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Cameron apologises

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he has on twitter too, i appreciate his kind words but at the same time we need to see it on the field. if the players are truly sorry, they will put to bed this past 5-1 defeat. work hard and make sure we dont fall so easily.

i wont hold it against them if they do.

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I’m not that bothered, it was a big day and these nerves will settle. Luke Williams has the difficult job of getting the best out of them, so I tend to ease off the players because quite early on I felt we should have changed the tactics we were using. The formation just didn’t give us any advantage over Sutton United. While I say this, I am not annoyed or angry with Williams. I do feel he has a portion of the disappointment on his hands though.

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The apology came from the heart, Kyle Cameron was clearly hurting, and his apology means much more than it does because of the fact we know he and the other players fight for this club.

We had an early wake-up call against Sutton, plus we didn't adapt during the game - it's really what it is.

Being able to move forward without overthinking it, or avoiding holding the result over the players is what we need to do more often. It sort of reminds me of last season when we lost to Wrexham and quite a lot of people were like the seasons over, the leagues not ours. Rather than focusing on the positives. For the record, I personally didn't expect an apology but the fact it came without being prompted makes me feel more inclined to rally behind the squad.

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While Kyle Cameron could improve and avoid giving the ball away so easily, among other mistakes, I feel he is becoming a scapegoat. Some fans are demonstrating their disloyalty by singling him out. I can’t stand these people. They claim to value effort over ability, yet they criticise players who give 100% when their ability just needs a bit more support.

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I find it hard to believe how short-sighted some fans can be, both on social media and at live games. Criticising Aidan Baldwin and Kyle Cameron is counterproductive and reminds me of how Harry Maguire was treated at Manchester United. Instead of starting a hate campaign, we should encourage and support our players.

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I appreciate the apology and I think it shows his character. Clearly, Kyle Cameron’s heart is in the right place. I have seen silly comments on Facebook where some fans on the official page have posted nasty and spiteful comments. There is no need for this, yet I hope Cameron proves them all wrong. He is a decent player and at this level, I think we are lucky to have him. Yes, he can do better but he will. It is early in the season and many of the players are finding their feet. There is pressure, so do not love him when he says ambitious things and do not hold it against him due to a few mistakes in games. Everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. Get a grip and support him.

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Kyle Cameron accomplished what some might not have; how many players offered apologies for our relegation? I don't remember anyone apart from Craig Mackail-Smith. It's challenging to hold resentment towards someone who demonstrates concern, effort, and has proven to be a valuable player for our team. We proceed forward and prepare for the next endeavor!

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I appreciate Kyle Cameron; he does make errors, but his hard work is evident. We must bear in mind that he's merely human, and we all do them. Certain fans might benefit from stepping away from online interactions or refraining from commenting until they regain perspective. Those who struggle to identify positives might find better alignment with teams like Chelsea, Arsenal, or Manchester City. They could then reconsider should those teams encounter difficulties!

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He took ownership of his performance and acknowledged its inadequacy; the first game was a complete surprise, but that's how football goes. A few stumbles or poor games are par for the course with Notts, in my opinion. I feel sympathy for Kyle Cameron, as I've come across comments on the Nottinghamshire Live site and elsewhere that are inexcusable; I'm surprised they haven't been removed.

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The past is behind us now, and I'm optimistic about our continued progress. Even if we face defeat against a team, let's strive to ensure that the goal difference isn't as wide as the one Sutton achieved against us. Additionally, we should only lose to teams that have genuinely performed well, rather than us performing poorly. I'm content that our club has advanced, as there's much to be appreciative of.

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