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Previous messageboards?

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It's great to see so many new names on the site, it's really come to life over the last few days. But where are you from? Are you completely new to this, or have you posted on other sites before? And if the latter, what was your user name?


I lurked on Rivals for a long time and briefly posted under the name DangerousPie just before Sky ruined the site. It had a really friendly and funny forum, but I was content to read really. There was another site after that that was similar to Rivals, but just as it started to get going, all the users were deleted and hardly anyone bothered re-registering. Finally I posted on MAD for quite a long time using the same name as I do now.


I don't want to turn this into a thread bad-mouthing other sites, they all had/have their uses. Just wondering whether I've come across any of you before  :)


First time poster of PON, I never thought about joining anything Notts related until I came across the PON FB page. @notts-joe is always discussing his opinion with fans, which impressed me enough to join and register.

No idea about past sites, I do not care about them really.


No, I am also new to this all.


Never posted on or been a member of any other site.


Why did you join prideofnottingham.co.uk?

It was during yet another period of vitriol on another site, and death threats being allegedly sent to the Chairman and family members...when I decided I didn't want to put up with that anymore... I was I don't quite know how to put this... dragged? Told to come here? it was suggested? who knows but however we choose to describe it, I thank Elaine very much for bringing me here.

What is your main highlight of being a member?

Can I only pick one? Crikey.... ermmmmmm.... The Gathering will be a day to remember for a while I guess, and for all the right reasons... being voted MOTM twice.... Blogging here and how much people like it, look forward to it.... the way views and opinions matter and are accepted and discussed....There that is my one main highlight.... we are a community!

How much have you seen PoN grow during your time?

The growth has been Immense even in the short time I have been here, I mean 17-18 months is a short time right? Things will go from strength to strength, I think the biggest way to assess how quickly the site had grown was during a period of absence... wow, we suddenly had all these new folks!

As a community, what would you say are the three core values to PoN and why?

Discipline, Austerity, Zero hours contracts..... NO,NO, NO! Sorry that was for another piece I am writing....

1. Community - It is what we are, how we are, and what we will continue to be!

2. Respect - oh and sneakily Tolerance... There are differing views that are not just accepted, but here they are sought out... and we tolerate dodgy weather forecasters, Walruses, heck we even have a tree-hugger.

3. Comedy - I mean with the characters on here, what can you say? Eh?


if @PTID1862's humour gets any worse we'll get him a gig at the local working mens club. Loopholes they've all shut down. What a surprise.


yeah apologies that was a copy and paste from another thread


First time poster on any Notts site, I have read many but never felt like contributing. I suppose I have never wanted to either!


Long time poster on MAD and I felt I would always be putting up with it, at least until I found PON.

I make no apologies for my disliking of the former site, it is full of unpleasant people and sadly the decent ones are silenced out. I was never a poster on any of the other sites before or after, PON just suites me to the ground.


One other, I shall leave unnamed.

I used to really like it, especially when I first joined but it wasn't to be.


I remember the old Forum on Notts site around 10 - 15 years ago. Jessporlock, the Twins, @Magpie64 @Tammy . Then that was Shut down Because of the Vitriol on there. Then I got onto MAD in around 2007 and had no where else to go for close to 7 year, and it was literally becoming unbearable to click on a message and not see someone sqabbling,  It was during the 2 week shutdown over Xmas.  Also the BS about Buying a no Ads for $2,99 or sommat. PON Came along, and the Rest is History :D


THANKS @notts-joe for Setting up PON 


First and only forum for me. Prior to joining PON I was effectively drifting aimlessly through the Notts landscape. A fan who had to ask and beg for friends to come along to a game, and even a few times when I went alone. PON took me under its wing, and here I am now. And I am here to stay motherfunkers!  :angel:


This feels like an AA meeting, I swear I haven't touched a drop! First time poster, big fan of @notts-joe and the way he conducts himself.


Haha!! PON Anonymous  :thumbsup: 


My name is Dangerous and I'm a message board addict.


I have dabbled in some I admit, none of which come close to this place at all.


PON is the first site in which I have posted on but I read many, not heard of the site mentioned in the opening post.


I have drifted on the majority including vital which is just poor. I could never get my head around you pies or magpieweb, totally dead.


I've lurked other forums, however never really got into posting.  I'm someone who is generally not that good at posting, but I much prefer reading others opinions/comments.


I do however make an effort for PoN when I can, as it's such a decent community!


PON is the first site in which I have posted on but I read many, not heard of the site mentioned in the opening post.


If you mean Rivals, the site was called nottscounty.net and it was part of the Rivals network, which was a network of fans' sites for all League clubs. It was actually really good as most of the sites were lively and it was easy to post on other teams' boards. Some of the sites left Rivals when it imploded in around 2008 and are still around now. Maybe it would be an idea for PON to offer links to other teams' sites and vice versa?


@DangerousSausage that isn't that bad an idea... providing they are similar in formation...


I lurked on Rivals until it closed then became a moderator on another Notts forum that never really took off in spite of my best efforts the owner became uninterested, found Mad and posted a few times on there but found it very unwelcoming and nasty, then I found this place and it was really friendly and had a great feel about it, so here I am, you are stuck with me.


Used to go on MAD, but it really got depressing having to read the latest ***** fest between a couple of posters. Like other members have said, this here PON is a breath of fresh air, well done to all involved.


I have posted on NCM, Youpies/Magpieweb. I think my post count would struggle to go over 30, there was just nothing that attracted me towards sharing my opinion but I do like to discuss Notts.

Until I found PON, I just stuck to social media as my way to communicate.


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