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  1. I've been hearing a lot of commenting regarding the ladies team, it seems the media are now picking up on it and it seems to have been overlooked (unless I have). :angel:

    Notts have done a deal with Arnold Town supposedly, which allows us to train their. It means that our players don't have to travel to high-fields and then back to Meadow Lane to have a shower. It's also rumoured that this will give the NCLFC (Notts Ladies) a new home. Now, I'm not against the move because it leaves less playing time on the actual pitch at Meadow Lane, so this can only be a good thing for the men's team.

    However, I've honestly been impressed with the Notts Ladies. It's also good to see a core of our fans making Meadow Lane their home, I am not sure this type of support will follow the Notts Ladies to Arnold's ground and this perhaps would be a bad thing for the ladies.

    It's important that the ladies have the crowd behind them, I can actually see it paying off and working out to be quite the advantage to play their home games at Meadow Lane. So, would this move be a good thing or bad thing? I naturally would prefer the rugby team to move, yet they've still go a considerable length on their terms.

    I have to say I'd be down about it, I don't think I would be as excited to go to Arnold.

    You? C'mon, let's discuss this and keep it going.

  2. Interesting article in the red rag today. Just confirms what most of us knew already though.



    IT WAS a brisk November morning and Shaun Derry had begun his first day as Notts County manager by impressing upon his players the standards he required on and off the pitch.

    It was, he said, a fresh start for everybody as he attempted to reinvigorate a squad rock bottom of League One and destined for relegation.

    But, in what was symptomatic of a dressing room which had grown out of control, assistant manager Greg Abbott reveals some players did not want to save themselves.

    "On Shaun's first day two players were late, one of whom was an hour," he says.

    "That gives you a picture of how bad it was.

    "Some players felt they could turn up when they wanted and do what they wanted.

    "But it didn't stop there. In the first home game against Wolves, one player walked in 15 minutes after the team talk.

    "Shaun actually thought he had been in the medical room to get treatment, but he was late and you just can't have that at any football club, be it at the top level or the bottom.

    "The training was lethargic and lacked tempo, which is something I noticed straight away. We tried to make it enjoyable and intense but to also have an honesty about it.

    "Every day I turned up with a session and every minute was planned and structured.

    "All I asked the players to do was to give their all for one hour and 15 minutes.

    "Frankly, some of them could not even do that.

    "Nothing was out of the ordinary. We certainly didn't ask the players to run up hills after the end of training.

    "We never even asked them to come in on a Sunday.

    "After losing 6-0 at Rotherham, for example, we could have had them in the next day, but we stayed in the dressing room and talked it through.

    "Sunday is a cheap punishment, it's actions on a Monday which count.

    "But all of those things were going on and there was a general complacency throughout the football side of the club.

    "Married up to that, you had the fans, who were probably finding it dull to watch because of the lack of energy and enthusiasm. There was no reason for them to come and watch their beloved Notts County."

    The problems that were affecting the dressing room were manifesting themselves in the results and, more importantly, performances.

    Managers can accept defeat if players have drained their reservoir of energy levels, but not if they are producing football's equivalent of being laid on a sun lounger.

    The only way in which Derry and Abbott could stamp their authority was to get tough, and by the end of the season those who did not want to shape-up were shipped out.

    Among the casualties who either lost their place in the team or were released were strikers Yoann Arquinn, Enoch Showunmi and midfielder Joss Labadie.

    "In the first few weeks of being at the club, there were a hell of a lot of things which needed addressing," continues Abbott.

    "Some needed sorting quickly, others we knew we could correct over time.

    "But the morale in the dressing room was an immediate concern, especially the behaviour and the mindset of the players in terms of what was acceptable and what wasn't.

    "You have to remember, the first thing any fan sees is the results and, let's be frank, they were not good enough.

    "There must be a reason for that, and for the amount of money invested in the playing squad, there was something drastically wrong.

    "The manager went and addressed that. He laid it on the line. He wanted everybody to respect the club, respect the badge and everybody had to give everything they had.

    "The ones who couldn't do that didn't finish the journey.

    "He could not have been more honest and that's what stands out for Shaun and myself, an honesty about our work and what we want from others.

    "You have to upset a few people and eventually the dressing room began to think, 'what's going on here'.

    "Before you know it we got improved energy levels and determination."

    It is remarkable to think that a team which was bottom of the league in November and had won three games all season then went on to complete the greatest of escapes.

    Derry and Abbott's work behind the scenes, in what became a mass weeding exercise, galvanised the players and, more importantly, the football club.

    A stunning run towards the end of the season, which saw them record six wins out of their last nine games, meant they only needed a point from the final day against Oldham to survive.

    They did just that by recording a 1-1 draw and the momentous scenes which followed at the final whistle wiped out the misery caused by heavy defeats to the likes of Rotherham and Walsall.

    Now, with a clean slate and a new season on the horizon, Abbott is determined to repay the fans who had united in the face of crisis.

    "The fans are so important, and that's why I'm doing this interview when it's summer and I should be on holiday, because I am passionate about them and what we do," he says.

    "They deserve it because the two lowest points for me were the 6-0 defeat at Rotherham and the 5-1 loss at home to Walsall.

    "The support we got was fantastic. For the fans to give us that, and given the way that I was brought up, they need payback.

    "And that payback is total honesty, total determination and desire to make this a good club for them to watch.

    "They have said, 'we will look after Shaun and Greg', although there have been people who have said these two are not right. But any people who were given the job at Notts County, someone would have maintained they were the wrong choice.

    "What you've got to try to do is convince people by the way you work and the manner of your personality, and, more importantly, results.

    "If people can see you are giving everything you have got and believe in you, then you have a fighting chance with the supporters.

    "They will get behind you and stay with you. If you show them honesty in every single department of your business, they will support you, and they certainly gave us that last season."

    Read more: http://www.nottinghampost.com/morale-seemingly-hope-Shaun-Derry-Greg-Abbott/story-21272576-detail/story.html#ixzz35Io36kOb
    Read more at http://www.nottinghampost.com/morale-seemingly-hope-Shaun-Derry-Greg-Abbott/story-21272576-detail/story.html#CzieuCmVmhc50bO8.99

  3. It's our star striker and my sparring partner's birthday today,so happy birthday @tonyhateley you old windbag,I hope you have an enjoyable day. :thumbsup:

  4. Radio Nottingham are reporting that Sheehan has turned down a one year contract and will be leaving the club,

    That's Campbell Ryce, Liddle and now Sheehan three of last seasons most consistent players have now left, apparently they were all offered a one year contract.

    Quite frankly I am very disappointed that we haven't done more to keep these players, I would have expected them to leave if we had been relegated but surely they could have been offered longer contracts?

    What does everyone think?

  5. Well at least you haven't got a tough one eh Pies?

    We can talk, we've got Derby Away, both games should be interesting!!!

  6. http://www.capitalonecup.co.uk/news/article/capital-one-cup-round-1-draw-1645972.aspx


    Heres the draw for the Capital One cup -Matches to be played week commencing 11th August.


    Tough match for Pies ,banana skin for Rams!

  7. Back in Hospital for another operation on Thursday, see you when I'm fit.

  8. And that's Managers not shaking hands after games, can't recall seeing any doing this. Have you??

  9. Liddle has just said on twitter he won't be renewing his contract, I reckon that he's going to be the biggest loss of all the players that have gone/ on their way out this summer.

  10. RIP.

    What a sad loss to a generation. Such a young age to die as well. 

    Created havoc on the comedy scene for many years and made a lot of people laugh. Even if his taste of chaotic humour wasn't your style, he still managed to impress the masses with his more serious attempts at acting and heavy black comedy.



  11. Can anyone get Notts TV, I tried retuning my BT Vision box and couldn't get it, so I retuned the TV itself which has built in freeview and I still can't get it. We don't get East Midlands TV on the main channels either I think our aerial must be pointed at a west midlands transmitter.


    So has anyone seen it, what's it like, is it worth going to the expense of having our aerial turned round?

  12. So here goes


    To hangmen were have a race to see who could hang the most criminals....someone asked which one is winning.....reply was..... It's neck and neck.

    come on at least it's clean


    An inspector was going round a lunatic asylum, and saw a man dangling from a light bulb socket, and a man underneath chopping sticks...whats he dangling there for he asks the nurse....nurse says....he thinks he is a light bulb...cant you take him down...nurse says....what and let the man chop sticks in the dark.


    A day trip trip from the lunatic asylum and they stopped off at the pub for a drink on the way back. The driver says to landlord...they are not violent and will not cause any trouble, but they will give you anything that's round to pay for their drinks, if you make a note of how much the bill is, and I will settle it before we leave...ok said the landlord. they were there for an hour, and the driver said...have they been ok....yes says landlord, no trouble at all and please call again, but they gave me buttons, washers, as you said. Right said the driver...how much do I owe you...120.00 said the landlord...driver...have you got change for a dustbin lid



  13. Watching the women's cup final, we must have had a bad day cause Everton are dire, not a shot on goal as yet with 20 minutes to go. I'm sure we would have given Arsenal a tougher game.

  14. Sounds like a done deal by all accounts.


    Young LB from Wolves, originally from Nottm. 


    First team replacement for Sheenan or is he too young for first team yet and is here as back-up?




  15. Just had a email confirming Haydn Mullins had signed for a year at the Lane.

    Good signing imo. Experienced and.calming and looked good with HH at the back.

  16. 19th July,  Meadow Lane.


    Can't wait to see/hear this.


    Shheeeeeppppp Sheeeeppp Sheeeeppp Sha**ers :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  17. Hi Guys and Gals,


    A rumour I have heard from a couple of people up here in Cumbria, suggests that GA is using his influence to bring Liam Noble to Notts.


    I have nothing concrete, just passing on what I have heard... Noble is currently a free agent.



  18. Firstly I'd like to thank all the community members who kindly voted, your votes greatly help and we reached 24! So, that's 1 away from the previous record. Great stuff! :thumbsup:

    It's the time of the month I really enjoyed and although I haven't done much today (wow it's been busy). I like seeing the community come together and acknowledge each others contributions! Each one really does make a difference but combined with dedication, determination and many fantastic posts - Well it makes a community a 'home'.

    @Canadian - Our previous Bronze, Silver and Gold medalist (how do you cope with them all?) nominated the six candidates. I'd like to thank him for doing so - Cheers!

    Here we go folks.....

    @Dripsey3 - Our very own Irish star! What great contributions you make, not only to the NCFC related topics but also your general football knowledge. On a personal level, I enjoy seeing your posts about European and International football but this month I have noticed you diving into many of the area here. Please do keep it up and thank you!


    @4everapie - Here's a man on a mission, topic starter and general debater. It's great to see you joining in and mixing things up! Your topics help us on the slow days and when you post to other discussions, it greatly helps with lifting 'em off the ground. Plus your humour goes far, even if we do hand you your coat! :ahappy::rolleyes:



    @super_pie - Our youngest poster, a very well done to you! Not all will realize how much this helper does, however he puts a lot of effort into his blogs and his contributions. There is one thing the majority will see, how much PoN and NCFC means to you and it makes me very proud.


    Please take the time to spread the community spirit and congratulate all 3 members. YOU PIES!

  19. Happy birthday @Dan,I hope you have a great day. :thumbsup: Did you get a card from you know who?

  20. It's been a long time since I've had any interest in the sport, they don't really promote good fights these days and generally the heavyweight division and sport itself is on a decline in my opinion - Yet this is one fight I always keep an eye out on.

    I have to say I really, really dislike Groves.

    He reminds of a child who used to get picked on, learned to fight and now thinks he's invisible. Froch clearly is someone Groves dislikes, he managed to get into Froch's head in the first fight and Froch came across as quite childish but I suspect this was due to Groves. This time around things are different, Groves looks to be the child and he cannot even comment clearly without making him seem like he wants to jump straight into the fight.

    Interestingly is a point during a interview together, Groves was making comments about being better than Froch in the first fight. Froch replied admitting he was extremely poor and that Groves lost to the worst Carl Froch. How's that for making the fight more interesting? Did anyone watch the interview?

    I hope Froch wins earlier on in the fight.

  21. It's been quiet around here, although it's nice to see things ticking away. I haven't had the time to put in the level of work I would like but as our community is growing, it's fantastic to see new people getting involved and members contributing to our future. So, once again I would like to thank everyone for the effort and time that you put into Pride of Nottingham.

    You're all very much appreciated.

    @super_pie and myself have been discussing this the past week, we decided that voting perhaps wasn't the best time and I asked Super Pie to nominate his own Bronze, Silver and Gold Member of the Month.

    After a couple of days, we narrowed his shortlist down and finally I am able to post the Member of the Month thread.

    @lewisncfc - It's good to see you getting involved and joining in, you're standing out and Supers noticed your effort (as I have myself). We need members such as yourself to share your views open and it's good that you're not put off from sharing your reasonable opinions, especially in the productive manner you do so. Well Done!


    @Pies4u - One of the first names mentioned by Super, I think you have a fan. It's good to have someone such as yourself, you're not afraid to disagree but you add knowledge to your posts which I find to be very interesting. I know Super tends to laugh or giggle at some of your comments on previous/ex players of ours. You're deserving of the Silver, no doubt! Kudos :)



    @hissingdwarf - Here again I see! Detention for you if you don't keep it up. Super Pie and myself will make sure @GrannyPie gets you with those sticks of hers if you don't. Over this past month you have easily stood out and I am glad that a little fella was sure to add you to his list. Congratulations on being named Pride of Nottingham's Gold Member of the Month! How will you cope with the fame? ;)


    Please take the time to spread the community spirit and congratulate all 3 members. YOU PIES!

  22. For the Mansfield game. Should be a decent away attendance.

  23. Did anyone see Question Time on BBC 1 last night? For those that don't know it's a question and answer session where prominent politicians of different parties answer questions from the audience. I caught one little portion and Joey Barton was on (God know's why???) anyway, he made a right twit of himself when he said to the UKIP representative that her party was like the best of 4 ugly women. He said


    ‘All you represent to me as Ukip is the best of a bad bunch. If I’m somewhere and there are four really ugly girls and I’m thinking she is not the worst, that is all you represent to us.’

    The audience let out an audible gasp. I know what he was trying to say and (without wanting to start a political debate) I agree with what he meant to say but I do think he could have chosen better words. It has caused a bit of a storm.
    The women Ukip MEP his remarks were aimed at was quick to respond with this:

    ‘What an offensive thing to say. The ignorance that you spout it illustrates that footballers’ brains are in their feet.’


    I have to say in the case of Joey Barton, I totally agree with her.



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