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  1. Hello, first time poster so I hope I'm following all the rules!

    If what is being said is correct where the Danish Billionaire doesn't want to be chairman, what would people's opinions be of it being Peter Trembling? Alan Hardy has ruled himself out unless it is only him and Ray Tree is better off gone right now so what about Trembling?


    I know he was the face of Munto but he seemed to care as to what happened to us and he did allow McParland to build a terrific squad. I just wondered people's thoughts on this, also this all academic as I doubt Trembling would want to return

  2. A warm PoN welcome to @comptonpie.I hope you enjoy your time with us.

  3. supposedly aborah wants out of notts, fans are saying fullarton claims he will only work with moniz. why would he turn up to the game if he misses training? why did not fullarton just come out with this all along? i think its quite serious to make such claims when you beat around the bush in the first place.

    i just dont believe it myself!

  4. Because he is going nowhere until new owners are in place, and we still need a few wins to secure league 2 status, 

  5. Radio Nottingham aren't holding back. They are giving us a lot of insights into the rotten nature of the club at the moment. Slater and Stallard aren't holding back either, and it takes a fair bit for ol' Col to get riled up.

    Meanwhile, the NEP are towing the line as always.

  6. Game 34 - The Daggers (H)

    Team: Dagenham & Redbridge

    Date: 01/03/16

    Where: Meadow Lane

    What line-up should Jamie Fullarton opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  87 more
    2. liampie


      the pavis started to empty around the 82nd minute, but colin only mentions the kop??

      i dont blame anyone for leaving, i stayed but yesterday was not good. i think on another day without luck or loach in goal, we could have very easily conceded 3 to 4 of their efforts. our stats just look pathetic to a team which sit bottom of the league. :( 

    3. upthepies


      Awful display of football by Notts.

      We could not pass, clear the ball etc. Stead looked two paces behind every Dagenham, who had him in his pocket. Stead and Murray should have scored those missed chances summed the night up for me. Stanley Aborah was in the executive boxes for last nights game, along with Snijders, Valencic etc

      He seemed quite content with being at the club.

      It seems we have a division amongst the playing ranks.

    4. Piethagoram


      20 hours ago, Elite_pie said:

      Thoughts on the latest shambles:

      Loach 7.5* - not entirely convincing early on but two greats saves rescued a point.
      Atkinson 5 - beaten too often by a tricky left winger.
      Hollis 6 - defensively ok, passing awful but had few other options
      Hewitt 6 - did ok.
      Adams 5 - never looked comfortable all game.
      Thompson 4 - awful from start to finish, just seemed to run around a bit.
      Milsom 5 - a few tackles but nothing creative.
      Campbell 4.5 - reasonable first half, dire in the second.
      Banton 6 - looked a threat in the first half, never got the ball in the second.
      Stead 6.5 - tried hard but had very little support.
      Murray 4.5 - ran around a lot but no impact.

      Noble 5 - never really got involved.
      Mcleod 5.5 - looked like he wanted to get involved but no service.
      Burke n/a

      Fullarton 2 - the longer the game went on, the more lost Fullarton looked. Hopelessly out of his depth, please someone just get rid of him asap.

      A bright first 20 minutes when we were denied a stonewall penalty and Stead should have scored. All downhill after that, and the second half was a huge embarrassment. We were hopelessly outplayed by the team adrift in 92nd place, and actually bossed by a midfield containing Joss Labadie!! It really doesn't get much worse than that. Fullarton has subjected the home fans to 270 minutes of the most pathetic football I've seen in 45 years. He has to go before he kills this club. This is as low as I've felt since the pre-Munto McParland days.

      The last paragraph from Elite sums up where we are. Especially the piece...the most pathetic football I have seen in 45 years. ... Whatever the rights and wrongs of Stanley, I've lost all confidence in Jamie's ability to pick a team and develop a creative style. Not a lot needed fixing post Moniz. The "statement" issued today bordered on unprofessional in not really addressing all the issues raised. A PR disaster and maybe Winter (now is the Winter of our discontent) should also depart. I like to consider myself as a level headed poster, but I have reached a point of no return.

  7. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/6969671/European-Super-League-summit-Manchester-United-Arsenal-Chelsea-Liverpool-and-Manchester-City-chiefs-in-secret-talks-to-leave-Premier-League.html?CMP=spklr-_-Editorial-_-TWITTER-_-TheSunFootball-_-20160302-_-Football-_-383752198-_-Imageandlink

    I found this story quite interesting, the so called top 5 teams in england (Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man utd and Man city) are set to leave the champions league in favour of the Euro super league with the likes of AC Milan, Real Madrid and Barcelona.

    They say this is so teams that don't make the champions league don't miss out on revenue, so even if they have a bad season like Chelsea and Man utd or a bad decade like Liverpool they still get the money they would for having a good season.

    I think this is a terrible idea as teams like spurs and Leicester have done well this year and deserve the money rather than Chelsea, Liverpool or Man utd.

  8. I have just spotted this post from a Notts fan on the internet and couldn't help but post it here......amazing    

                                                                                                        Take a long, hard look in the mirror

     I took a long, hard look in the mirror........and what I saw staring back at me was the haggard, drawn, heavy-jowelled face of a severely depressed, defeated man who has supported this football club for just over 50 years, who has seen some great times, who is prepared to take the rough with the smooth but has had far too much of the former over the past 20 years.

    Twenty years of hurt never stopped me dreaming, but a couple of years ago the dream turned to a nightmare when our club's owners embarked upon a suicidal campaign of appointing inexperienced men to manage the team, a road that they were clearly determined to follow against all the odds, against all the evidence and against the wishes of the vast majority of the club's fans/customers. The result has been one long decline, one humiliation after another, and the club I have loved all my life being made into a laughing stock. I feel that, consequently, I now have the right to voice my opinion that the club desperately needs to go in a new direction, and that this requires a change in ownership.

    The Trews are nice people, good people and they don't deserve abuse. They meant well, they saved the club in an hour of need (though so did Haydn Green, Derek Pavis, Bill Hopcroft, and God knows how many others in the club's long and chequered history), they tried hard to connect with the fans, they made improvements in the club's infrastructure, but in the final analysis they have showed themselves to be not very good at running a football team - which is what the whole thing is all about at the end of the day.

    It was as if somebody bought a run-down, failing old three-star restaurant, saved it from bankruptcy, paid off its debts, spent thousands on redecorating, repainting and renovating the place inside and out, installed all the mod cons, employed smart new serving staff, drawn up a fabulous new high-class menu, arranged a grand public opening.......................and then employed a hot dog vendor as the head chef.

    So I didn't like what I saw in my mirror, it made me realise just how much I take this club to heart and how much its actions on and off the pitch governs my emotions and sometimes even my mental health from week to week. I'm sure most football fans feel this way, and I sometimes wonder if those who run football clubs or play professional football ever really understand the passions and the emotions that they are responsible for. So I - and all of us - have a right to say "enough is enough, I'm tired of my football club being a laughing stock - the 'gift that keeps on giving' as a Forest-supporting work colleague said to me in hysterics the day after Fullarton's appointment - I'm tired of being humiliated, I'm tired of watching this inexorable decline, I want a CHANGE." With or without your permission.

  9. Who will be PoN's midfield general and post the most posts? @Kingmasson or @Don Masson or maybe @donmassonisgod!

    Either way Notts County could do with three Don Massons at the moment!

  10. Having joined PON in December as a refugee from another site ("not my fault Guv....I am innocent"), I was concerned that I might lose my Notts forum connections and become a Syrian refugee stuck on the Macedonian border.

    After 16 people said "hello Tarkers, tell us about yourself"......I thought I might have stumbled across some weird Dating Site for Notts supporters, though only one, @GrannyPie, offered any hope of cosy midnight chats with the fairer sex.

    Luckily I spotted a few familiar names, @DangerousSausage, @Elite_pie and @Piethagoram, so I thought "what the hell" and dived straight in.

    Three months later, PON has become an integral part of my life as an ex-pat, Weather forecast (slightly pointless, hot and sunny every day), News headlines, Facebook (just to check all my kids are still talking to me), e-mails.....then PON.....MY daily 8am ritual.

    My views on PON are a bit like the two pics I attach, one is a "chicken bus" in Cuba and the other is the exec coach I took to the airport to catch the Cuba flight.

    PON is the exec coach, calm and serene...all mod-cons, tv screen and cup-holders, free hot and cold drinks and toilet paper in the toilet!


    So why add the next pic of the Cuban "chicken bus" I hear you cry?

    Because as more and more people join PON and add to its vibrancy, things might get a little noisy!....and I also loved the crowded, jostling intimacy, the informality...the sense of being part of something bigger, something growing.

    Yes, we can still have the hot and cold drinks, but someone might spill your drinks....and the toilet might be crowded!


    So I applaud @Super_Danny_Allsopp for sticking his head above the parapet and sniping at @erindoors.......a bit like all the noisy schoolkids on the "chicken bus"!

    After the defeat away at Plymouth, a result that was about as predictable as the Mexican weather (Pretty warm, hot or very hot), Notts now find themselves looking over their shoulder at the York and Daggers points totals.

    Anyone who even mentions the play-offs again should be made to hand over their credit cards, to stop them buying those instant weight-loss pills that guarantee you will lose 50 lbs by tomorrow.....it ain't going to happen, so stop dreaming!

    Luckily both of the above-mentioned teams stink and surely Notts can beat the stinkiest one on Tuesday night, despite losing to the other,  fairly recently.....we are about to find out!

    The last two matches by Notts offer some hope in avoiding the dreaded drop into the 5th division....and matches against Bromley and Barrow next season!

    Despite giving Accrington a 3-goal start, 2 matches ago, JF finally decided that it was time to start pretending to be a football manager.....and use his subs.

    This shocked Accy, and by the time they had recovered from their surprise, Notts had scored a couple of goals and were threatening a comeback that was last equaled by a guy called Lazurus sometime before Notts were even born....a very long time ago indeed!

    The miracle never happened, but there was a ray of light that JF took into the Plymouth game.

    Obviously as I have said...we lost that one too, but only by 1 goal....when several people, including me, were predicting a score resembling England Rugby v 15 fat guys from Bilsthorpe Miners Welfare.

    So what about Tuesday v Daggers?

    My opinion of the George Formby lookalike, JF, is the same as 90% of the other Notts fans on here....what is he doing here, and how did he get the job?

    For the record, I like Mr Trew and @erindoors, but surely they knew that appointing this guy was the biggest risk of their several years as Grand Poobahs at Notts......and ultimately it led to them putting the club up for sale.

    In my opinion, their 2nd mistake was getting too involved in social media....the terrace terrorists are a lot more "scary" when they are hiding behind a keyboard!

    So guys-n-gals....Tuesday night is Notts version of the Alamo or the Battle of Britain......a loss would be unthinkable and would surely see what remains of the Notts faithful go into meltdown.

    Now is the time for everyone to get behind Notts....and JF (even just for 90 minutes).

    Forget any personal animosity to JF....or even Mr and Mrs Trew......this is the time to back Notts, the oldest league club in the world.......after all, next season JF is extremely unlikely to be here anyway, as I hear he will be returning to Skeggy as an entertainer....or a window-cleaner!



  11. Yet another new member to welcome.Hello @zacdixonI hope you enjoy your time with us.

  12. Dunno if anyone on here plays PC or ps4 or Xbox one but jeez brought the witcher 3 the other day after everyone is still raving on about it.

    And god what a great game it is fantastic open world 300+ hours of gameplay if you download there other story for 20 quid another 100 hours of gameplay included.

    If you play any of the following platforms mentioned above and haven't played this yet I recommend you try it fantastic game 

  13. Hello and welcome to @Kingmasson.You should get on with the last member who joined !

  14. @super_ram...

    Happy Birthday Dad! Now let's have some more PONcake!! (Days will be good when this happens every day). Any excuse for cake mind ;)

    A Derby win was difficult to purchase for a present, you will have to do with a draw. :P

  15. Just to make you aware in case you want to pop in for a chat, to find out more about our community work or attend one of our upcoming events, Football in the Community will have an information table in the Meadow Lane Bar before tomorrow night's game.  We'd love to speak to any fans who would like to chat! 

    A quick reminder of events;

    Wine tasting evening, Sponsored walk to Mansfield & A night with the Wembley Winners.  In addition to this we have places in the Asda 10K and Nottingham Triathlon.

    We suggest you stick around for the half time entertainment we are showcasing on the pitch tomorrow evening too!  #bubblefootball 

  16. With the news of Ray Trew's "optimistic" valuation of 10 million pounds might scupper a potential takeover, it's time for us fans to step into the breach. The users of this board have many talents that can really bring the club forwards.

    First, though, we have to find the money. That's easy enough, @notts-joe can empty the donation fund, I'll empty my tin of loose change that's been filling up for years and we'll just do a whiparound for the remaining 9,999,960 quid. Piece of cake.

    So now that the takeover is a mere formality, we have some posts to fill. First of all I'd put @tarquinbeech in charge of catering on the condition that he supplies us with opossum pies. No other league club offers these, and the main point of football is pies after all. I also have an inkling that @Modern Fan 1862 👍 will be interested in the manager's job. What other jobs would people like?

  17. Game 33 - The Pilgrims (A)

    Team: Plymouth Argyle

    Date: 27/02/16

    Where: Home Park

    What line-up should Jamie Fullarton opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. NewNottsFan


      @weymouthPIE  A very balanced and well put review of the game...progress, but still really disappointed about the result , however, feeling positive about Tuesday and , especially Saturday, as I will be flying down to Nottingham to see the Bristol Rovers game with my friend...be happy to catch up with some of you and buy you a pint

    3. DangerousSausage


      I didn't expect anything from this but I'm encouraged from what I've heard, particularly that the players picked themselves up after a couple of really poor matches. Hopefully we can carry on the improvement.

      Obviously I can't comment on Saturday's match, but I was very impressed with Plymouth earlier in the season. They don't look flashy, amazing or even particularly special, but they're well-organised, solid at the back and a complete menace on the break - exactly the kind of team that ends up celebrating at the end of the season.

    4. Chris


      On 28/02/2016 at 17:41, weymouthPIE said:

      Hopefully the fans get behind them from the start on Tuesday as oppose to sitting back waiting for an excuse to get on their backs

      I for one will try to join in any positive singing, problem is few are prepared to get involved after being disappointed. I know what you're saying, it seems some are keen to do as you say but only a minority. Likewise, it's only a minority whom really want to make a difference. I know of fans who try to be positive, yet sometimes the support to lift the moment is there.

      It's like fans attacking fans for expressing opinions, currently with how people feel - it's just one of those things we need to move on from.

      I'd rather focus on the football myself, as most say - if they got down and did their bits people would back them. We need to see them go into the game and be positive, support will come because it's what fans do.

      Let's hope we don't allow the opposition in.

  18. What are your memories of Notts? Name 3 of each...



    If you can't name 3 of each, just add what you can and a little bit about that time.

  19. Whilst I have been critical of some of their decisions, now is the time to say a big thank you for all the money they have poured into the club's infrastructure.

  20. Notts are already 2-0 up, goals coming from Graham Burke and Filip Valencic. Anyone still attending these games? @Elite_pie?

  21. Saturday's Fixtures:
    Fulham v Middlesbrough
    Queens Park Rangers v Birmingham City
    Burton Albion v Walsall
    Colchester United v Shrewsbury Town
    Dagenham & Redbridge v Yeovil Town
    Wycombe Wanderers v Bristol Rovers


  22. Is there more to Ray Trew resigning than meets the eye? ITV are already reporting that there is a potential buyer. Wonder who it is?


  23. It's been pretty quiet from the ladies team, both their first and second season saw some very good players come into the club but as they prepare for a new campaign - sadly more quality has left than what's arrived. Some fans messaged me around the time asking if I knew anything, of course I didn't then and I don't now.

    Yet thinking about it, along with this reported sale being discussed for some time.

    I really wonder if all things are connected, and how far it goes back? The Fullarton appointment was very bizarre and out of the blue. I had been told Cooper would want certain people as his backroom staff and JF hasn't been able to find an assistant, no staff have come in to help him but we allowed staff to go upon sacking Ricardo Moniz.

    This whole situation doesn't make sense to me.

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Pride of Nottingham is an independent fansite devoted to Notts County, the world’s oldest professional football club. Created in 2013, it has served as a source of Magpie news, features, match previews, reports, analysis and interviews for more than three years.

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