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  1. a friend said to me we are selling our keeper? noticed the odd comment on facebook but surely the club will not consider this. fabs fine but young, he needs to get experience and we need to avoid the drop. poor fab would need broad shoulders

    this is not me getting at fabs, i am just worried

  2. I recently had a message through facebook from an old friend from 50 years ago!


    He contacted me wanting to know if I was the same person he remembered from Junior School which was on London Road near the Notts ground. I confirmed I was that person and we continued a dialogue and exchanged old photos etc.,


    We then decided to meet to catch up, bearing in mind I hadn't seen this person for 50 years I was a little apprehensive as I went to the pub but straight away recognised my old friend and I could still see the boy I had known all those years ago in the grown man. We ordered our drinks and started chatting, we covered a range of subjects and found that we have very similar likes and dislikes in music, politics etc., it was all going so well until........................................he announced he was a Fword fan.doh.gif


    What a shame he had obviously been led astray at sometime in his youth, he went on to tell me he is going to take his grandchildren to see the "dark side" play, isn't that child abuse? Should I contact social services and tell them what is going to happen to these poor innocent children? rollonfloorlaughing.gif



  3. blackpool currently winning bolton 2-0, gives the f*word more room. brighton winning wolves, the posh winning palace. barnsley 1 up over huddersfield. leicester drawing, come on the foxes! sheff wed 2-0 (bish wont be happy)

  4. To praise contributions and those who help is genuinely something I feel is a great aspect. I've had trouble deciding previously myself, I tend to draw up a list and with things getting a little slow it's been hard for another reason. We all play a vital role, if we didn't have support, posters and so on we wouldn't be a community as such. We're growing, taking steps and making milestones. Member of the Month is aimed to give the community a pat on the back, each previous member has rightly deserved it.

    liampie - You've been consistently in the mix buddy, you try and help which is greatly appreciated.

    Myself and Cheeky know you really care, it's a pleasure to name you Member of the Month for April 2013.

    Please take time to congratulate Liam, I know you browse our site via your mobile so that deserves praise alone! Well Done buddy :)

  5. I dont know if there are any other football programme collectors or enthusiasts on this site but I sure am! I try and collect every Notts programme home and away, started last season. Also collect all of Weymouth's home programmes as I write in them, but just the awa matches I attend with Weymouth.


    Anyway, I need a bit of help. Would anyone on here happen to know if a programme was produced for Ian Richardson's (RICOH, RICOH!) testimonial match?

    It was a match between the Notts County 1998 championship winning side and a F*rest select XI, played on 30th April 2006.


    I did actually attend this match but I never brought (or probably didnt even look) a programme that day.


    I know programmes are normally produced for most testimonial games but can anybody on here confirm weather or not one was done for this game? Need one for my collection lol.


    Any help would be much appreciated :)

  6. Hey guys, my latest article, wrapping up and analysing Notts County's season, has just gone up on We Are Going Up. Also you can cast your eyes over the older articles I've written over the last two seasons as well as some of the other posts regarding the other teams, some great writers on the page, some potentially worth liaising with over the course of the following season maybe? ;-)



  7. Scottish football season: Should it be moved to the summer?

    <!--url{0}--> Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    And, given the recent struggles of Scotland's national side, there is a growing feeling that summer football could well be the answer.

    The Scottish Football Association (SFA) has commissioned academics to examine various options surrounding the fixtures calendar.

    Three options are understood to be on the table: preserving the status quo; having an extended winter break; and switching to a season running from April to October.

    As well as including a case study on the merits of the Scandinavian model - in which football is played from March to November - researchers at the University of Stirling have looked at the quality of playing surfaces at different times of year, weather patterns, daylight hours and the impact of weather on injuries.

    Closer to home, the League of Ireland moved to summer football in 2003.

    Scottish Women's football - at all levels - is in its fourth season of playing March to November. Attendances are up and there is more interest than ever in the sport.

    In its first campaign post-switch in 2010, the Women's Premier League did not lose a single game to the weather, compared with 31 in the 2006-07 season.

    Scottish boys, at Under-12 level and below, are currently in the second campaign of a summer season.

    For those proposing a summer switch, the benefits seem obvious. Better weather equals better pitches, bigger attendances and more attractive football.

    And it could mean that the Scottish game suddenly has a unique selling point in the ever-more-competitive global TV market.

    It is a move that has worked well for rugby league in England since the sport's calendar switch in the mid-90s.

    Dundee United boss Jackie McNamara believes it could revitalise football in Scotland.

    He told BBC Sport: "They do it in other countries, so it's not as if no-one has ever done it elsewhere, and they all seem to manage to qualify for big tournaments and European football."

    Sweden, whose domestic season began in late March this year, have qualified for three World Cups and five European Championships since 1990.

    The Danish Superliga has a break between early December and March, and the national side has emulated Sweden's success over the same period.

    Scotland's record of trying to qualify for major tournaments makes more painful reading.

    In 1990, Scotland appeared in their fifth consecutive World Cup but have only qualified once (in 1998) since then, and have appeared at only two European Championships (1992 and 1996).

    Of course, summer football is not the only reason for success, but many believe it has helped the Scandinavian countries at national and club level.

    Scotland are 24th in the Uefa rankings this season - based on the country's performance in European competitions - while Denmark are 15th. Back in 2006-07, Scotland were 10th and Denmark 19th.

    Former SFA chief executive Gordon Smith proposes shutting down the Scottish game for two months in January and February, with the new season running from July to December and then March to June.

    Former Rangers striker Smith, 58, experienced summer football during his own playing career, when he was with FC Admira Wacker in Austria and Basel in Switzerland.

    "I think it (traditionalism) needs to be brushed past," said Smith, who was the SFA's chief executive from 2007 to 2010 and now works in financial services and the media.

    "Even in my time at the SFA we came up against things whereby people were against something only because we had never done it before rather than looking at how something could be improved.

    "When I was in Austria and Switzerland they had December, January and February off. We did play in better conditions and it made a difference.

    "When you came back the pitches were in better condition because they had had a break."

    McNamara believes players would welcome a switch, insisting there are times when some of his squad are unable to go the extra mile in training because of the weather.

    Smith actually produced a paper on his proposals and presented his findings to the Scottish Premier League in 2000.

    "They called me in and listened to what I had to say," he added. "Then, having listened to me, they did away with the month break that they had in place at the time."

    The University of Stirling's findings are about to be submitted to the SFA. After reviewing them, the governing body will take the results to the professional and non-professional game board.

    Leading the study, Professor Leigh Robinson said the research was designed to provide the game's decision-makers with information, rather than recommendations.

    The SFA said the study would consider how the various ideas would affect both the professional and amateur game.

    Change could be unpopular with the SPL's big hitters like Celtic, with the later stages of European competitions likely to fall within a break period.

    Major international tournaments could also present a headache, clashing with the Scottish season. Either a host of Scotland internationals could be unavailable to their clubs or, the more likely scenario at present, there could be an exodus of international stars from the SPL.

    Smith believes any such situation would be easily remedied, with the calendar reverting to its current dates in the event of the national team qualifying for a major tournament.

    A further stumbling block is the fickle beast that is the Scottish weather. March's unseasonably cold offerings this year would have made something of a mockery of a winter break.

    But would a two or even three-month gap in cash flow be hard for clubs to stomach?

    Former SFA chief Smith believes earnings would be made up elsewhere during the year, while McNamara reckons a winter break could actually cut costs.

    "The undersoil heating does the pitch a lot of damage in the rest of the season, and by having that break you would also save a lot of money on electricity in regards to floodlights," he argued.

    "Anything is possible; it will be all be dictated by finance with regards to the TV though."

    Ex-Aberdeen boss Alex Smith told BBC Sport: "Sky TV likes football to be almost seven days a week, eight hours a day. In the winter they're saturated and almost spoilt for choice with football all over Europe.

    "Whereas in the summer they only have Scandinavian countries offering them that kind of service. Scotland could buy into that slot."

    What would the fans make of such a move?

    Celtic supporter Dougie Gunning, who edits the Scottish Amateur Football Forum, said: "From a fan's perspective I wouldn't be in favour but from a practical perspective it makes sense."

    There is a similarly pragmatic view from the lower end of Scottish football's pyramid.

    Ross Jack, manager of Division Three outfit Elgin City, said: "If people are all together behind it and back the whole concept across the leagues then great, that would be the way to do it.

    "If people are a bit selfish and do it for their own reasons, then that is a worry without a doubt. The whole structure has got to benefit. We have got to be singing from the same hymn sheet."
  8. Anyone catch the game?

    I managed to sit down and watch this one, FC Basel surprised Chelsea and scored a pretty well created goal. Torres and Moses made it 2-1 and unluckily 7 minutes later they considered another. Not many would have given FC Basel much thought, which Chelsea respectfully should easily have won. 5-2 overall, Chelsea book themselves in the final.

    Rafa might end the season smiling! I think Jose might have the last laugh!! 

  9. I 've just read an article by CK on 'This is Nottingham' regarding the budget cuts and his intentions and there's  a comment from a Weymouthpie.Is this you James and if so you stand out a mile as the only sensible person commenting. I hope it is 'our' Weymouthpie as it demonstrates what we are all about. Sanity amongst all the namecalling and drivel. :)

  10. Julian Kelly, Hamza Bencherif, Liam Mitchell and Jake Wholey ALL RELEASED

    Alan Sheehan, Jeff Hughes, Yoann Arquin, Joss Labadie, Haydn Hollis, Curtis Thompson, Tyrell Waite and Greg Tempest Offered new deals



    I would have kept Julian Killy myself, I am sad to see Liam and Jake leave but these can find clubs if they want. Hamza was always most likely to be in this situation. I wonder if he knew before, as this could explain his lack of performance, he seemed sharp and useful when he first came back.

    I hope all the above sign new deals, will hope to see what happens in terms of signings.


    Do something she likes, and you get points.
    Do something she dislikes, and points are subtracted.
    You don't get any points for doing something she expects.

    That's the way the game is played.:

    You make the bed. (+1)
    You make the bed, but forget the decorative pillows. (-10)
    You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets. (-3)
    You go out to buy her what she wants (+5) in the rain (+8)
    But return with Beer. (-5)

    You check out a suspicious noise at night. (+1)
    You check out a suspicious noise, and it is nothing. (0)
    You check out a suspicious noise, and it is something. (+5)
    You pummel it with an iron rod. (+10)
    It's her pet Schnauzer. (-20)

    You stay by her side for the entire party. (+1)
    You stay by her side for a while,
    then leave to chat with an old school friend. (-2)
    Named Tina (-10)
    Tina is a dancer. (-10)
    Tina has implants. (-40)

    You take her out to dinner. (+2)
    You take her out to dinner, and it's not a sports bar. (+3)
    Okay, it's a sports bar. (-2)
    And its all-you-can-eat night. (-3)
    It's a sports bar, it's all-you-can-eat night,
    and your face is painted the colors of your favorite team. (-10)

    You take her to a movie. (+1)
    You take her to a movie she likes. (+5)
    You take her to a movie you hate. (+6)
    You take her to a movie you like. (-2)
    It's called 'Death Cop.' (-3)
    You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans. (-15)

    You develop a noticeable potbelly. (-15)
    You develop a noticeable potbelly and exercise to get rid of it. (+10)
    You develop a noticeable potbelly and resort to
    baggy jeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts. (-30)
    You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too." (-80)

    She asks, "Do I look fat?" (-5)
    (Yes, you lose points no matter what)
    You hesitate in responding. (-10)
    You reply, "Where?" (-35)
    You say "It doesn't notice much" (-50)

    When she wants to talk about a problem, you listen,
    displaying what looks like a concerned expression. (+2)
    You listen, for over 30 minutes (+50)
    You listen for more than 30 minutes without looking at the TV. (+500)
    She realizes this is because you have fallen asleep. (-4000)


  12. Hi everybody, I just want you know I and other friends of the Italian Magpies will be in Nottingham next week for the game v Colchester. We are 9 from Italy and 4 italians who live in Uk.

    If you are interested we can meet on Saturday. I think in the morning we will have a few beers in some pubs, maybe "Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem", "The Navi", photo in front of the Robin Hood Statue, lunch at MLB and game in the Kop.

    I hope I can share with you all the other details in the next few days.

    We are very excited to be once again in the Black and White Nottingham.


    If you have Facebook, please join us in the event and share it with your friends! https://www.facebook.com/events/423735814382447/



  13. Due to the nature, I think it's pretty 'general' so I've posted here.

    Media Team on the Official Facebook Page shared this https://vine.co/v/bQivn3rpj7i#

    Pretty interesting, although I have seen the room in person awhile back. It's nice to see it's progressing and it does look much nicer than Sol Campbell tried making out, even though some changes/improvements have been made.

  14. Sad to see Kelly leave, a good player with a good attacking flare. He was a decent wing back but Liddle has proven he can fulfill the same role but with better defensive skills. Sad to see him leave but if it frees up a bit more transfer budget.... 


    Onward and Upwards! 




    One of my favorite player pics I've taken! 



  15. Striker John Cofie has been released by Manchester United and is now a free agent. He showed good promise when he was Notts and managed to grab a goal. But is another young striker what we need? I'm unsure. We certainly need an experienced quality striker but could John Cofie add to our fire power? 



  16. There's some good players in our youth system, I feel it's good to see us 'developing' them and with the right push, hopefully some can play a bigger role in our first team. Kyle Dixon had a pretty good game last Friday against Walsall, he reminded me Neal Bishop with his calm collected way of playing. He looked up for it, often making up for the odd mistake he made also.

    He's confirmed that a professional contracts been offered and I personally hope to see a few others follow in his foot steps.

    When was the last time we pushed our youth system like this? Surely it's the early 90's to the late 80's?

  17. I bumped into @jurgenpie in the navi, he mentioned that he would be attending and I had wanted to go but I don't like being out of sorts. I ended up going, it was nice. It's things like this which will do 'family clubs' proud and the cost being £25, two course meal was easily worth it with the amount of fun I had.

    Sat on the same table as Gary Liddle's parents, which I couldn't resist showing them my son - wearing his 'Every Liddle Helps'.

    You could see the delight on his parents faces, really humble and I am delighted myself. I think Gary's father really liked the praise that PoN did by the T-Shirt, as I know Gary himself does.

    Very proud to have my photo taken with him, many thanks to Jurgen again. :)

    Have you ever attended one and what are your thoughts on the people who won the awards?

  18. It's starting to be a little harder to choose the 'Member of the Month', as we've got a very nice little community. Everyone plays a vital role, I realize I go on about this but I hope it's seen for the right reasons. I struggled at first, I wasn't sure who to give it to and then I encountered some personal problems ending up forgetting to set the nominated member.

    Myself and Cheeky greatly appreciate the support of all the members, so praising one member seems awkward for us both.

    We've decided that a consistent member deserves the praise, so we have awarded @2piesonmyshirt March's Member of the Month.

    Dave's contributions have seen him nominated and considered the past 2 months, narrowly pipped both times. This Month we've noticed he's been the ideal candidate with his regular posting of topics, friendliness and interacting with others. Along side at least 4 other members, however I read everything posted (very nosey says Kate) so I realize the efforts of many. It's nice to praise members in this way, 2pies does a great job.

    Please take time to congratulate him,.As a community it is nice to see members acknowledging each other and this is something I am very proud of all our members for doing.

    Thank you!

  19. I see Hughesie scored a hat trick for Port Vale against Burton. SIGH!

  20. Here's hoping we can end on a high with a third straight win tommorow. Coventry's season was snatched from them and they've been in poor form ever since, pretty confident. If we play like we did last weekend there's no reason why we can't win.

    Hope you all have a good day, make the most of it it's the last game for a few months. Where's the season gone eh? Dosen't seem like a few weeks ago we were at Crewe on the opening day.


    I'll be off to Arlesey Town for Weymouth's final game of the season. We've got nothing but pride to play for but Arlesey could make the play-offs with a win. It's set up to be a pretty exciting final day in the Southern League with 4 teams fighting for 2 play-off spots.


    If Gosport Borough better Barwell's result they'll ****** 5th spot, but if Barwell win they're in. But if both Gosport and Barwell lose and Arlesey beat us, Arlesey will ****** the final play-off spot.

    Hemel Hempstead Town are 4th, and a draw will be enough for them to secure a play-off spot. However if they lose two of Barwell, Gospot & Arlesey could make the play-offs. Exciting stuff!

  21. Bish has been a fantastic captain for this club and I am sorry to hear that he has decided to stand down from the role. He came on as a substitute yesterday and Leacock offered him the armband and he waved his hand to indicate Dean could keep it. I hope this doesn't mean he won't be with us next season. He does seem to have been unhappy this year with managerial changes and taking comments by a few so called fans to heart. He has always given 100% on the pitch and there has been some memorable moments including scoring a fab goal against Man City and he also likes to use his backside but they all count! Thanks for being an inspirational captain.

  22. So now the curtains have been drawn on this season, what do you guys make of how Notts got on?


    Who was your best player, your highlight, your lowlight, the turning points of the season, your hopes and fears for next season?


    Let's hear everyone's opinions?

  23. I use BT for phone, TV and broadband.

    I have just tried to find out when my BT contract ends, I went to the "contact us" page on the website and whilst I was looking a live chat box appeared and a representative asked me if they could help, so I said I was looking for my contract end date and she gave me the date and asked me why I was asking. I said I was looking at other options so she said she might be able to get me a better deal if I wanted.

    She came up with a better deal giving me BT infinity free of charge, unlimited TV, weekends and evenings free calls for only £30 a month plus line rental on a 12 month contract, saving £14.45 per month - result.


    I would urge anyone who's contract is coming to an end with BT, Sky, Virgin Media etc., to contact them and tell them they are thinking of leaving, 99% of the time you will get a better deal.

  24. Huge crowds lined the streets of Mansfield today as the bus wa*kers (if you've seen the Inbetweeners, you'll get it) celebrated winning theBlue Square Premier! :hyper:  :rolleyes:



    I can't lie, I was quietly hoping they'd throw it away but 'swallows pride' fair play to them, they've been on a great run and they probably deserved it. I don't know many Mansfield fans, most of those I do know aren't the most pleasent people although I am happy for our good friend Mr Dan Westwell who is one of the nicer people you could wish to meet :)


    Now enough of the niceiness towards one of our local rivals! ;)


  25. Have to say well done County in this final played at Bescot Stadium. You were very well supported (easily half of the crowd were from Notts) and made yourselves heard with terrific backing. The 4-2 scoreline to Saddlers don't give a true reflection of the closeness of the game. With Walsall 2-1 up and awarded a penalty it was looking a bit ominus for County but a terrific penalty save then a goal scored at the other end forced the game into extra time. I thought the referee had an absolute stinker and gave some very strange decisions. Sitting amongst the County fans, I fully sympathise with how the ref did at times to be biased towards Walsall. Some of your bookings were harsh and when your man walked for two yellows I thought you would struggle but no the ten men did you proud at it wasn't till the last couple of minutes when Walsall went 4-2 up that the final looked over. Best part of the night for me was meeting Joe, the fine leader of this excelent site. It was an absolute pleasure to meet and chat with you mate and to meet Jake-what a great kid he is and a credit to you and Kate. A nice little picture taken by Jakey himself...



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