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    Moses Swaibu was one of the brightest prospects in Crystal Palace's youth ranks, but he ended up in a shady world of cash, danger and fixing rather than football's limelight.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blake


      It makes you wonder if there should be a ban on certain bets, like those involving being sent off or getting yellow cards. Fixing a scoreline would be harder to do without being obvious, I would think.

    3. Piethagoram



      The arrests came after Sodje, 34, was filmed claiming he could arrange for players to pick up yellow cards in exchange for cash

      @menzinho @Chris A double helping of Sodje and Montano!

    4. liampie


      ban them from life, if you match fix or cheat they should never get a chance to represent another club. i would not trust them no matter how sorry they made themselves seem. they are not victims, they are greedy cheaters.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      @Robbie Outside the penalty area, such as longer distance efforts, would be nice. Though, David McGoldrick is ticking this box from just outside the opposition's penalty area.

      The main thing is scoring though, but I would love to see some belters from distant and during cover routines.

    3. Wilfordpie


      Impressive! It shows how dominant Notts can be at scoring goals from open play. It would be great to see someone firing home free kicks. I always love seeing them fly into the back of the net.


    4. liampie


      i love this, it shows more of the positive stats that we as a team are producing playing such good football. even when its not pretty, we are still good enough to get a goal.

  2. Jacob is settling in to the Notts back three very nicely. And he's not bad on his forays forward when he gets the chance.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. eighteensixtytwo


      It's hard to pick just one player for the good start we've had, as everyone in defence has worked hard. Jacob Bedeau has impressed, but he's among many talented players brought in this summer. I hope he, Matty Platt, and Lewis Macari build a strong understanding, but I also know it's important for him and the others to feel settled.


    3. lambleypie


      He has settled in rather well. He looks like a player who has been with the club for more than just a single pre-season. I think defensively, Notts are making big strides forward, and I am hoping to see more clean sheets at Meadow Lane.

    4. liampie


      he looks great in defence for us, i think he is only showing signs of getting better. how he recovers and comes back to defend when players get away from him is very different. he makes them work hard to even pass the ball when hes one on one. watching him defend games tight against the opposition you can see he just watches the ball.

      i think he and many of the other players have settled, as meadow lane seems to lift them and makes it seem like they are home.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris


      I think Greg Abbott is an alright assistant manager, but that's his level. He does have an eye for players, but I am not sure if it's always his best asset. If Carlisle is asking him to make recommendations, I see nothing wrong with that role because Elliott Whitehouse for example just needed game time. He did well once he found a club that would give him starts, although he's fallen down the football pyramid, he was never a bad player.

      The issue the season we had with Abbott and Shaun Derry, it was a budget issue and the focus of wanting to find "young" players.

      I thought Derry would have got us back up to League One had he stayed and whilst we had a decent season with Ricardo Moniz, who again, isn't at fault for how things turned out, I do think sacking Derry was a mistake.

      Abbott is a decent coach, so scouting shouldn't be that difficult for him. I can't say I know much about their issues, but I don't think it would be Abbott's fault. If he's actually signing them, then that might be different, but I assume he's just recommending players to the club.

      I once gave Greg Abbott (whilst he was with Shaun Derry) a PON business card. I asked if I could interview them, Derry looked uneasy and Abbott looked at the card, then responded "What do I want with this?" I told him to have a look at the site and that I hoped they would be open to the interview. He looked pretty unsure about what I had given him. Quite bemusing, it wasn't in a rude way either. More oblivious and dense.

    3. Piethagoram


      On 05/09/2024 at 17:09, menzinho said:

      When Greg returned to be Neal Ardley's new assistant I was pretty shocked to be honest as I always felt his style of coaching was the complete opposite to the Bros vision, no surprises they didn't last the season...

      Totally agree @menzinho Never thought for once he fitted into the Bros "technical coach" category. Always thought he was a comic sidekick to Derry. 

    4. liampie


      he was a bit of experience and someone the players could get behind, with derry being the more techinical minded. its a shame it did not work out for shaun derry but i did like greg abbott. i am glad hes still involved in football.

  3. Our very own Didzy was a guest on Notts TV programme Team Talk, I enjoy watching this programme every week on Wednesday, Charlie McParland is a regular and they have different guests every week talking about Forest, Notts and Mansfield.

    You can watch this weeks episode with Didzy here.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pies79


      Why wasn't the EFL highlights programme on this past Saturday (7th Sept)? I know there was the international break but league 2 still played and some games in league 1.

    3. TheSkipper


      6 hours ago, Fan of Big Tone said:

      @Chris the football league highlights show is on ITV4 on Saturdays at 9pm.

      He means the show that had fans present, where they would speak. The league highlights now feel noticeably hurried.

      Was it Channel 5 that aired the highlights of Non-League football?

    4. liampie


      i need to give this a watch, i will do it later after i eat around 7ish. then come back and give my thoughts.

      how long have they sat around a table? i thought the other way looked better.

  4. "San Marino have beaten Liechtenstein 1-0 in the Nations League’s fourth tier, securing their first-ever competitive victory after 34 years of trying."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robbie


      Wow, they beat little Liechtenstein. The earth must have moved. Hold on to your hats, next stop Brazil. :rollonfloorlaughing:

    3. Chris


      To be fair, San Marino is improving as a nation. I am not sure if it's something that will sustain and see 'long term' improvements, but I do think this won't be their only win.

      I'm absolutely loving the tweet from Paddy Power about United! They'll be losing support and custom from many fickle football fans though.

    4. liampie


      with them being pretty much inside italy, i have always wondered why they dont have more better players or a stronger interest in football. i am pleased they made some history, but hopefully more wins will come.

  5. Nottinghamshire visit Essex for game 12 of the County Championship Division 1.

    Nottinghamshire have won the toss & will bowl first on a very dreary September morning.

    The Notts team for this match is below.👇


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Robbie


      A spirited Notts fightback in their second innings this afternoon at Chelmsford.

      Notts have finished another rain affected day on 180 for 2 still trailing Essex by 184.

      Skipper Hameed as made a gritty 100 n/o & Clarke is on 62.

      Hameed as passed 1000 runs for the season.


    3. Robbie


      So now we come to the fourth and final day of the match between Essex & Notts from Chelmsford.

      Notts resume on 180/2 still trailing by 184.


    4. Robbie


      Notts have lost the match during the morning session. They were bowled out for 281, so have lost by an innings & 83 runs.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chris


      It was a real pleasure to interview Colin Slater, PON might be the only one to have his story from his words. Colin will always be our dear Uncle Colin! I actually used to call him at first, he always insisted that I called him Colin, but I tended to be much politer than that. He wrote some excellent tales, including for us.

      I'm sure him recounting legends such as Tony Hateley would be a great read.

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      11 hours ago, CliftonMagpie said:

      If you click on the image and then press to see the full resolution, you can read most of the text.

      Yes that what I did and it was easy to read after that.

    4. TheSkipper


      I decided to type out the article from the photo to make it easier to read. The text is clear enough, but some visitors might have difficulty if their vision isn’t great. I’ve also hidden it behind spoiler tags for anyone who would like to read it.


      Colin Slater relives some of his visits to opposition territory and recalls some of the fascinating football characters he's met along the way.

      It had been a season of recovery… winning back some of the lost fans, restoring pride, all that sort of thing. Now it was reaching its climax. The coveted prize of promotion was in sight, but not yet within reach. In order to cinch it, what special preparations would be made to ensure that the players were relaxed and generally in the right mood for the final hurdles?
      Answer: none.

      So it was that with three games to go until the end of the campaign, Notts headed for Aldershot on St George's Day, 1960. In keeping with England's national day, some brave hearts and strong deeds were needed.

      But alarm clocks set for early morning were the first essential. The team coach departed from Meadow Lane promptly at 8 a.m., no thought having apparently been given to an overnight stay.

      Coming into midfield that day for his first game of the campaign, on account of an injury to regular John Sheridan, was John Newton. The start time must have reminded him of being on the early shift in his days as a miner in the local pits. But then, he wasn’t the only former miner in the team. Skipper Bob Forrest, who had come from Leeds, had formerly worked at Rossington Colliery.

      While many of the travelling party were content to immerse themselves in the morning papers, the real card addicts, including Forrest, were soon at more serious business on the tables at the rear of the coach.

      At fairly frequent intervals, as was common on all journeys, trainer-physio Jack Wheeler, then in the third of what were ultimately to be 26 seasons in that position, walked around, reassuring himself and manager Frank Hill that "the boys are OK, boss."

      Actually, the boys were in a confident frame of mind, beaten only once in a run of seven games and having battered Aldershot 5-3 at Meadow Lane at the end of January.

      If anybody had any niggling doubts, they were kept to themselves. Such doubts concerned the absence of Sheridan and of Peter Bircumshaw from the left wing, though Alan Withers was a more than capable deputy in that role. Their styles were different, however, Bircumshaw having a ferocious shot which had brought him 18 goals in 22 appearances, and Withers being more content to lay on chances for others.

      Though Aldershot was to become a fairly frequent destination throughout the Sixties, this was my first visit. I was unprepared for what we found in the garrison town.

      Though the venue is called the Recreation Ground, it was a surprise to find it actually formed part of a park used by local inhabitants and was situated quite centrally in the town.

      The crowd exceeded Aldershot's average, at over 5,600 – including a healthy contingent from Nottingham. They were rewarded with a 1-1 draw, the Magpies' goal coming from Tony Hateley, his sixth in eight matches since being controversially drafted into the team in place of top scorer Stan Newsham.

      The result left the promotion issue virtually settled, but not absolutely certain. If Notts suffered heavy defeats in their two remaining fixtures and Northampton ran up cricket scores in winning theirs, goal average would be the deciding factor.

      Nevertheless, when the official party stopped for dinner on the homeward run, it was judged by chairman Len Machin to be in order for a few bottles of champagne to be ordered.

      Oh, by the way, Notts won the remaining two games: 5-4 at home to Darlington and 3-0 the following midweek at Oldham, finishing runners-up to Walsall and back in the third tier. The recovery, to that stage, was complete.


  6. Game 5 - The Owd Reds (H)

    Team: Accrington Stanley

    Date: 07/09/2024

    Where: Meadow Lane

    What line-up should Stuart Maynard opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  63 more
    2. OoooooTommy


      Notts now have a much higher pressing game, where the moment they lose the ball, anyone is capable of winning it back. Losing Aaron Nemane seemed disappointing, but from a defensive point of view, I think we are stronger out wide. Nick Trousella could be the best player we have had on the left for some time. He is defensively solid and very good going forward. Accrington wasn’t so much awful as unable to play. They had attacks that could have got them back into the game, but defensively and in goal, Notts were top-notch.

    3. CliftonMagpie


      It was good to see Notts get straight to making Accrington work. The way we passed early on gave Notts a feel for what to expect from them. Making them chase for the ball, as we casually knocked it around, gave our players a glimpse into how their movement would open up. I think we started to figure that out quite early, hence the focus on playing the ball through the middle to David McGoldrick. Jacob Bedeau’s pass was well-timed, and McGoldrick’s finish was Premier League standard.

      With Notts using the centre of the pitch a bit more, it was encouraging. Though we did use the wider spaces to draw markers and at times needed to lump the ball forward.

      There was only a little bit of pressure from Accrington, as defensively Notts were on top of things. I liked seeing George Abbott get stuck in. It took him some time to get more involved, but it’s not a negative. I think for the first 20 minutes he just wanted to focus on defending and what he could do to help, while he became more confident on the ball.

      He looked good going forward too, very focused with his passing.

      I am not sure how a third goal didn’t go in. I can imagine if David McGoldrick hadn’t scored his goals. Some of the saves Michael Kelly pulled off were frustrating, as he did have a top game, but Notts were just unlucky at other times.


    4. Piethagoram
  7. Hello @lucy80! Delighted to have you with us. Let’s make some great memories together on the Pride of Nottingham!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JIMBO


      Hello, @lucy80. Welcome to PON. Hope to see you join in.

    3. NCRichie


      Hello, @lucy80. Pleased to be welcoming you to the site. PON is a good place to talk and read about Notts.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @lucy80! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

  8. Hello, @Mark Holland. Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham.

    Would you tell us a little something about yourself, such as how long you have supported Notts?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. StanfordPie


      Hello, @Mark Holland, Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham! Delighted to have you with us.

    3. BromPie


      Hello, welcome to PON @Mark Holland. It's good to have you here, be part of the community.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @Mark Holland! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

  9. Welcome to @Countylad 

    Can we all welcome our new member.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. liampie


      welcome to pon, @Countylad. i am glad to say hello.

    3. True Magpie

      True Magpie

      Hello, @Countylad. Great choice of display name! Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham.

      Your participation is important to us. Please check back in when you see something you want to engage with. You will enjoy the site once you settle in. In the meantime, many of our members will make you feel welcome.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @Countylad! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

  10. Welcome to our PON community @Medz59

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BESTpie


      Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham, @Medz59. Don't be a stranger.

    3. RetroPie


      Hello, welcome to the PON site and community @Medz59.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @Medz59! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

  11. Welcome to our PON community @Andystarscream

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. CliftonMagpie


      Hello, @Andystarscream. Welcome to the Pride of Nottingham. Good to have you with us.

    3. MagpieLane


      Welcome to the PoN site @Andystarscream.

      It's good to see people welcoming new members, it does make you feel a part of the community.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @Andystarscream! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

  12. welcome to pon @BeestonPie. i hope you join in with us.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. True Magpie

      True Magpie

      Hello, @BeestonPie. Join in whenever you have the time; I promise your thoughts and time will be valued. Your participation is important to us. Please check in when you see something that catches your eye. You’ll find the site enjoyable once you’ve settled in. In the meantime, many of our members will be here to make you feel welcome.

    3. Blake


      Hello, welcome to the site @BeestonPie.

    4. TheSkipper


      Welcome to Pride of Nottingham @BeestonPie! We’re thrilled to have you join our community. We’d love to hear more about your journey as a Notts fan. How did you become a supporter, and what are some of your favourite memories with the club?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blake


      What league is Matlock in? I wish the pair all the best. It’s nice to see former players do well, especially when they came through our youth system.

    3. Robbie


      @Blake Northern Premier League Premier Division, is the 7th tier of the English league system.

    4. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      Neither player seemed all that good in a team, but I am sure they had something about them. Remaye Campbell had a chance, unlike Montel Gibson, but they always looked like Non-League players. There’s nothing wrong with that either!

  13. Jim has been appointed under 18 Head Coach at Sheffield United. Congratulations Jim.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. KingMaynard


      It was great to see Jim O’Brien back. Though I miss him as a player, he is starting to look more like a manager now. I know, it’s normal.

    3. Blake


      I hope we see him back in the future with his job at Sheffield United. It would be good to see our youngsters take on his team. They are probably leaps above our level, but it would be good to see.

    4. lambleypie


      Pleased to see Jim and his boy back. He got a good reception, and it was a nice surprise. I didn’t know anything about it. I don’t know if Notts had announced it before.

  14. "Tottenham Hotspur’s Under 21s captain, George Abbott, has joined Notts on a season-long loan.

    The 19 year-old midfielder arrives at Meadow Lane having been heavily involved in Spurs’ first-team summer preparations, featuring in their pre-season friendlies against Bayern Munich, QPR and Vissel Kobe"

    "Source Notts website".

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. TheSkipper


      I like him, he's determined and doesn't press for the ball. You can see it wants it and at times, I did feel he was being overlooked for what would have been an easier pass, but I don't think that was intentional. He does everything so superbly, especially getting stuck in with challenges. Defensively, he's very quick to pick up the ball. Curtis Edwards seemed impressed by how he linked in with the player. I noticed them shake hands after Edwards had released the ball to McGoldrick before being fouled.

      @Piethagoram How about we just send Adam Chicksen back when the loan is over, having had both players change their names legally. George Abbott would make an absolutely fantastic permanent addition to our team. ;)

    3. eighteensixtytwo


      I wouldn't compare him to Ryan Yates, but his importance to our team could be similar. His ability to go for the ball and get stuck in was key to stopping Accrington.


    4. Wilfordpie


      He looks like a strong loan signing, doesn’t he? George Abbott should become a lot more confident with more time to settle and plenty more minutes. I think it will be interesting to see how Scott Robertson fits in because Abbott would make my starting team ahead of Robertson currently. I know Robertson is out at the moment, but even when fit, I would choose Abbott.

  15. Jodi is carrying on where he left off last season by assisting & scoring goals.

    He's been nominated for the August player of the month award.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. liampie


      so pleased to read about jodi jones being named for another award, its great for him and notts! fingers crossed he can claim another award. 🤞

    3. KingMaynard


      Jodi Jones has been exceptional so far this season. It’s a well-deserved nomination. Good luck to him!

    4. Blake


      I am pleased for Jodi Jones. He works hard and always gives everything on the pitch. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but nobody at Notts can fault his effort.

  16. Jevani is another good signing for Notts.

    Another versatile player joins Notts on loan for the Season.

    Jevani can play as a striker, attacking midfielder or winger, so is another player who brings fantastic versatility to the squad.

    The squad is now complete till the next transfer window in January in my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. DangerousSausage


      On 07/09/2024 at 14:15, menzinho said:

      A bit from Stuart Maynard addressing the controversy.


      Notts County boss Stuart Maynard says Jevani Brown "is trying to become a better person" after admitting to assaulting a woman last year.

      He explains the club's reasons for signing him, it's slightly more reassuring. I hope the statement about him getting help was genuine and not just a token gesture.

      I think that comment might relate to him getting help with an alcohol problem. He's not the only Notts player to have had problems there. Hope he moves on and does well with us - if there are any issues, back he goes.

    3. KingMaynard


      I mean, it doesn’t look good as to what happened. I won’t judge him for it. I think everyone can make a mistake, and I hope that’s what it is. I thought he looked good. His wiki page isn’t the most glamorous, but I guess it depends on where he has played mostly.

    4. eighteensixtytwo


      I hope the loan turns out to be useful. It’s hard to see where he’ll get regular game time, as cover is what Notts needed most. I hope he’s ready to fight for the team and his career, rather than wasting the opportunity.


  17. Dan & Jodi are staying.

    Those two staying are as good as two massive transfer incomings. 

    Fantastic news to end the day. 

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. heraldmagpie


      I think it's important to tell the fans that the club tried their best to sign new players. We were able to keep two of our most important players. I don't think the rumours about them being unhappy are true. Maybe they are injured, or maybe the manager decided not to play them against Accrington.

    3. B&Wstripes


      As routine statements go, I am not sure it was needed, but I do acknowledge that being clear and insightful is a very good aspect of the club. The worry of losing players should mostly settle until the new year. We just have to see what happens.

    4. KingMaynard


      I think the club did well to reassure fans and keep them informed. I don’t think many clubs do that, and I hope Notts continues.

  18. Match day 

    Notts County Women play Northampton Town today 2pm Kick off 

    This will be a tough match as Northampton are one of the very good teams in this Division.

    Notts have certainly become more competitive this season so Northampton will be a good test for that recent improvement.


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Robbie


      @Blake Northampton are a very good side at this level. They will probably be top four at season's end, however the score flattered them a little. 

      Two of the goals were immediately after Notts substitutions & Notts had a few good chances to score themselves.

      Notts are competing on a level playing field with approx six to seven sides. Those are the sides they need to beat & they've  already won two.

    3. Chris


      I am sure we will continue to see improvements, it's against the bigger teams where eventually we should see further signs of the squad becoming better. It takes time; nothing is lost if you don't push for better things.

      There's no shame in losing the game, pleased for Pies' to get two goals.

    4. liampie


      i wish the womens pies all the best with their season, losing here and there is just football. i hope they can in time bridge the gap and eventually beat these teams they are currently finding hard. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. liampie


      why do i get the feeling he hung on to see if a league club would show interest? i dont think it would show all that much commitment. i thought his heads was in the clouds and he never shown any of the promise that came with signing him. will randall should have been much better.

    3. Chris


      He should do well with them, sometimes there are good players who only excel with smaller clubs or teams with lesser talent in them. It can help lift performances of the likes of Will Randall, when they have the focus and if they don't get it at clubs it can lead to a less focused showing. I mean this with no disrespect, but I believe he's one of those types who like to carry a team and be the main focus.

      I do find it a bit funny that it's taken him so long to find a club, I wondered if he would return to Sutton United.

      Very average player for Notts, one who looked to have the quality but not the interest to perform well enough to be starting or getting minutes on the pitch. Which, it's a real shame as we offered a platform to head in the right direction with his career.

    4. CliftonMagpie


      I think Ebbesfleet is giving this player a chance to prove himself. His time here showed that he wasn't good enough for our team.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robbie


      On a serious note, I'm still waiting patiently for the Man City 115 charges to be resolved. I think all football would like to see this saga come to an end as quickly as possible, & a fair result found, for the sake of football in this Country.

    3. TheSkipper


      I wish they had included a dig at Forest, the West Ham reference was very funny! The whole skit was, but how can you not poke fun at them? They also overlooked mocking Spurs. 

    4. liampie


      that is funny, was that the real ed sheehan or the look a like? paddy power did well. love the comment about telling him not to sing and to put his guitar away.

  19. Who is your player of the match for Notts against Accrington?

    There are a few players that are deserving of that accolade in my opinion.

    David McGoldrick.

    He looked sharp upfront & scored two more goals today.

    Curtis Edwards.

    He never stopped running and did his work unnoticed, but he was very effective in midfield.

    Matty Platt 

    A rock in defence once again. Won most of his aerial duels & is becoming linch pin of the Notts defence.

    Jacob Bedeau 

    Another good performance by Jacob. Sound in defence & effective when he ventures up front.

    George Abbott 

    A brilliant debut by the youngster. He was very effective in midfield, in fact, in my opinion, he bossed the midfield against Accrington.

    Conor Grant

    Very effective in the attacking midfield role supporting Didzy, Had a daunting task to step into Crowley's shoes somewhat but he did so well.

    Those are the players that stood out for me on Saturday against Accrington.

    From that list of Notts players, I go for George Abbott as Notts player of the match

    He had a wonderful debut & he's going to play a big part in the season for Notts.

    It will be very hard for Stuart not to pick him in the starting 11 against Bromley. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robbie
    3. TheSkipper


      I would have given it to Jacob Bedeau, take him out of the squad, and we would be quite weaker in defence and pushing forward. Curtis Edwards had a perfect game. I think he is proving that he's not a squad player but someone who is fighting to play as often as possible. David McGoldrick put in a steady performance and was quite involved, but take away his goals, he wasn't involved as much as Bedeau.

    4. liampie


      i thought curtis edwards class throughout the game, he would have been my choice.

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