deserves massive respect for the way he turned the club around and changed the atmosphere at Notts. He quite possibly saved our League status. But there's no denying that he comes across as a bit of a self-publicist.

I think a club owner being so accessible will always be a magnet for people who want to give him abuse. Communicating directly and openly with the chairman like that makes them feel important.

However, this can hardly be a surprise to him. He gives as good as he gets at times. He'll have seen the stick the Trews got himself. What is frustrating is that he's repeating Ray Trew's social media mistakes, telling us about players that will make us go wow. Dear oh dear. Firstly, if that player doesn't sign he'll get stick. If he does sign and doesn't live up to his billing he'll get stick, as those of us who remember Notts signing a "World Cup defender" (Michael Emenalo) will know.

It'd be interesting to know what Kevin Nolan makes of all this. My gut feeling says we could do without the circus, but the manager might actually find it quite handy that the chairman deflects attention away from him.

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There is no doubt that AH has done a lot of good for the club in the short time he has been here, but his social media antics are starting to blight his achievements. I find that some of his comments, especially replies are very condescending and I would be much happier if he came off Twitter and let all the media news come from the official site.

His decision to vote for the Checkatrade trophy format was purely financial and against the views of nearly all of the clubs supporters and now he is supporting the 60 minute game changes, which is also against fans wishes. This is starting to rile a few fans that he does not appear to be interested in our views and I understand that he is trying to run it as a business, but he should also know that you don't upset your customer base if you want them to buy your product.

I'm now debating whether to unfollow him at the moment, because he is coming across as a bit of a {insert expletive of your choice here}.



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On measure I agree with you @Fozzy . If Twitter was around in the days of Jack Dunnett and Derek Pavis they probably wouldn't have come across any better, but Alan Hardy is making himself very available and it's probably only a matter of time until he says something he regrets.

Regarding the 60 minute matches, AH has every right to voice his personal opinion here and the proposal does have points in its favour. But if it ever comes to the vote I hope he'll learn from the Checkanemptystadium Trophy nonsense and take fans' views into account.

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Twitter is fine for individual opinions but IMO should not be used by people in positions of power in an organisation as it can't be disentangled from the views of the organisation itself.

The sooner AH is off twitter, the better for NCFC.

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The way AH presents himself on twitter is always going to draw a certain amount of criticism.

I don't agree with quite a lot of what he says, but on the other hand I do agree with some of what he says. Someone that expresses their opinions so freely is always going to divide opinion.

I don't agree with 90% of what someone who lives with me says, and she's my wife!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To add to this, don't like his support of the 'who the **** gives a **** tin pot trophy', or whatever it's latest name is. 

Again, a matter of opinion and I guess budget, but I won't be attending any of the aforementioned 'competition' games. However, I would fully support Notts fielding a youth team and gladly contribute toward the fine. 

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  • 1 month later...

What does everyone think of the latest episode? There's been a few things as of late which has sparked opinions, and bad reactions towards Alan Hardy but this one for me I think the decision behind the picture is quite weird.

Shouldn't we have people like Brian Kilcline, Devon White? Real icons of 'Notts'. The Elsa and Yoda thing actually made me laugh so much I cried, the art work inside the family stand is amazing but this just seems odd.

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Apart from the vanity aspect of it, it's also weird having two fictional characters alongside one real person. Either have three Notts-related individuals (Hardy as the tall one, Judge/Adam Campbell the middle one - although I stand at 5'5 so why they didn't ask me is a snub for which I will hold a grudge for the rest of my life ;) - and the 2'2" is Jamal Campbell-Ryce :lol:) or three fictional ones (Darth Vader? Chewbacca?).

But hey, I'd rather be expressing my opinions on something as trivial as this than "I don't know if we'll have a club next week" as it was in January.

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Anyway, has been stated in any way by Frozen's developers/character designers that Elsa is that height? Just bizarre. But as I've said, the whole family stand looks great and we have a club that's being run well and a team that's not complete s**t so Hardy could replace the Magpies on the Notts badge with his egg-shaped bald head for all I care and I still wouldn't mind.

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