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  1. This is a thread to discuss British Successes in the Paris Olympic Games 24.

    Let's hope that the Brits can have a successful Games once again.

    Hold on to your hats.

    1. Show previous comments  74 more
    2. Robbie



      Track Cycling: Womens Sprint.


      Weightlifting: Womens 81KG



    3. Robbie


      Final Medal Table sees GBR in 7th place with 65 Medals in total.

      USA top the table with China 2nd

      GBR are third in the total medals table behind USA & China.


    4. Piethagoram
  2. I was thinking why do we have a weekday chat and a weekend chat? So I thought I’d start a weekly chat and merge them together.

    So let’s talk about everyday things in here, what is happening in your life, highs, lows, moans, groans.

    It’s Monday and a cloudy start, the bins are out ready for the bin men and I must remember to put next doors back as they are away. We’ve got good neighbours both sides here who look out for each other, we are very lucky.

    Have a great day everyone, what’s happening in your life?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Good morning, it’s Saturday and football is back. :happybanana:
      Safe journey to those travelling, I’ll be watching the live stream on Sky Sports + COME ON YOU PIES!

      First there’s the small matter of a park run to run off last nights curry. 🏃‍♂️

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Good morning, its a beautiful Sunday morning, I hope everyone is feeling good after a point on the road?

      We’ve got a chicken which I’m going to bbq for our tea later on, I think a day sitting in the garden with a few beers will be a nice way to spend the day.

      I hope everyone has a lovely day today.

    4. Piethagoram
  3. This is a shock.


    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Chris


      I think it's hard to not include Aarone Nemane from the starting line-up. Adam Chicksen left me feeling thoroughly disappointed. He didn't seem to get on well at all, but I think Nemane would have thrived being played against Tranmere Rovers. It's pretty irrelevant now, especially since he's gone to MK Dons. I also think it's important to say that it's the opening game, he might improve, and I really hope he does.

      If he could find his form from the National League promotion season, I would be very happy, but Nemane gives us a lot more going forward.

      I'm pleased to welcome Conor Grant, I think he looked decent from his slight bit of play in yesterday's game.

    3. DangerousSausage


      3 hours ago, Fan of Big Tone said:

      @Wheelbarrow repair man I agree he did alright, I wonder, did Nemane get a few minutes  for his new team? Anyone know? I’ll be interested to see how he gets on.

      He started and was taken off after 80 minutes. That surprised me a bit given he only signed the day before.

      As good as they are individually, playing Nemane and Jones left us badly lacking defensively. Time will tell whether the club have done the right thing. 

    4. The Heff

      The Heff

      Grant’s ability to operate in different roles in midfield should give us some much-needed versatility. He seems to be a very capable and good player. I’m particularly excited to see how he settles in and starts influencing games, especially with that creative spark he mentions. Here’s hoping for a successful season with Conor playing a big part!


  4. I aim for this game to be fun, so please join in. However, there is one rule that I ask you to follow: please make every effort not to spam answers and write your guess in at least a sentence.

    Let’s avoid one-word replies, as this could be a good game but I do not want to be told off by the gaffer!

    I will give a short teaser into an ex-player’s background. I won’t give much away until there have been a few guesses and I will slowly start expanding on the information until the correct answer is guessed.

    Here goes:

    This person was born in May 197x and is a former English professional footballer who plays as a striker.

    He is well-known not only at Notts County but has also played football for a number of clubs during his career. In fact, he has played for 20 teams at various levels in the English football pyramid.

    You may ask me questions and request clues. However, the information I provide is solely based on the effort put in by the community.

    1. Show previous comments  339 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      43 minutes ago, liampie said:

      just to mention, thomas (clifton) has asked me to apologise as hes been unwell and is not likely to be able to pick this up until the near future. :(

      @liampie if you see or speak to @CliftonMagpie give him my best wishes I hope he’s feeling better soon.

    3. Chris


      Get well, @CliftonMagpie. I hope you feel better soon mate. Thanks for letting us know @liampie.

    4. CliftonMagpie


      Thank you, I am recovering. I won’t be playing football any time soon, but I should be able to attend the game on Sunday. I’m not sure about travelling to distant games yet; I’ll have to wait and see. I appreciate the kind messages!

  5. I watched Match Talk on Notts TV the other night and the guest Notts fan Adrian somebody, said he’d heard that the Mansfield forward could be coming to Notts, he asked Charlie McParland who is employed by Mansfield if he’d heard anything but Charlie was tight lipped.

    Anyone else heard this rumour.

    I think it’d be a great signing if we could pull it off.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blake


      I like what I've seen so far. I think bringing in a new striker would be good, but otherwise, we should be fine for now.

    3. Chris


      There's always rumours, usually most are picked up and speculated from what is said in interviews. The media sway on the narrative, but I do think having played our first game that the club may realise we actually do need one or two more additions. I think the loss of Aaron Nemane has made us weaker, Nick Tsaroulla may fill some of this gap but I do think a winger/AM might be a wise area to explore. Ideally, we will linning up a striker and signing them up.

    4. RetroPie


      He could be a good player for us. The club is probably thinking about who they might be able to attract. If Will Swan isn’t getting game time, it could make the move likely. I don’t know much about him, other than that he was in good form and everyone was talking about him at Mansfield.

  6. A few weeks ago I asked the question Lambs to Magpies regarding the Notts Nickname. So I thought I'd have a deeper look into the Bird which Notts County carry as their Nickname. There are of course many stories  rhymes and superstitions about the Magpie. One of the most Famous things regarding the Magpie is the Rhyme.

    One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy, Five for Silver, Six for Gold, Seven for a Secret never to be told, Eight's a Wish , Nine's Kiss, Ten is a Bird You Mustn't Miss the Magpie. Along with the Rhyme there are many Superstitions. Such as  if you see a single Magpie, to keep the Sorrow away you simply Spit on the Ground. Another way is to Spit over your Left Shoulder and say Devil I Defy You.  While another way is to nod your head and say Hello Mr Magpie, how's the Missus and kids?


    Of course the Magpie is one of the Most Intelligent of the World's Bird species, they can recognize each other and they also morn their Dead. If you ever see a Dead Magpie, keep well away because they can recognize the Human face and will rightly or wrongly associate you as the Killer of their Kin. Farmers who Kill Magpies to keep them away from their crops, cover their Faces when they Hang Dead Magpie Bodies on the fences of their Land. This Gruesome Ritual does work as it does with Crows, the Family of which Magpies are apart of. 

    The Magpie is Also a Killer. Smashing other Birds eggs for their yoke and eating their Hatchlings. Interestingly the birds called  Magpies in Australia are Not related to Magpies in the rest of the World. The Magpie's Genus name is Pica Pica. Pica is Old English for Pie. So if you shout come on you Pica's down the Lane you're still right. I May write a part two to this Topic, if this one is Received Well.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      Oh they can be Nasty Alright , they fight for dominance which is the same in Most Bird/ Animal Societies. Magpies will Attack Humans particularly should anyone be Foolish Enough to come to close to their Young. You may also find Magpie and Crow Feathers lying around where the Birds have fought and ripped the Feathers from each other, as Both species have thick heavy beaks. 

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      The think I dislike about magpies (the feathered variety) is that the take the young of other birds from their nests, I know it’s only nature but it still upsets me.

    4. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      As Do an whole Manner of Birds. Where I Live we have a Sparrowhawk  who is often seen eating it's kill on our and our Neighbours Lawns. That I'm Afraid is Nature. And some Bird Species including the Magpie, when food is Short will Eat Their Own Young!!



    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. The Heff

      The Heff

      I can take or leave them both. I do think they might grow on me over the course of the season. I agree, the purple kit is a lot nicer. It’s similar to the home shirt in some ways, and the higher stripes look much better. I wish the home shirt had stripes that went up a bit further.

    3. lambleypie


      I don’t like the orange shirt. It looks basic. I think the smarter choice would be to have the third kit as the away one. That looks more in keeping with the home kit and doesn’t clash. I wouldn’t pay for either. I prefer polo shirts, but I do like this year’s home shirt.

    4. NiftyNick


      Both are alright. I wouldn’t go mad on either. I think the third kit should have stayed blue.

  8. As We Fans of Lower League Clubs continue to look on as another  League 2 or National League Club face Financial Problems or Administration ( problems that we Fans of Notts are Familiar with in the Club's Past). Help Is Wanted. Now I'm Not a Finance Expert Just an Ordinary Fan who has ideas which May Help Clubs they are Not a Cure for a Club's Debts or Any Other Problems They May Have. This Topic is Just Food For Thought.

    Firstly Any Club with Financial Worries shouldn't have the Added Burden of the EFL Slapping a 10 Point Deduction on them, should they manage to get they Finances in Order before the Start of the Following or Current Season. It Makes No Sense and Just Puts More Pressure on a Club.

    The EFL Need to Work with a Financial Company who can produce a Blue Print to help Struggling Clubs with Such Things has Players and Staff wages, Stadium Rental Etc and Produce a Budget which the Club must Stick Rigidly Too.

    It would also be a Huge Gesture and Financial Help, if a Top Premier League Team would Play a Match against a Struggling Club All Star XI. By that I mean take Manchester City 's Team Full of all their Star Players (Haarland Foden etc) and Play Woking (who have been the Latest Club with money Troubles), the Woking Team would be Thrashed I hear you  say. Ah Yes but what if the Woking Team also had Premier League Stars in their side? Say 8 Stars and 3 Woking players in the Line Up, who could be subbed during the game by their Team mates, so all the Woking players got a Chance to play With and Against Premier League Players and Michael Doyle could pitch his wits against Pep. All the Premier Players will offer their Services Free and all Money Raised would go into the Woking Club Coffers. Just a Couple of  Ideas from Me. Do any other PON Members have Ideas that Could Help Clubs in Trouble?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      The information would most certainly be leaked one way or another, but football finances are made public to a degree anyway.

      I have no suggestions on how this could be handled. Perhaps, the EFL could look at local companies near to each club but even then, I can see things being largely the same as it is now. :( 

    3. liampie


      if the football league wanted to get a grip on clubs finances and ensure people were advising them, with the mind set that the club could be reported for spending dangerously it would have to be a reliable firm, one disconnected to fans of the same team and not completely under the control of the efl. i am not sure how football could improve in the financial department, everything is geared to spending money.

    4. Robbie


      @Wheelbarrow repair man

      You make some good points here and your ideas appear very sound.

      I would like to see a fund set up where Premier League Clubs contribute say .05% of their turnover to this fund to assist clubs who are struggling financially through no fault or their own.

      Something has to be done to address the growing chasm between the haves and have nots 

  9. Are you like me ? As you get Older Certain Things Start to Annoy You Even More. Take for example the other day I'm standing in the que in a local shop and there's a Guy waiting to be served  all he's Got is a packet of Chewing Gum. That's a pound please says the the young Lad at the till. I'll pay by card says the bloke.

    Your bill comes to a Quid, and you want to pay by Card? Are you serious, you've Not Got a pound coin in your pocket?

    And another thing which Annoys Me. As this ever Happened to You? You've done your shopping your at the Check Out and the woman in front of you starts putting her Groceries on the belt. Then she declares she's forgotten something, so instead of taking her shopping of the belt, she leaves them there and disappears back into the shop to do more shopping, and you can guarantee she always comes back with more than the one item she's supposed to have Forgotten.

    Then there's always the Old Girl who stands there talking to the Girl at the Till and starts to tell her all about her Grandkids and the holidays she's just had and you get a run down of where she and her husband stayed and what the Weather was like. You listen to her Drone On and you think for God's sake sake Woman SHUT UP Gather up your shopping and P*** Off.

    Why do people who speak to somebody on their Mobile Phone when their on the Bus, always assume the Person on the other End is Deaf. You get to hear everything how the Bloke who dumped Tracey is a Bast***. How she knew he was a wrong 'un but didn't tell poor Tracey. Then you get the budding Popstar who plays a song at high volume then proceeds to sing along with it. And their voice is awful, and they can't carry a tune in a Bucket. So if you're one of theses people stop and think for a moment, the World is a Stressful Place and it DOESN'T NEED YOU TO ADD TO IT.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Blimey there’s a lot of grumpy old men on here, I thought me and @super_ram were the only ones. 😂

      Regarding paying a pound by card, I’m guilty of that I’m afraid I never use cash these days, I’ve forgot what it looks like, much easier to pay with my phone. I’m down with the kids you know. :rollonfloorlaughing:

      @Wheelbarrow repair man your wife got annoyed about a milk float??? When was that 1972? I haven’t seen one of them for years.

      Drivers who roar past you only to get stuck at the next traffic light always makes me laugh too.

    3. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      @Fan of Big Tone

      The Milk float incident was towards the end before they were fazed out so it would be in the 1990's.  I can't agree with you about paying for everything on your card or Phone, that means all you expenditure can be looked at and your preferences put into a Data Base. For Me Cash Is King.

    4. Robbie


      @Wheelbarrow repair man I'm aware that most of the electric milk floats have been phased out but there are still milkmen delivering milk door to door albeit in much smaller numbers.

      They are franchised milkmen who franchise from Milk & More in this area. I used to deliver milk to their warehouse in Bulwell.

      They also deliver Bread & PET bottles of milk & other goods too.

  10. Well not the whole Club just a piece of it. That's what American Soccer  Side Orange County Soccer Club are offering to people across the World a chance to become part Owner of a Second Division Football Club.

    This Opportunity came to light when I watched a Football Fan You tube Channel I Follow called Stuntpeg. It gives you an insight into how American "Soccer Is Run" and how MLS doesn't allow Promotion and Relegation. Orange County won the Second Division Championship in 2021 but weren't allowed into the MLS it also tells of how LA  Galaxy tried to throw them out of their Stadium, it really is interesting and an eye opener if your an English Football Fan. Please give it a Look and Comment My Fellow PON Members. Yes there's some strange things within the Video, but it does cast a light on " American Soccer"

    1. liampie


      i would pass, because football swallows football and it would probably ruin my love for the sport. if i had the money, i would invest in notts, but i would never want to own our club or be a part of the board. i much prefer just being a regular fan. :)

      interesting though, i wonder how it will work and what happens when they need more money.

    2. Robbie


      Don't they have a similar thing here when the fans buy a little part of their club when it has gone bust?

      I wonder why no ones petitioning Elon Musk to buy a club over here such as my second club I watch out for, Basford United. 

      With his wealth they could become a Premier League Club in nine years. Or on second thoughts it's not a good idea.

    3. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      I Think Elon's got his Eye on Jupiter United.

  11. Callum McGregor  who spent time on Loan at Meadow Lane as Retired from International Duty. The 31 year Old represented his country 63 times and also Captained the International side.

    Scottish Manager Steve Clarke said he was disappointed with the News, but said he understood McGregor's reasons.

    The Celtic Captain said he was honoured to have represented his country in two Major Tournaments. And added  

    He would Now Focus All His Footballing Attention On His Club Side.

    1. liampie


      i am saddened to read this, its been a joy seeing him play for celtic and scotland, but i always felt him representing his country was something that stood out more than scottish league football. i suppose he wants to focus on that, but i do think he could offer them more for a few more years.

      its just sad still, because you luck forward to seeing ex players like him on the international stage.

    2. Robbie


      Callum has served his country well on the international scene.

      Looks like one of the reasons that prompted Callum to retire from international duties were fitness issues according to this report.


      It is always sad when a player retires either from domestic or international football.

      It is sometimes very hard to make that decision. Is it too premature, will the player have regrets?

      I think it is usually the case that a player knows when it is the right time, & Callum can now concentrate on what remains of his club career.

      I wish him well.

  12. A Nice Simple Question.

    Just Out Of Curiosity.

    Who In Your Opinion Is The Best Notts Coach Of The 21st Century ?

    Two Come To My Mind Martin "Mad Dog" Allen And Steve Cotterill.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man

      @Robbie and @liampie

      I understand your choice of Luke Williams. But if memory serves didn't Martin Allen get the Magpies in their highest League Position in many a long Year? And Steve Cotterill got Notts promoted after the  Munto Finance  Scam.

    3. liampie


      14 minutes ago, Wheelbarrow repair man said:

      @Robbie and @liampie

      I understand your choice of Luke Williams. But if memory serves didn't Martin Allen get the Magpies in their highest League Position in many a long Year? And Steve Cotterill got Notts promoted after the  Munto Finance  Scam.

      keith curle did. :) 

    4. Robbie


      1 hour ago, Wheelbarrow repair man said:

      @Robbie and @liampie

      I understand your choice of Luke Williams. But if memory serves didn't Martin Allen get the Magpies in their highest League Position in many a long Year? And Steve Cotterill got Notts promoted after the  Munto Finance  Scam.

      I picked Luke Williams because he got us back into the football league breaking records all the way.

  13. Good luck to John Bostock at Solihull Moors.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. True Magpie

      True Magpie

      John Bostock is a fantastic signing, a player of real quality who should feature prominently for Solihull Moors. They didn’t perform to their potential last season and needed someone like Bostock to steady the ship. I hope he thrives there.

    3. liampie


      i hope the moves works out and that he can help them with their ambitions to get back in the football league. i think he could see out his career with them, hes a good player and the right team should look after him.

      it would be nice for them to get the best out of him.

    4. Blake


      They signed Robert Milsom after we let him go, but not John Bostock. Both are decent players, but Bostock is a much better signing if he can play as well for them as he has before.

  14. This is so sad for our Notts County girls teams.

    What is wrong with these people who do mindless acts like this?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      23 hours ago, Wheelbarrow repair man said:

      @Chris and @allardyces tash

      Your right, But you Mis-gender somebody and your feet what touch the floor, you'll have a Police Van and 20 Coppers Knocking at Your Door.

      Just consider what Scotland did with their hate crime policy. It’s turned things into a mockery and it’s baffling why the police would be so proactive over something typically fabricated. In comparison to real issues like this, I hope that Notts can replenish the goals with ease.

    3. liampie


      did the culprits get identified or was this another case of nottinghamshire police claiming they are too busy?

    4. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      I've Not Read anything else about it and I don't think the club have said anymore about it. Don't know if anybody on PON have seen or heard anything about it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JIMBO


      The video appears to have been removed, possibly due to copyright issues. However, I can visualise the mishap in my mind.

    3. Chris


      @JIMBO Elon Musk and his 'better social media network' issue, the video is back. It was probably a temporary issue on their part.

      That mistake was awful, how disappointing would the fans be to see a player fall right in front of goal.

    4. liampie


      i am not sure how you could slip in that situation, if you are paying attention, it might have been wiser just to pass it out. it looked like he was about to drill the ball down the pitch but defenders can do that.

    1. liampie


      why are we always so late to repair things? it seems the uk waits for pot holes to be gaping and dangerous before they try to repair them. either that or the moment the budget are about to be given out again. its still the last minute.

      keep on top of things and it would not be as rubbish.

  15. There is a Strong rumour going round. I say again A RUMOUR.  Macca as left the Millwall Training Camp in Spain to fly back to the U.K. To Sign For

    Leeds United, who will loan him back to Millwall for the Coming Season. Any Truth in the Rumour or Do You Think It's A Load of Old Cobblers?

    I'm more on the  Ageing Shoemakers side of things.

    Then Again if it is True Notts will get a Piece of the Transfer Fee reported to be £1.5 million.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Robbie


      The question is.

      If the rumour is true.

      Why did Millwall sign him if they intend to sell him on?

    3. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      To be Honest I thought it was a load of Bunkum. Then you read about West Ham wanting to buy a Leeds Striker, then you think, Hey there might be some truth in it. As I've said before did Millwall get their Bid in before Leeds? Or did Leeds think the West Ham interest was just that? So thought no more about it, but when they realised the Hammers wanted to buy  Summerville, Macca had already been Snapped up by Millwall so Leeds had to strike up some kind of deal with the Lions, which will Eventually See Macca move to Elland Road.?

      It is of course What If's or Maybe's there's No Way  To Tell if It's just a Rumour or in fact there's some Actual Truth In the Rumour, it will All Come Out Eventually, One Way Or Another. 

    4. liampie


      searching i cant find any connection to macca and leeds, so it most likely someone trying to wind our fans up or some sort of joke. its not believable in the slightest.

  16. The other day, when we went over to see @super_ram with Ava turning 13, we were talking and for some reason, my dad started talking about songs he liked. He played Andrea Bocelli's daughter, Virginia, signing what was one of @GrannyPie's favourite songs.

    A few other songs played, then on TV an Amazon advert came on. He mentioned that he liked the song which was used, he asked if I knew what it was - I didn't, but quickly found it googling.

    It samples Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields's "Canon À 3 on a Ground in D Major".

    What songs do you like that are featured in adverts?

    PS. Did you know that due to their loose licensing rights, Nickelback became what the internet considers to be the most hated band?

    1. Robbie


      I think the most famous, and also the song I like the most in an advert, was the song that the New Seekers sang in the 70s, that was called I'd like to teach the World to sing, modified to include Coca Cola.


    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      I don’t watch adverts these days because I record stuff and skip the ads but years ago before recording tv was available of course I had no choice.

      One of my favourite ads was this one for apple imac G3 computers I’ve still got one in the loft mines a blue one, the song was by the Rolling Stones my favourite group


    3. liampie


      @Robbie i have nightmares of that advert, the soullessness of the stirring and lack of emotions, plus seeming like a cult that worships a soft drink that is about as health as drinking battery fluid. 😂

  17. Right Thinking Caps On, Crystal Balls Out (No I'm Not An Android) Take off your Rose Tinted Glasses, Live in the Real World and Not a Fantasy Land. Hand on Heart and Be Totally Honest with Yourself. 

    How Do You See This New Season Going For Notts?

    What Do You Expect From The Team?

    And What Will Be Notts Final Position in the League 2 Table?

    My Answers are:-

    I See A Season of Struggle unless a New Playing System is Adopted.

    I Expect  Better Performances From the Defence. But Not as many Goals this Season.

    Notts Final Position 14th Again Give or Take a Place.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robbie


      The first half a dozen games are going to be very important, and may well define Notts's season.

      I also think it depends how the team shape up for those six games too.

      I believe that Stuart Maynard should treat every single game on its merits and pick a team & play a shape that depends on whether Notts are at home or away, & what team they are playing.

      Playing a similar style every single game either home or away is going to lead to trouble in my opinion.

      For me, all playing styles should be on the table. Notts must not be predictable this season, it simple won't be successful if they are.

      As far as where I think Notts will finish the season is concerned, I rule out automatic promotion.

      I'm hoping that they may scrape into a playoff place if they vary their style,  but realistically, I think it will be mid table. I hope I am wrong.

    3. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      How Do You See This New Season Going For Notts?

      I think the squad is perfectly adequate for doing well. Much will depend on fitness, luck with avoiding injuries, form, and if Stuart Maynard can get Notts winning under him. I do think we have the quality in the right areas to push for promotion.

      What Do You Expect From The Team?

      I just want the squad to work hard and cut out simple mistakes. If we lose, which will happen, it’s better to lose having tried than to gift results away. All we can ask is that they work hard and try.

      And What Will Be Notts Final Position in the League 2 Table?

      I’m going to say 7th. I think playoffs is a respectable assumption.

    4. liampie


      How Do You See This New Season Going For Notts?

      i think we will be much better and i think much it comes down to form, plus the christmas period and how we handle it. i do think we can be at the top end, but i dont think we will maintain an automatic position throughout the season. i do think we can finish in the autos, with the playoffs being more likely.

      What Do You Expect From The Team?

      better defensively, good possession state, plenty of shots on target. hard work and working as a team.

      And What Will Be Notts Final Position in the League 2 Table?

      5-7th, anywhere between those, perhaps higher with things going our way.

  18. Lee Carsley has been announced as interim manager of the England Men's football team.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wheelbarrow repair man

      Wheelbarrow repair man


      Your Quote regarding Someone from up  above is seemingly directing what should be the England Style and the Manager has to carry it out. Just Replace England with Notts and Manager with Head Coach and you have the same scenario as it is at The Lane. Your statement in another thread regarding the fact should Stuart Maynard be sacked, Notts will only replace him with another Coach who will continue to play the Notts "Model" also rings very true. Until it realized that the Notts Style Does Not Work the Magpies will stumble on from one Disaster to Another.

      The same could happen to Carsley  despite the fact of his success with the U21'S playing a Totally different type of Football than the Dross Gareth Southgate produced the F.A. may force him to play Southgate's way because it got England to two Euro Finals and a World Cup Semi Final. The Problem is You Get Nowt For Coming Second. The Football Authorities need to let Lee Carsley have Free Range and See what sort of Success his playing Style will bring to the National Side.

      It was stated on the B.B.C. Football Website that Poch would be interested in the England Job. Heaven Forbid After the Disasters the Previous two Foreign Managers were for England, you just have to Hope the F.A. Don't Go Down That Route.

    3. DangerousSausage


      He deserves a chance. He has a very good record with the England youth teams and already knows the setup and job better than any club manager. Being a club manager and coaching a national team are very different jobs and the idea that a very successful club manager would be a great national team coach is well wide of the mark.

      We don't need a big name, we need a good coach. Neither of the coaches in the final of Euro 24 had won a single thing as a club manager.

    4. liampie


      its a bit of a farse by appointing him as the interim manager, its like hiring someone for a job but not having the faith in their ability so the job advert remains out there just in case. if someone is good enough to take temporary charge, more faith should be shown. unless lee carlsley is not sure about the role, but i dont think that would be the case. i think its more the fa pandering to potential mardy england fans.

      personally i would give give him it for two tournaments and see how he does.

  19. Who's making it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. liampie


      based on who i have seen play for notts.

      lee hughes, kasper, macaulay langstaff and mike edwards.

      if i were to choose on legends, it would be much harder.

    3. Countyman


      Jimmy Sirrel, Les Bradd, Tommy Lawton, Jimmy Logan.

      These would be the faces carved into my version of Mount Rushmore. I could easily add two or three more, but I won’t get carried away and have narrowed it down to what I consider to be the most important.

    4. DangerousSausage


      The highest point in Nottinghamshire is 203 metres above sea level, so we might struggle with this.

      Practicalities aside, obviously Jim and Jack, Albert Iremonger, Tommy Lawton, Don Masson and Balint Bajner.

  20. Has any PON members bought a Notts membership since it became available. Do you think it is worth the money?

    I bought a membership because I can't get to every match that would justify buying a season ticket 

    For over 30 years before I retired my working week would include Saturdays and Sundays, so I couldn't attend many Saturday matches due to work commitments.

    But I am hoping to attend more matches now I'm retired & I think the discount is well worth the money.

    It also helps Notts too. Pity they don't include free admission to the Nest with the membership.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Let the season begin :happybanana:



    3. Robbie


      I have received my Notts Membership Card through the post today.

      Have you received yours?

    4. Fan of Big Tone
  21. I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the lack of content. I am trying to organise myself into a routine that will help me over the season and into the future. I have been focusing a lot of time on doing this and sorting other issues that have come up. It's been quite slow in regard to news, but I have missed some, and I don't want this to worry anyone. 

    Social media-wise, I haven't had the time either, but I will make up for that. When we are closer to the start of the 2024-25 season, you have my word that PON will be all systems go.

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

    1. liampie


      dont worry about it, i am sure once time frees up and you have a system where you can get everything you want done. the site will be here and ready, i think i can speak for everyone when i say we are thankful for all you do.

    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      1 hour ago, liampie said:

      i think i can speak for everyone when i say we are thankful for all you do.

      Spot on @liampie 

      @Chris do what you can, when you can.

    3. Countyman


      Once organised and in a routine, the benefit will be felt. Don’t fret, do what you can, and if anyone complains, remind them you have a life to live.

  22. Scott gets the number nine shirt.

    Dissapointing that Jatta hasn't got the number nine shirt, but pleased for Cedwyn that Stuart has given it to him for the season.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. menzinho


      I thought that too @Fan of Big Tone usually these would be taken and then the players who sign at a later date are usually given the numbers in the 20s...

      In Spain for example the first team are only allowed numbers from 1-25 and the goalkeepers must wear 1, 13 or 25. Purely from an orderly point of view I like it when all the numbers flow and there are no gaps in the squad list!

      I guess some players have some sort of affiliation to a certain number... Tsaroulla wore the No.25 at Crawley, likewise Cundy was No.24 at Bristol City. Jatta wore the No.12 shirt at Viborg and it is the day of his birthday so I thought if he hadn't got the No.9 he would've switched, but obviously not!


    3. liampie


      well there is a huge leap from 11 to the next number but i dont think it will mean much. we might be keeping the numbers free for future signings such as in january?

    4. Countyman


      Pretty standard squad number release, no genuine surprises or shocks. There’s room for other additions if the club chooses to recruit further, either now or later on.

      I could imagine some higher numbers might come down next season depending on performances.

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Pride of Nottingham is an independent fansite devoted to Notts County, the world’s oldest professional football club. Created in 2013, it has served as a source of Magpie news, features, match previews, reports, analysis and interviews for more than three years.

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