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  1. A nice evening in the West Midlands. It's nice to chill at this time of the year. Good to see some familiar faces from Notts as well. A very nice cheeseburger and some lovely donuts too.

    Things to take from the game 

    - Dan Crowley and Aaron Nemane's link up play was excellent in the first half and both had a hand in the first 2 goals. O'Brien basically stealing Crowley's goal 😂. It's what we've come to expect down the right, with the deeper lying CAM, linking up with the wing-back. DC also produced some nice crosses and is technically astute. 

    - Riley Reynolds looked promising. Chased lost causes and had a good effort tipped over by the Nuneaton keeper. Agile player

    - Geraldo Bajrami looked calm in the centre of midfield and I think that's where we see him long term. He said before that he prefers it in midfield and I'm not surprised. Looks comfortable there.

    - Aidan Stone was calm in possession and vocal as well. Always on his toes to chase a loose ball and looks to distribute quickly, which suits us. One moment in the 1st half where he kicked quickly out of his hands and almost ended up with Macca through on goal.

    - Cedwyn and Didzy look sharp. McGoldrick with some elegant turns and dips of the shoulder. Cedwyn's pressing was good and finished well after swivelling his body. He was also passing on advice to Charlie Gill who had a decent game and ended it with a mazy run, taking on about 3 players and getting into the penalty area.

    - Lucien Mahovo looks assured in possession and looks to be on a good path to spend more time with the 1st team in the near future. He's strong and most importantly an athlete. He's built well and has that calm assurance on the ball, to bring it out of defence and overlap his wing-back, something we do often.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheSkipper


      It's going to be good to see the players a few games into the pre-season, although the training is top-notch. I think some of the youngsters will get up to speed, so please don't think I am being harsh for the sake of it.

      Youth Players:

      Lucien Mahovo: He struggled a lot, defending at times was quite good. The issue was his shirt pulling and lack of awareness at times. He did do some nice defensive touches, passing he seemed fine.
      Ryley Reynolds: Looks to be a decent player, who will only get better with more experience. Notts may consider loaning him out.
      Brad McGregor: I would like him to be around the first team, he did some good stuff and looked comfortable going forward.
      Charlie Gill: He needs more time with the youth team, he did okay but made some poor decisions and gave the ball away a little too much.
      Luther Munakandafa: Looked eager to get forward, could do a bit more defensively, but he's a lively player that has the ability to go further.
      Madou Cisse: This lad looks pure class, really talented, and I agree with comments about him being of the mould of Aaron Nemane. They're very much alike and it's really uncanny.

      All the senior players did fine, some additionally had their wobbles, but it's nothing to be taken too constructively. The only reason why I have given my opinion on the youth players is that I hope to pass on my recommendations onto other fans and maybe any glancing eyes may find it useful too. It's not a knock on them, one game doesn't say a lot, but I am impressed. I hope Luke Williams figures a way to fit some of them into our plans this season.

    3. AmericanPie


      Thank you to everyone who went and has shared their thoughts; it’s useful, and I am thankful for the time you have taken because it gives me a better idea of what’s happening. As an exile, this is a gold mine and makes you feel in the know.

    4. liampie


      i thought most of the youth players put in a shift, one or two need to gain more experience its clear but they showed some great potential too.

      the wing backs and midfielder were great.

  2. Mansfield CEO has left his position, Notts are actively seeking a CEO……coincidence?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AmericanPie


      Has there been any actual news on the CEO? I know the Business Desk reported that the search had begun, but has anything else been said? With the pre-season beginning, I can’t imagine it will take much longer to appoint a new person to the position.

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      @AmericanPie there’s been no official word only rumours, I can only imagine the brothers are doing their usual thorough job of meticulously researching to make sure they get the right man and as with signings we won’t hear anything until the deal is done.

    4. liampie


      its a position they will want to ensure can be around for years to come, a manager is an easier appointment i feel and we may have a group of people still being narrowed down. the club might have hired someone but decided to keep it quiet for a later stage. 😛 

      we simply won't know until an official announcement.

  3. Sorry, it's been a few weeks since I wrote a Weekly. Life hasn't been  exciting recently, just busy with work. 

    It's been a fun week this week apart from working. 

    Tuesday I went out with a few people from work for breakfast, which was nice. It was lovely to speak to colleagues, that I don't normally work with. 

    Friday, I went for a pamper morning and went and got my nails done, which I don't normally get done. In the evening, me and @ARLukomski went out in Nottingham into the evening with a couple of friends, who we've not seen since the season ended. It was lovely to catch up with them. 

    How was your week? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      I honestly can’t remember doing anything special last week, I sometimes find it hard to remember what happened yesterday. :joker:

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Hang on I’ve just remembered my brother rang me on Tuesday to apologise for forgetting my birthday, bless him he’s getting on a bit now, we’ll into his 80s, it was quite a depressing phone call he was telling me all about the various ailments he and his wife suffer, he worried that his wife is slipping into dementia he has to put notes up in the house to remind her to switch things off etc., it’s very sad, they’ve spent their lives travelling the world, working in different countries, now they just sit at home watching tv and never go anywhere.

    4. Chris


      Thursday - I went with Kate to B&Q and The Range.

      Sunday - I went for a walk with my brother and then went to see Super Ram.

      We had issues that put delays to doing other things more noteworthy, not the most exciting week and this coming up is no different.

  4. PSF - The Boro (A)

    Team: Nuneaton Borough

    Date: 05/07/2023

    Where: Liberty Way Ground

    What line-up should Luke Williams opt for? What will be the key areas for the Magpies to get a victory? What do you think the final score will be?

    Have your say below, join in with the Pride of Nottingham match discussion.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. JIMBO


      I didn’t attend the game, but from what I’ve read from those who did, Aidan Stone seems like a promising goalkeeper, very vocal. If he can perform like this against Stoke or Forest, he may become the first-choice goalkeeper.

    3. KingMaynard


      I wasn’t able to go either, but it’s good to hear who played well and to hear about the youth players that featured. The result doesn’t matter, I know people are pleased with the 3-0 win. The main thing is the chemistry the players pick up ahead of the new season.

    4. AmericanPie


      It sounds like we have some promising young talent, but whether Luke Williams will be brave enough to play some of them during the season, only time will tell. With 7 subs, any games where we are a few goals ahead would be the ideal time to throw one or two on just to gain experience.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. cheeky~k8


      Good Luck to him, Its a good signing for them.

    3. OoooooTommy


      Yes, this is a very good signing for Dagenham & Redbridge. With Frank Vincent being from London, it benefits both parties. I wish him well.

    4. AmericanPie


      I hope Frank Vincent settles and finds his form; he could be a key player for Dagenham & Redbridge.

  5. Not much of a glimpse at the new design though, we know it hasn’t got a collar.

    Looks like it might be broad stripes too.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. cheeky~k8


      It can't be as bad as last seasons shirts... the home one was horrid and the away wasnt much better. Its abit hard to say what it looks like from tha though although possiblt not the horrible pin stripes.

    3. JIMBO


      At this point, I really don’t care what the shirt looks like. Many teams at this stage have already released their new designs and most have already shown them. We are holding off as a promotional push to drive sales and it’s becoming frustrating. It’s making me very uninterested in when they do get released.

    4. AmericanPie


      I understand the frustration; it doesn’t help with Puma delaying the kit’s release, but I think that’s not solely their fault. Hopefully, the club will show what the kits look like, and both prove to be popular.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. ExiledPie


      All good things come to those who wait; that’s what I have been told many times in my lifetime. It’s good that Aaron Nemane has decided to stay, and even better that we should get two more seasons out of him.

    3. NottsTastic


      Nemane is the one player I wanted to keep the most. His speed and determination are something we may have struggled to replace.

    4. AmericanPie


      Aaron Nemane being praised against Nuneaton is further evidence of Luke Williams cleverly encouraging him; you would expect him to run rampant against them. It’s good to have him committed for a further two years.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. liampie


      hes just trying to push people into paying but twitter is not worth paying $8 a month. i think if it included multiple accounts for content creators, it might make a difference but to make the average user pay for something. good luck with that!

    3. cheeky~k8


      I don't really know much about twitter, but mainly because i don't use it and cannot get access to any content on it without having an account. Its always appeared way to public and confusing to me and i can just about handle one social media. He will draw people away from it by making people pay though.

    4. Nocturnal-Magpie


      Twitter has transformed into a personal plaything for Elon Musk. I wasn’t fond of it previously, but now it’s even more unbearable.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. NottsLoyal


      I think it’s probably true that Luke Williams knew what Aaron Nemane was going to do. There’s a rumour that he asked for an extended holiday, and that seems more believable than the club holding the information back for multiple weeks to push sales of season tickets. It could be delayed for a week to keep the focus, but nothing more than that. I am just glad it worked out well for us.

    3. Ohh Tommy Johnson

      Ohh Tommy Johnson

      When I used to watch Wasps (before they folded) it was common for the club to have signed contracts way before the announcement, sometimes months.  This was partly due to the way rugby contracts are negotiated, but the release of signings was normally carefully choreographed to supply a steady stream of good news, and to mitigate bad news.  There was usually one late 'surprise' just before the start of the season.  I think that was a bit more opportunistic based on who couldn't get a contract for the next season (or were still playing in Australia and NZ).

      The announcement of Ruben leaving and the following and preceding good news was very reminiscent of this, so I suspect that they knew Nemane was staying for a good while and they were timing the news to cover the close season / season ticket sales, 

      Now we have the pre-season friendlies to get excited about, it would appear that bar possibly one more signing the transfer news is finished. 

    4. cheeky~k8


      I did expect the news to come, but sooner than it did.

  6. Sometimes, I check for news as I browse PON using Google. I have never come across the site making it into Google’s feed before and I was pleasantly surprised to see it.

    In most cases, I read the news after coming off. I’m glad I hadn’t, as most likely I wouldn’t have seen this.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. upthepies


      I have started to see a lot of content from PON in my Google news feed. I am wondering if it’s Google trying to promote people away from Twitter and back to them. Whatever the reason, it is good to see.

    3. TheSkipper


      You can search for PON and now add it to get the news; something I have done because I did start seeing some suggestions of forum content, and I think this is a great thing for the site.

    4. cheeky~k8


      Its good to see, ive not seen any yet but it will be nice to.

  7. So what are we all planning to do with our time over this weekend, or if your reading this late what have you been up to? Anything exciting (or mundane) happening in your life? 

    For my part, it’s Friday so we are having a curry, Mrs. Big Tone is an excellent curry maker but for a change we are having a takeaway.

    Tomorrow it’s Park Run Day so I’ll be doing my usual 5k jog around West Park along with around 400 others.

    Sunday I’m not sure what plans we have yet.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. super_ram


      7 hours ago, Chris said:

      Yesterday, I did nothing of note. I just worked on PON and spent time with my family. Ellie and Kate played Monopoly junior, which is a faster version of the game, and we all enjoyed that.

      Today, I went for a walk with Jake, my brother and niece.

      We met up at a local park, did a walk around the outside of it and then walked to my dad's It was nice watching Luna interact with @super_ram.

      Yes,very nice to see you all.Luna's like a whirlwind and so comical,especially throwing the plastic balls at everyone.She makes a fuss of us all,running from one person to another and laughing until she's told she can't do something.Then she's comical trying to get her own way..It's funny how a bit of blackmail works with her too

    3. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      I went for a few drinks on Saturday, not more and not less. I had a nice evening, then came back to some proper English food. I didn’t get a kebab or go on a bender. On Sunday, I relaxed and sat watching TV. Surprisingly, I enjoyed watching the films that I found.

    4. cheeky~k8


      It was meant to be a relaxing weekend apart from homework time with my youngest but i ended up cutting the hedge so took quite abit of time as its a big hedge that needs more maintenance. Sunday was abit calmer and i was quite happy to have abit of time off and a break.

  8. I'm awaiting the delivery of my nice shiny new Surface Pro. I have a PC desktop but I don't always use it. Most of the time, I am using my phone. I use Chrome on both my mobile and computer. They're synced to share my history, searches etc. I just find Chrome to be the easiest to use.

    As for me, I am a search engine and do not use browsers. However, many people use different browsers such as Windows Edge, Firefox and Opera. Opera is quite decent and offers quite a few features catered to certain situations, such as gaming and lightweight browsing.

    Have you tried any of these browsers? What browsers do you use?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. thommo


      I use Chrome and am not worried about Google obtaining my data. There are plenty of others who collect data and sell it. I think it’s a good browser and efficient for my needs.

    3. Nocturnal-Magpie


      I use Chrome myself. It’s just a convenient browser, and I haven’t had to download it. I don’t see much difference between Firefox or Chrome in terms of speed. They are both perfectly fine.

      Android and Windows have Chrome within their ecosystem.

    4. upthepies


      I use Firefox and Chrome, just on different devices. I have Chrome installed on my computer, but I prefer Firefox’s layout and the ability to add extensions that are only found on their browser.

  9. Morning all. Anyone into cricket? The ashes starts today, I used to love watching it when I was younger but not so much now, I may try to catch a few overs on the telly if I can.

    Will you be watching it?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. allardyces tash

      allardyces tash

      I think Australia will win the Ashes; they seem to have the better team all round. With their batters and bowlers, it’s hard to see one or two good England players overturning what is a pretty weaker team.

    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      Well it’s 2-0 to the Aussies now, did anyone see the controversial stumping? The English batsman (cant remember who) was walking out of his crease after the over and was stumped, he obviously assumed the over was done. It wasn’t very sportsmanlike of the Aussies but within the rules.

      It even caused some booing from the members in the long room which apparently is unheard of it’s normally polite clapping. Oh dear I don’t know what my grandad would make of cricket these days it used to be a gentleman’s sport.

    4. Fozzy


      Laws @Fan of Big Tone, cricket doesn’t have rules.

      Disgusting dismissal by the Aussies and their captain should have withdrawn the appeal. To stay within the spirit of the game, Bairstow should have been warned of their intention if he did not stop it.

      No complaints over the score line, as the tourists have been the better side over the last two tests, but some of their actions have left me shaking my head. I knew straight away that the Starc catch was invalid as he grounded the ball trying to stop himself sliding, but that was probably more a case of the player not knowing the law than trying to cheat.

      Cricket used to be played hard and fair with mutual respect amongst the players, not anymore by the look of things.

  10. @Chris has asked me to resurrect this feature again, so I will do this for every game Notts play.

    On Tuesday 4th July, Notts start their pre season friendlies with a trip to play Nuneaton Borough.

    It may be quite tough to find a link but the idea is to try and think of as many players/managers/ coaches etc. that have played for both clubs (tea ladies don’t count) :joker:

    I’ll start you off with Duane Darby played for Notts 1998-2000 and Nuneaton Borough 2006-2007.

    Ok over to you who else has a MAGnet link to both clubs?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. B&Wstripes


      I believe Leroy Lita played for both Notts and Nuneaton. :) 

    3. RetroPie


      Frank Upton began his career with Nuneaton, he joined us from Derby County in 1966. @super_ram

    4. super_ram


      24 minutes ago, RetroPie said:

      Frank Upton began his career with Nuneaton, he joined us from Derby County in 1966. @super_ram

      I remember me and my uncle Stan being upset when he left to join Chelsea but  he returned after 2 or 3 seasons before joining Notts. He was one of several exRam players who were one of the attractions at Alfreton carnival in the late 70's.

  11. I've kept my eye on Vigouroux for a few seasons now and what I've seen from him, I've been really impressed. Stepping up to the Premier League is a big step but moving to a newly promoted Burnley side might be a good move. 

    Speaks volumes about his ability when he's been voted Orients player of the season 3 years in a row. That's impressive considering he's a goalkeeper. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KB1862


      Wish him all the best. It's great when a Premier League team takes chances on lower league players. I think he'll remain at that level or there abouts. 

    3. TheSkipper


      He’s a good keeper, and at 29, it’s the perfect age for him to make the step up. It depends on who’s in front of him, but Burnley is usually a good defensive team. He should do well with them.

    4. CliftonMagpie


      Good luck to him. Sometimes players reach their potential later in life, and a good keeper can easily play until his late 30s. If he does well with Burnley, it will be pleasing to see how far he’s come in the game.

  12. Been after a Notts retro shirt for a while but everytime I've gone to order one, they've sold out. But the other day they were put back in stock and before they sold out I ordered one. The 1993 Home Bitter shirt, one of the ones I wanted back in stock. 

    Today the shirt arrived but it's having to go straight back due to the size being on the small side for me.

    When it comes to T-Shirts, I usually get XXL but in football shirts I go for an XL and they fit perfectly fine. 

    Anyone else had any size issues? At least I kind of know for next time I may need a size or 2 up. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Pie since 89

      Pie since 89

      On 29/06/2023 at 22:24, TheSkipper said:

      I think the retro shirts are awful. The badges don’t look right. The older single magpie looks fine, but the collar puts me off. The 1992/93 replica shirt mostly looks good, but it’s the smaller details that make me dislike it.

      Agree I have this shirt and quite like it but am annoyed by little details like the fact it doesn't have a second yellow stripe across the back of the shoulder like the original if you are going to make one with one yellow stripe make the 89-91 shirt 🤷

    3. AmericanPie


      I am fond of retro shirts and do not mind that they are not as close to the original. As mentioned in the shirt update thread, I intend to purchase some with my shirt order if they have my size in stock.

    4. thommo


      They look fine for what they are, a bit more attention to detail would make them better but I don't think the Terrace is the place to get that quality. 

  13. I should have been jetting off to Corfu today, sadly we had to cancel but it got me thinking.

    Have you been on holiday yet, if so where to?
    If you haven’t been, have you got a holiday planned? Where are you going?

    If you aren’t going away this year what is your memory of a favourite past holiday?

    Since I retired we’ve been on lots of holidays, quite a few cruises, holidays in this country, short breaks etc.

    I think my favourite all time holiday was a cruise around the Greek Islands and Italy we did a few years ago, it was idyllic, we saw lots of places we’d read about and seen pictures of, Rome, Venice, Athens etc.

    How about you, share your holiday memories and plans for future ones.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Piethagoram
    3. Fan of Big Tone

      Fan of Big Tone

      What a fantastic holiday you are having @Piethagoram thanks for sharing it with us.

    4. DangerousSausage


      Cracking pictures @Piethagoram! I went to Rüdesheim last year but only saw the monument from afar as I didn't fancy going on the shonky cable car.

      Where are you heading next? If you're heading up the Rhine, the area between Rüdesheim and Bonn is really picturesque with more castles than you can shake a stick at. 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Nocturnal-Magpie


      It’s annoying, but that’s Puma for you. We will always have trouble whilst we accept it, and it’s unlikely to change. We have five more seasons of this, so my words of wisdom would be just to forget about the delays.

    3. DangerousSausage


      14 hours ago, thommo said:

      If it were a one-off, I don’t think anyone would mind, but we have issues with them every season.

      Other clubs are already selling their new Puma kits, so i doubtit's all due to them. Perhaps we put our order in later due to uncertainty around the sponsor?

      I'd have liked something new, but I doubt the delivery times would have been any different. 

    4. AmericanPie


      I may order some replicas in when I buy my shirts. I don’t expect them to be 100% the same as the original. I am not sure if I intended to wait, so fans can get theirs before I do, but I will be buying several as I always do. The date doesn’t affect me, but I understand how it would others.

  14. I was thinking about some of the fads that have come and gone over the years and there are a few that I just never understood why they were so popular. For example, remember when everyone was wearing those rubber band bracelets shaped like animals? Or when fidget spinners were all the rage? I never really got the appeal.

    What about you? Are there any fads that you never understood why they were so popular? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chris


      57 minutes ago, DangerousSausage said:

      Monster in my pocket. They were little plastic monsters that you put in your pocket.

      They were cool collectables. My brother had the display piece which was the mountain, and he had every single one of them. I had the majority too.

      I also collected the monster wrestlers that were out in the 90s.


      Instead of wrestling though, I played football with them. 😛 


    3. super_ram


      Deeley boppers from the 1980's.Basically a headband with 2 springy antennae sticking up with silly decorations attached.I could never understand why a young kid would want to make themselves look like some kind of insect or an alien.They were very popular though.

    4. TheSkipper


      The Air Up fad makes me laugh. I get that it’s amazing how there’s no flavour to water and the pods allow you to mix flavours, but the number of people who use them as a prop or wave the bottles in your face, as if to say “look at my special cup, my water’s better than yours,” is just laughable.

  15. As of yet, all we know is that the club has extended the deal with Puma for 5 more years after this season ends. This means we can speculate as to what the shirts might look like. Personally, I wasn’t a fan of either the home or away shirt last season, so I’m hoping for more of a traditional home kit.

    Juventus and Newcastle have both shown that a black and white kit can be creative, look different and escape those boring claims that there’s not much that can be done with the colours. If this were true, it would be the same for every club, with every colour.

    So what is it that you like about Notts shirts, both home and away? What previous season would you ideally like this season’s home and away kit to look like?

    Personally, I like broader black and white stripes - not just a few like the 2020 home shirt, but multiple ones like we had last season. More traditional, with no collar and parts of yellow or gold trimming. It would be nice to finally have a yellow away kit - not too bright, but with hints of Nottingham green along parts just to add subtle detail.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. KingMaynard


      Having a throwback to the past seasons sounds great @lambleypie, as @CliftonMagpie has said Incorporating past design elements, especially from seasons where the club performed really well, could potentially bring about a sense of nostalgia among the fans, and propel the team's performance.

    3. NottsLoyal


      I can't help but agree that the preference for traditional black and white with no gold or yellow trim. Keeping it simple and traditional has its own beauty. The focus should be on the quality and fit of the fabric rather than on flashy colours. The players need to be comfortable in their kit while reflecting our club's traditional colour scheme.

    4. heraldmagpie


      I had hoped for a back that wasn’t entirely white, but the teaser seems to show that it will be. I think it might have a bit too much white for my liking; stripes never look good on a lot of white. They look better when they’re equal or slightly different.

  16. Notts County is still waiting for Aaron Nemane’s decision on his contract. Connell Rawlinson, Sam Slocombe, Jim O’Brien, and Kyle Cameron have renewed their contracts. Ruben Rodrigues has moved on. Jodi Jones has signed permanently, along with Will Randall, David McGoldrick, and Dan Crowley.

    The new arrivals add a lot of depth and seem to bring their own quality to the squad.

    What positions do you think Notts County needs to strengthen? Are there any specific players you have in mind?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. JIMBO


      I’m still hoping we sign a left-back/wing-back, a centre defender and maybe a defensive midfielder. Someone aged 21-23 who can learn from John Bostock and Jim O’Brien.

    3. thommo


      Will a defender arrive? It’s starting to look like we might be done with our recruitment. I do feel a centre-back is needed, as others have said.

    4. heraldmagpie


      I’m hoping Luke Williams brings in a centre-back. If he can double up as a left wing-back, that would suit us. I know we have Richard Brindley, but he’s better out wide for me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CliftonMagpie


      I can’t explain it, but even when I close my eyes, I hear what I’m thinking about. If I don’t think of anything, then I hear a weird noise that sounds nothing like anything else. It’s strange how the mind works!

    3. AmericanPie


      I have seen a similar thing with colours. It’s our brain interpreting the sound to hear or see what we want. It’s a neat trick.

    4. Chris


      On 28/06/2023 at 16:38, super_ram said:

      I also got Greenstorm and brainneedle :rollonfloorlaughing:

      The sound clip actually plays both, you just hear what you focus on because your brain overpowers your eyes and makes your ears respond to it.

  17. Since getting into football at the age of 10, I've always had the latest England shirt. Less so in recent years. Since switching from Umbro to Nike, the designs haven't been as good as they were when they were with Umbro but also the prices have gone ridiculous for them. I think I only got the first 2 kits since they made the switch. 

    Over the past few years, I've started collecting retro England shirts from multiple stores all through Score Draw. Personally, I prefer the older kits to the newer ones. Can't beat a classic football shirt. 

    I've now managed to complete a collection. The 1990 England shirt collection is now complete. These shirts are up there as one of the greatest England shirts there have been. 


    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. KB1862


      @Joshua couldn't do the blind boxes myself, if you could have a selected few teams that are guaranteed then maybe. I can understand why people do it and it does look like fun collecting kits not knowing what's gonna come out but personally it has to be a team I like and not random, irrelevant of how nice the kit looks. 

      I'm gonna keep my eyes out for more definitely. 

    3. upthepies


      I own a few good England shirts, but I haven't bought any since Umbro was replaced. I don't tend to like the designs. The price, as a one-off purchase, is affordable for me, but it's been a few years since I felt the England shirts looked worth the money.

    4. KB1862


      @upthepies since switching to Nike I think I've only purchased 2 tbf. They're not as appealing as the umbro ones were. Should have stuck with them but I don't get how they can make the Lionesses kits brilliant but the Men's just have not that likeable designs. Can see why many choose to buy Lionesses shirts over the Men's tbf but even they're expensive. 

  18. In Football, especially in todays game, whenever a player breaks records or achieves great things both at club and International level they're immediately compared to players of the past but is it really fair to compare players from different eras? 

    Players also shouldn't be compared based on trophies their club has or hasn't won. 

    Type of pitches and defending styles are a factor. 

    Take Messi and Maradona for example. Maradona played in an era where players would hack him down and grass ripped up at his feet while dribbling yet he made it look easy. Messi on the other hand has played on much better playing surfaces and tough tackling isn't approved of much these days but the defenders have become more technical and fitter than they were back in Maradona's day.

    Players and Managers that they work alongside also play a factor. 

    Take the Lampard, Gerrard and Scholes debate for example. Gerrard played alongside a lot lesser players than Scholes and Lampard did. Gerrard not winning the Premier League is often the go to answer for many to rule him out of the running but would he have won it had he moved to Chelsea or United? Would Lampard or Scholes won what Gerrard did had they played for Liverpool? 

    I'm sure we all have our own opinions on which of the 3 is better but it should be a comparison on the individual player rather than trophies won. Milan Baros won more Champions Leagues than Ibrahimovic but I wouldn't say he was better than him 🤣

    Another player that fits into this factor is Harry Kane. Since becoming England's all time leading goalscorer he has drawn comparison to previous players like Wayne Rooney and even Jimmy Greaves. Don't get me wrong what Kane has achieved is sensational and deserves all the credit for being there to get as many goals as he has for England. Not to mention he's just the second Englishman to win a golden boot at the World Cup joining Gary Lineker. 

    However, Wayne Rooney played in a time where the golden generation was coming to an end, England began declining and the players being called up for England was questionable at times. Not much in terms of star quality. He played in a time that England failed to qualify for Euro 2008, had a dismal 2010 and 2014 World Cup before making his final tournament appearance at Euro 2016 which ended in humiliation against Iceland. 

    Then there's Jimmy Greaves. 44 goals in 57 games for England is an outstanding record but during his time the Euros was only limited to just 4 teams meaning less games for him to add to his tally. 

    Rooney may have more England goals had he played in todays England squad. Kane might have even been more clinical playing in Rooney's era. Greavsie could have had more England goals if there were more games available. 

    Player comparisons are all part of football and will always happen but there are these type of factors that play a part when comparing them. 

    What do you guys think? Are player comparisons subjective or do they hold credit? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cheeky~k8


      Very interesting, its hard to compare players in detail as they all have different aspects that make them work together well.

    3. Chris


      I think it depends on the type of comparison and how far you compare the players.

      When I talk about Paul Scholes, Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard - I do compare them up to a certain point. Then it comes down to personal opinion. I believe technically Gerrard was the better player but ability wise, Scholes had techniques miles better than him or Lampard. All three were superb players; the reason why Lampard and Gerrerd didn't work well with England mostly comes down to the formation and tactics.

      This is where I feel a comparison comes into play, as if we take the Notts formation. Lampard would take the Ruben Rodrigues role and Gerrard would fit into the Matt Palmer role. Leaving someone like Owen Hargreaves to play the John Bostock role.

      Lampard and Gerrard have a similar style, but one is better suited to play behind the strikers and the other can make attacking runs. Maybe they could even rotate positions, but Lampard wouldn't be good playing too defensively. You would have to give clear instructions on what they can and can't do, with a level of freedom.

      Clubs use comparisons as a means to replace talent. If anyone read or watched the Dan Crowley interview, he spoke about how he was labelled similar to Jack Wilkshire.

      Comparisons can be helpful when you want to find a player who suits your system and playing style. They can help you find a direct replacement from the transfer market or train a young player to take that position.

      I think they can be useful and fun for talking points, but also negative because it's very difficult to make a fair comparison.

      Both Messi and Ronaldo are amazing players, and it's fairer to compare them when they were playing in Spain. Yet once they went their own ways, joining Juventus/Manchester United and PSG. It really does end.

    4. KB1862


      @Chris You're right comparisons are fun talking points as there are ways of comparing players but factors must come in to play. 

      As you have compared Scholes, Gerrard and Lampard, it's a fair comparison that you've laid out as there's context and thought behind it. But when people use the whole "Gerrard never won the Premier League" as a way of ruling him out of the debate is where the comparison becomes void because you can't base a players career and ability on team performances. As the saying goes "1 players doesn't make a team but he can make a difference" and that's what Gerrard did. Had it not been for Gerrard, Liverpool wouldn't have achieved what they did. Especially in 2005 against AC Milan. He single handedly dragged Liverpool back from 3-0 down and got them that UCL. 

      Then, if they decide to go down the route of team performances, take Lampard and Scholes out of their clubs that they had success with and trophies they won would Chelsea and Man United have still gone on to win those things? Quite possibly cause they both had great players. 

      5 hours ago, Chris said:

      the reason why Lampard and Gerrerd didn't work well with England mostly comes down to the formation and tactics.

      100% agree with this many pundits like Gary Lineker also mention this when talking Sven. Plus add in the fact that England at that time was divided with the club rivalry that was going on behind closed doors which didn't help matters. Sven never found a way to get Lampard, Scholes, Gerrard and Beckham working as a super midfield that on paper it should have been. 

      5 hours ago, Chris said:

      Both Messi and Ronaldo are amazing players, and it's fairer to compare them when they were playing in Spain. Yet once they went their own ways, joining Juventus/Manchester United and PSG. It really does end.

      This is another comparison that is subjective to factors. It's a great debate and can go either way but when things get thrown in about Ronaldo at the age of 21 compared to Messi at the age of 21 is incomparable as Messi was at Barca with the likes of Xavi, Iniesta, Ronaldinho etc. While Ronaldo was coming from Sporting to trying to make it in the Premier League with Man United. There's a big difference. But as you said when they were in La Liga the comparison becomes a level playing field then up for debate. 

      I do get the whole point of comparisons to add to the team but when it comes to transferring players, there's more of an assessment in the comparisons as they compare playing styles for how they'd fit in the team as you said. 

      There's ways of comparing players and then there's comparisons that need to have factors taken in to account. 

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