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  1. Next up for Notts to play is Doncaster Rovers on Boxing Day, how many links can we find between the two clubs.

    Ricky Ravenhill played for them 2002-2006 making 136 appearances and scoring 9 goals. He played for Notts 2009-2012 making 79 appearances with 3 goals.

    Who can name any more? Have a go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      Johnny Bostock! :D 

    3. Robbie


      In the distant past there was a certain Tom Keetley who became a prolific goalscorer for both Doncaster Rovers and Notts County 

      From 1923 to 1929 Tom played for Rovers scoring 180 goals from 231 appearances.


      Tom moved to Notts in 1929 till 1933 where he scored 94 goals from 103 appearances.


    4. CliftonMagpie


      Nathan Tyson: 2014 and Notts 2019/20, Doncaster Rovers 2014/16.


  2. He was a Director of Jongleurs, a Notts sponsor.

    He was a director of Notts for about 16 months , March 2013 - July 2014

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chris


      On 19/12/2023 at 10:45, Piethagoram said:

      For an accountant, I don't think one would necessarily raise questions over an investment of £200k? @Chris

      I know football is a multimillion pound sport, but £200k is a considerable amount for a team like ours.

      It's basically a player's annual wage.


    3. Piethagoram


      Some company chief financial officers / accountants can be on 150k, 200k a year... a £200k investment would not be questioned in general

    4. DangerousSausage


      I doubt the club would be liable for this - the accountants in question sold their stake again and probably got "their" money back, either from Ray Trew or whoever bought the stake off them. If they no longer have a stake in the club, I don't see how it could be claimed back from the club.

  3. I’m pleased to hear this, for my age I consider myself reasonably fit but I do struggle sometimes when I get a ticket near the back of the stand. I remember when I could bound up those steps no problem.

    Well done Notts. 👏

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Benji


      It’s about time for such a minor change, it’s nice to see the club taking the initiative to make improvements.

    3. Robbie


      I welcome these improvements to our ground.With attendances increasing its great to know that the club are doing all they can to enhance the safety of the fans.


    4. Countyman


      The modifications at Meadow Lane are indeed a positive development. With the club drawing more supporters, the investments should easily recoup their costs, if they haven’t already. The better the experience, the happier the fans will be. Safety is paramount.

  4. On the night before Christmas

    This poem was written by Caroline Wells in 1900
    but it could just as easily fit today.
    On the night before Christmas there’s something amiss
    With your placid, habitual slumber;
    You suddenly find that your overworked mind
    Is harassed by cares without number.

    You are stirred by the thought that the gifts you have bought
    Are less than your friends have expected;
    And your heart is beset by a nervous regret
    That the things were not better selected.

    You cannot lie quiet, your brain’s in a riot,
    And fears for the dinner oppress you;
    The goose may be tough or the cook in a huff,
    Or the children’s behavior distress you.

    You can’t get your breath, you’re worried to death
    Lest the weather may turn out unpleasant
    Your eyes ache and burn as you toss and you turn
    And think over every one’s present.

    That Dresden affair, expensive and rare,
    Is really quite wasted on Dora;
    And you’re tempted to wish you had given the dish
    To Alice or Ethel or Flora.

    Dick never will look in that beautiful book,
    So you think you’re transfer it to Maisie;
    Then you’ll have to give Dick that ebony stick –
    But by this time you’re just about crazy.

    As you tumble and roll, a feat thrills your soul
    Lest some one left out should feel slighted.
    Though you doubt if you’re able to seat round the table
    The guest you’ve already invited.

    The cream may fall short – there’s only a quart —
    And some one may keep dinner waiting;
    Then the soup will get cold, and Edward will scold,
    And give the late guests a berating.

    You flounder and sigh – you’re ready to cry –
    Coy sleep won’t allow you to win her;
    Oh, the night before Christmas holds nothing of bliss,
    If you’d asked your relations to dinner.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KingMaynard


      It’s a great poem and very relatable. I believe this was presented in school when I was in Year 7.

    3. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      It’s important to remember, Christmas can quickly become a time of stress and worry, when it should simply be a time to spend with family and loved ones.

    4. Robbie
  5. Ok, the big day is nearly here, so what’s your favourite Christmas song of all time?

    I think mine has got to be Fairy Tale of New York by The Pogues featuring Kirsty McColl.

    Whats yours?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. liampie


      i really like the darkness song dont let the bells end.

    3. Benji
    4. Robbie


      My number one Christmas  song Has to be Bing Crosby's White Christmas.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      Neil Warnock is unique, his antics could easily be a comedy sketch for a late-night show. I believe he’ll return to management at some point, I can’t imagine him fully retiring.

    3. super_ram


      He can be a bit annoying sometimes but there's no doubting his passion and he is very funny  and a proper character.

    4. NottsLoyal


      7 hours ago, super_ram said:

      He can be a bit annoying sometimes but there's no doubting his passion and he is very funny  and a proper character.

      I understand what you’re saying, but I believe that’s just his nature. He’s become less grumpy over the years and more humorous, he seems to have ceased being resentful around the mid 00s.

    1. Chris


      This is the first time I have seen the highlights, wow... We are defending blindly and have become very lazy, no pressuring and so much that could have been done. I want to know what was in Adam Chicksen's boots that made him so slow to react, the decision to slide in seems silly because staying on his feet would have been more practical.

      The Simpson's Comic Book Guy would say... 'Worst defending ever'. I'm not sure it's 100% true, but it's shocking.

    2. liampie


      i want an angry face as the second goal sealed the game and i felt very much deflated, i wanted to leave there and then. its not a feel i like but we put so much effort in and we cant even defend against a team we should have done better against. i loved jodi jones passion but everyone else it was missing.

    3. theMagpies


      The sad part is, our defence has been poorer on many occasions this season. Hats off to Harrogate for their impressive play.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. liampie


      this is a great thing, i wonder how many ex footballers have been this selfless to start a charity that benefits others instead of their own greed.

    3. KingMaynard


      The foundation carries out crucial work. Referring to individuals as guests demonstrates respect and avoids passing judgement. It appears to be a practice that should be adopted nationwide.

    4. Benji


      A commendable charity, one I wasn’t aware of, but it does some fantastic work in the community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Piethagoram


      I believe this is the same game that Waitt flicked on for David Hunt to strike a cracking volley.... The ref inexplicably called a foul against Mick Waitt. That game since rackles with me, we didnt get the ref's decision when we played Spurs at White Hart Lane in the 90's , when Gazza should have been red carded

      By the way, the state of the pitch compared to Meadow Lane now

    3. Chris


      John Chiedozie is on the bench for the Spurs. That's criminal. 😮 

    4. liampie


      19 hours ago, Fan of Big Tone said:

      Defenders made mistakes in those days too, Dean Yates of all people! Normally he was rock solid, nice to see Charlie McParland scoring a goal too. Thanks for posting @Piethagoram 

      to be fair, that pitch is shocking compared todays standard. i think we tend to over water the meadow lane pitch too, i am not making excuses but i do not think it helps.

  6. On Friday Notts travel to Stockport to take on another County. How many links between the two clubs can we name.

    I’m going for the easy one of Kyle Wootton who is banging in goals for them at the moment.

    How many more can we name?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris


      Pegguy Arphexad 🫢

    3. liampie


      gavin strachan... 😕 

    4. OoooooTommy


      Adam Nowland is another player to be added to this list.

  7. Hello, @Niederbayern Pie. The Pride of Nottingham has plenty of discussion and content to keep you entertained. Join in and share your thoughts. Welcome!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Countyman


      Hello, @Niederbayern Pie. It's nice to be saying hi to you. Welcome to PON.

    3. cheeky~k8
    4. KingMaynard


      Hello, @Niederbayern Pie. Welcome to PON. Curious to learn more about yourself and your chosen username.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JohnTheBost


      I couldn't agree more about Aaron Nemane's performance in the first half. Top-notch, without a doubt. You can see the confidence in his play.

    3. StanfordPie


      Frankly, I wasn't also overly impressed with Will Randall's performance. However, we must keep in mind, that one game doesn't define a player's aptitude. Let's hope he takes this as a learning opportunity and improves in the future games.

      Also, it's crucial to note the brilliance of some of the goals scored by Notts. Each goal was well-earned and well-placed, a sure sign of a team with a good understanding of the field and each other's playing styles. The way Notts analysed and took advantage of Bradford's weaknesses was very impressive.

    4. Chris


      I very much enjoyed this game, yes we played differently in the second and could have allowed Bradford City back into the game but the first half was just pure class from us.

      We need to go back to bossing teams, because it takes so much pressure off us at the back.

    1. liampie


      its not a name i remember, its interesting to see his career being somewhat average but he has already found his way into management.

    2. Chris


      I don't even recall his name. He seems to have been a signing with the future in mind. Still, I don't recall seeing or hearing his name at all.

  8. I understand that Christmas can be a challenging period for some, so I wanted to extend a hand to the PON community. If anyone is struggling or would like to chat with someone who's always ready to listen, please feel free to send me a private message.

    In the meantime, how about we engage in a general chat about topics not related to football?

    I'm aware that Tony usually posts about the weekends, but I thought we could discuss what everyone is planning for Christmas and the New Year? To get the conversation started, we can then shift to any topic that comes up. The main goal is to have a discussion where we all listen to each other.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joshua


      It’s just me and my parents, no real change but a day where we try to just chat, watch a film or two, and enjoy snacks.

    3. Chris


      At some point during the day, we will be calling by @super_ram and spending some time with him. This will probably be after Christmas dinner, so the day will start with presents and watching things together. I assume Jake will be on his PlayStation more than being downstairs, but we will be eating together. We have invited him to spend a few days afterwards with us, which I am looking forward too.

    4. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      It’s the shortest day today so the nights will start to get lighter. :clapping:


      Mrs. T has been baking mince pies, sausage rolls and chocolate log, enough to feed an army, so it’s definitely beginning to look a bit like Christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ohh Tommy Johnson

      Ohh Tommy Johnson

      I really have no issue with Burchnall leaving, in the same way I wouldn't have been upset if Williams had gone to Oxford.  We are where we are, and one of our main attractions is that we provide managers a sound platform to showcase their skills.  If they then move on, it is good for us as it raises our profile and allows us to attract more tested candidates.  I have no doubt that whoever we brought in would be at least equivalent to Williams, and it could be argued that maybe we had William's application because of what Burchnall was allowed to do here. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Williams to leave and he is definitely an upgrade on Burchnall... but when he leaves I will be wishing him the best and hope he doesn't get the flack that I feel Burchnall unfairly gets.



    3. BigBill


      Luke Williams has done much to gain the respect of his colleagues. While I had a liking for Ian Burchnall and thought he was a good manager for us, I felt he placed his own influence above those who assisted him. It wasn’t quite on the level of Jamie Fullerton, but there were some minor similarities.

    4. StanfordPie


      McParland’s assessment is spot on. Williams indeed shows great potential, but Burchnall’s performance was disappointing. If we aspire to reach the Championship, we need to refine our game on all fronts. This includes not just individual performances, but also our overall team strategy and recruitment planning. Here’s hoping for a more polished and well-rounded performance in the future.

  9. Game 19 - The Wombles (A)

    Team: AFC Wimbledon

    Date: 25/11/2023

    Where: Plough Lane

    What line-up should Luke Williams opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Piethagoram


      Playing Rawlinson on the left back fired. His pass was charged down but on the highlights, the first penalty, just looked like an invitation to dive over Bostocks leg? 

      The ref failed to give a clear hand ball (penalty)  to Notts in the 2nd half.

      The 2nd penalty, build up was conceding a needless corner.

      Our failure to defend the corner properly perhaps led to Crowley  being adjudged to have impeded their guy?

      I was pretty sure, Jake Reeves would hit it down the middle... Slocombe looks nowhere near to saving a penalty.

    3. thommo


      Notts certainly made it harder for themselves, showing resilience to level the score but repeating the same errors that initially gave Wimbledon the lead. Notts’ defence was lacking throughout the match, with too much dependence on Sam Slocombe to pull off a rescue act. We need to see more urgency in defence when teams figure out how to breach our back three.

      Also, there’s no disputing that penalty - Crowley clearly held onto the Wimbledon player. But Notts do need to improve their defence of set pieces.

    4. StanfordPie


      As a long-time supporter of Notts, I’ve seen us go through highs and lows, gaining invaluable experience along the way. Facing Wimbledon now, we had hoped to leverage that experience. Their recent performance suggested a potential vulnerability, and we aimed to capitalise on that. However, maintaining the integrity of the game and avoiding disorderly play was paramount. I had high hopes that our midfield could be the game-changer, given their proven ability to dominate in previous matches. Unfortunately, we were unable to bring that control to bear this time. Despite the defeat, we remain hopeful for future games.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. OoooooTommy


      I believe if we had signed him at the start of the season, some might have lost interest in him by now due to the time it took for him to get his opportunity. Hopefully, we can find a way to integrate him quickly into our first team and strengthen it. He does seem to be a reliable defender.

    3. CliftonMagpie


      I’m not particularly concerned about Lewis Macari. I believe it’s a decent signing, but not the solution to our issues. He’s a future regular, but for now, he deserves to be used as needed. I’m happy with the signing, but I hope it won’t be an expensive fee to make him a permanent player.

    4. KingMaynard


      He’s a promising young player, and I’m delighted he’s part of our team. I’m eager to see his contribution to the squad once he’s back playing regularly. Does anyone know or have any guesses about how much we spent on the transfer?

    1. Chris


      Ha! Joking aside, I think it's great.

      However, there should also be something representative of Notts County as well. Steve Cooper's actions and interactions with Luke Williams show that he had a perspective that extended beyond football. That's something I will respect, and I wish him well.

    2. liampie


      i think they are in special measures, its probably how steve cooper found out about them. poor school's being dragged down.

    1. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      That’s really lovely. 👏

    2. Chris


      That is something quite special! It took me back to my childhood and times when I was forced by school to go to a nearby church. Where live instruments were played, and the pupils had to form the choir. It made Christmas different for sure.

    3. liampie


      beautiful! if only things like this could reach mad men and people who only want war as it could stop it otherwise. no words or peace treaty needed. let the music do it.

  10. I was on the bus the other day and someone piped up “YOUPIES!” It was a Forest supporter who had spotted my Notts hat. He engaged me in conversation about Notts he seemed quite knowledgeable with regards the team and said we need to bolster the defence.

    He mentioned two Forest players who are out of favour and not even training with the team after a fall out of some kind.

    One was Worall and I think the other was McKenna he says they might want to get games and suggested Notts take them on loan, he reckons Forest would be happy and probably pay their wages.

    I’m not sure they’d want to drop to league two but he reckoned they probably would to stay local and get games.

    What do you reckon?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Joshua


      I wouldn’t turn down either, but I don’t think the odds are very high. I think Forest might not be too concerned about their wages now that they’re in the Premier League, but they would likely want to protect their valuable assets by not letting them drop too far down the league. I think there was more hope that someone would come in for Harry Arter towards the end of his playing career if he performed well with us.

    3. CliftonMagpie


      I think it’s unlikely, but each player mentioned would easily improve us and would be a fantastic loan addition. I do agree, Forest will most likely want a portion of their wages paid. But then I can see the benefit of loaning out a player who is out of favour until the end of a season with a recall clause [yes this would upset us]. But it could see the player fight for his place or attract interest in a transfer come the new transfer window.

    4. skyhighpie


      Any opportunity that might have existed is now gone since they’ve dismissed their manager. Instead of loaning players, I think they’ll want to sell, which puts us out of the running. They might have a decent centre back in their reserves or U18s, but I believe we need someone with experience.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris


      I don't fault him for choosing to take a managerial job, over coaching. So, for that, I do wish him well.

      As for his decisions, if he wants to become a good manager he will need to choose carefully if ever tempted to leave. I think he bases a lot of his decisions based on his heart, instead of his head but I hope he does alright at Woking.

    3. CliftonMagpie


      I’m not particularly concerned about Michael Doyle. I don’t think Woking is a place where he’ll learn and stay for a long time. I give him a maximum of 12-14 months.

    4. OoooooTommy


      He might become a competent manager one day, but he’s always rushing and hasn’t dedicated enough time to learning. He’ll either be a natural or he’ll fail. I wish him the best, though succeeding at Woking is tough.

  12. we have players who on their day can play as cbs but that does not make them their best positions. we are currently forcing people into roles where they are not as comfortable. teams in my opinion have figured this out and i am hoping luke williams and the club realise we need players who are centre backs to succeed. training will only get us so far.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ExiledPie


      I believe a more straightforward approach could alleviate issues at the back. It would be beneficial to ensure we’re not left lacking or with few options to pass the ball when under pressure. However, I don’t think having three robust centre backs familiar with the position would make a significant difference.

    3. Fozzy


      Real weakness now without Matty Palmer is that our midfield cannot cope with being outnumbered and we’re having to play either aging players or players out of position so any press we have is ineffective as they don’t have the legs for it.

      That, along with playing wingers instead of proper wingbacks in the position is leaving the defence vulnerable to attacks down the flanks and now through the middle. When we have the ball the lack of height in the side means that they can’t go long as it is going to come straight back and the opposition press means they are being forced back to the keeper, who then has to boot it long as he has no movement in front of him.

      We need to shift to either a 433 or 4321, play two proper full backs bring in another centre half to play alongside Baldwin, and at least one central midfielder with legs. We also need a vocal keeper who is competent under the high ball and not superglued to his line. Stone may come good under a more solid defence but I have serious reservations and cannot see what made us sign him in the first place as he is no upgrade on Slocombe and is arguably worse in every department.

    4. CliftonMagpie


      In my eyes, defenders are defenders. The only difference is their positional awareness and I don’t think that is the issue. I think it’s largely about confidence and mental strength to handle pressure. But I don’t understand how we manage to put the most amount of pressure on ourselves. I suppose it would make more sense to play 3 solid centre backs, who can form an alliance and rely on each other. Instead of players forced into the position, but I do think defenders are defenders regardless of where they are primarily played.

  13. Morning all the weekend is upon us again, is anyone doing anything exciting? 

    Let’s hear what your up to or have been up to?

    For me tonight it’s curry night as usual and Mrs. T tells me she’s doing a Chicken Biryani, can’t wait. Tonight I’ll watch the match on Sky, Forest v Spurs, should be good.

    Tomorrow I might venture out to the Park Run my son Chris is going so I’ll get a lift. Then I’ll listen to the Notts match on Radio Nottingham.

    Sunday to be decided.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Piethagoram


      After Harrogate, thought Sunday , I needed to be in a "stable" condition:rollonfloorlaughing:

    3. cheeky~k8


      I spent saturday using my present and spending time with family. Also as Chris said we went to pizza hut.

      Sunday i was at home looking after my kids and my nephew and neice. Had a fun day at home and in the garden.

    4. Joshua


      I stayed at home over the weekend, I didn’t visit Harrogate. I switched off the radio after they were 2-0 up. I didn’t have the drive to bear any more than that, which is unlike me. On Sunday, I caught up with my college work and just relaxed. I had a quick go on my Playstation.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris


      On 16/12/2023 at 07:34, Super_Danny_Allsopp said:

      3rd tier in Scotland? Nice. Career on the up.

      Worrying that article says he's a natural defender. Not sure that maps with what i saw of him.

      I wouldn't either, he was better going forward.

      I don't understand why people are playing him as a left back. He would be far more effective on the left of midfield, but the issue is he's a flash in the pan. He can start off well, but fails to maintain himself. I am glad we managed to dodge signing him, as there are fans who still wish he was here due to a few very good performances. He was rubbish at Chesterfield.

    3. Joshua


      He’s not a poor player, but there are certainly better ones out there. I think some of our fans prioritise flair over ability. If a player can show off and produce a few moments of brilliance, it often seems to overshadow their weaknesses. I wish Calvin Miller all the best, but I’m relieved he’s not with us.

    4. CliftonMagpie


      Celvin Miller wasn’t the greatest of signings, but there was something about him that makes clubs willing to take a risk. It won’t be long before he moves on to another club. It’s a pity he doesn’t care more about his career to truly focus on being a valuable asset to a club. He has the talent, but perhaps not the motivation.

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Pride of Nottingham is an independent fansite devoted to Notts County, the world’s oldest professional football club. Created in 2013, it has served as a source of Magpie news, features, match previews, reports, analysis and interviews for more than three years.

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